Progress Pond

Just Say, "YES"! – A SG Slapdown

It’s time to address this problem.

Time and time again, I see Democratic leaders and spokespeople continue to fall into the trap set by the corporate media.


Here’s the set-up:

The pundit or reporter singles out one particular heavy-hitting point (that is not accepting in the corporate media) that a protestor or war critic has made — even if it’s a valid one — and then asks the Democrat if this is something they support. It is done frequently on the American news shows.

It is a technique that squeezes the nuance out of the argument and pressures the interviewee to take a stand.

Almost every time, the Democrat (I guess, knowing that it is a setup)flounders to try to not to answer the question. They humm and haw and try to explain to the reporter that it’s not as simple as that.


The reporter ain’t listening. You have fallen for their trap.

It is a technique that inevitably makes the Democrat look sneaky and coy. “Oh, there he goes again!” the gullible viewer is inclined to conclude. “Can’t he just answer the question?!”

Guess what?

Cindy Sheehan showed how to diffuse this technique with MSNBC this week. And she puts the Democrats to shame….

The following Flash video presentation will show you how this propaganda technique was used recently on Fox News and how the Dems flailed. Now, don’t get me wrong. I agree with everything the Dem spokespeople were saying. The “Blah blah’s” merely represent the ineffective wasted words made by the Dems through the eyes of the Republican / moderate viewer. This is because:

1. They are in a hostile forum.
2. They do not answer the question directly.

Again, my focus is on the methods here — not the content.

Here’s the presentation:

(The link to go to the You Tube page — if you want to rate it there — is HERE.)

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