this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war and other disasters
we honor courage in all its forms
we love and support our troops, just as we love and support the Iraqi people – without exception, or precondition, or judgement.
cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, European Tribune, My Left Wing, and TexasKos.
2 images and a poem below the fold
A young Iraqi man comforts his mother who suffered wounds in crossfire during street fights, Sunday, July 9, 2006, in the Jihad area of western Baghdad, Iraq. Gunmen stopped cars in western Baghdad, grabbing people from the street and separating Sunni Arabs from the rest, killing at least 41 people, police said, in a dramatic escalation of sectarian violence in the country. The attack in the dangerous Jihad neighborhood was apparently in retaliation for the car bombing the night before of a local Shiite mosque.
(AP Photo/Mohammed Hato)
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An injured Iraqi woman whispers to her son as she waits for treatment at Baghdad’s Yarmouk hospital. Ten people were killed in a bomb and mortar attack in a Shiite district of Baghdad as sectarian violence showed no let-up a day after 61 people were killed in apparent tit-for-tat attacks
(AFP/File/Ahmad Al-Rubaye)
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Birds Again
by Jim Harrison
A secret came a week ago though I already
knew it just beyond the bruised lips of consciousness.
The very alive souls of thirty-five hundred dead birds
are harbored in my body. It’s not uncomfortable.
I’m only temporary habitat for these not-quite-
weightless creatures. I offered a wordless invitation
and now they’re roosting within me, recalling
how I had watched them at night
in fall and spring passing across earth moons,
little clouds of black confetti, chattering and singing
on their way north or south. Now in my dreams
I see from the air the rumpled green and beige,
the watery face of earth as if they’re carrying
me rather than me carrying them. Next winter
I’ll release them near the estuary west of Alvarado
and south of Veracruz. I can see them perching
on undiscovered Olmec heads. We’ll say goodbye
and I’ll return my dreams to earth.
– – –
read This is what John Kerry did today, the dKos diary by lawnorder that inspired this series
love and support the Iraqi people
join CIVIC’s “I Care” photo campaign
raed in the middle’s blog
support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
support CARE
support the victims of torture
read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
read Today in Iraq
love and support our troops
read Ilona’s important blog – PTSD Combat
support Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
view the pbs newshour silent honor roll (with thanks to jimstaro at booman.)
take a private moment to light one candle among many (with thanks to TXSharon)
support Veterans for Peace
remember the fallen
support Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – TAPS
support Gold Star Families for Peace
support the fallen
support the troops
support Iraq Veterans Against the War
support Military families Speak Out
support a young heart with an old soul peace takes courage (multimedia)
poetry matters poets against war
support the troops and the Iraqi people
witness every day
While speaking at the YearlyKos 2006 Convention in Los Vegas, former Virginia Governor Mark Warner said (and I paraphrase from memory): “George Bush, incompetent idiot, blah blah blah, went to war in Iraq when the real threat is in Iran.” (my emphasis)
There was a brief pause after his statement, and I regret that I wasn’t brave or quick-witted enough to yell “Bullshit!” into the silence. But the moment passed, Warner picked up his next thread in perfect cadence, and I bit into my box lunch apple.
So now what?
I’m gonna let him know that I think his statement is bullshit, and why. I’m starting here. If anyone knows of other ways, please put them in this thread.
The candle that DianeL first lit many months ago, and which has become such an important part of these diaries since, is still available here.
You can copy that image into your own comment (you can leave it on my server), craft your own image, and/or rate this one – not for mojo, but to leave a small mark after taking this moment – as a sign that you know, but do not approve, and are not resigned.
“It is like trying to ignite – to pass on the responsibilities as much as possible to everyone else.” – Ravi Shankar
New wave of attacks hits Baghdad
…athough if that were my mother, there would not be a whole lot of peace in my heart. Bet on that.
Light A Candle For
Peace, Tolerance, Understanding
and For The Children – Innocence Lost,
And Future We May Have Given Them!
I’ve gone to the Freepers site just once and it was horrid.
I wonder if Rush Limbaugh will note the cheering of a rape? After all he did lie and say liberal sites were cheering the beheadings of our own soldiers.
This is why the planet hates the US. They hate… our hate.
And it reminded me of this diary…
The Washington County Branch of WILPF is starting a campaign of putting the horrors of war in the face of the public. We plan to take out ads in all the papers, sell t-shirts, bumper stickers etc with actual pictures of frightened children and victims of the Iraq War.
We are holding a fund raising event August 5, 7:00pm at Portland State University, Smith Memorial Bldg 327. Michael Tivana, “Unleashing the Dogs of War”, Theme: what are the consequences upon humanity for waging war. Would you please help us by letting your membership know about the event? I am attaching the flyer.
Thanks for all you do