I am blessed or cursed (perspective specific) by an ability, no more than that a need to view things from all sides, or as many sides as I possibly am able to. (A quirk or attribute that often drives friends and acquaintances crazy about me). So most often I usually view and assess things that I might have little agreement with as having some possible value. Doesn’t mean I like them particularly, but that I allow for the views expressed that seem in great opposition to the views I hold. I usually can see what someone is getting at or coming from even though I dislike their choice of presentation or the concept all together.
As human beings, we are pretty interesting. We are so often driven by our emotions and unreasonable expectations of others especially over words, thoughts and deeds that we find offensive personally. And we are such accomplished beings that we are very well able to and most often do, hide the real reasons behind our responses to things from even ourselves. We feel justified and righteous in “our” presentation of “our” view of things. But behind it all is what?
One of the favorite things that humans do and do exceptionally well is hold on to hurts, insults and painful experiences. Why, we can even hold onto them to our very graves, and with a somewhat triumphant feeling of “we showed them.” We are great clutchers of such things. Living our lives with clenched fists!
For a while now it seems plenty of us on blogs have been participating heavily in all manner of confrontation with each other. We like confrontation, although we say we don’t. We like it a lot. First of all it gives us an excuse to blow off steam about all the things in our lives that are less than harmonious. Even though the discussion at hand has nothing to do with those disharmonys of a personal nature, it still is a wonderful excuse, and we don’t hesitate to use it.
The next thing is that loud yelling and attacking responses to each other gets the old blood pumping and makes us feel ALIVE! It is exhilarating! And we get to righteously pump up our egos in the belief that our views and our ways are the right ones. Next, we get noticed and you know that old adage of it not mattering if we get noticed for good behavior or bad behavior as long as we get noticed. Most of us in our daily lives don’t get noticed very often.
The detached view from the stars is this:
Holding on to old hurts, pains and insults, real or imagined, is detrimental only to the person holding on to them. It destroys your spirit and does damage to your soul, let alone the effects it has on your psychological health. Letting go of those things is an act of forgiveness. If you feel the need to do something about those old hurts, etc., then find something positive do do about them and then let them go. You choose to get over it or not. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen or that it didn’t cause great pain, suffering and difficulties in your life. It means that you have grown up, have allowed yourself a bigger and more positive understanding of life. It means you are willing to move on from it and LIVE your life instead of letting life happen to you. You are defined by your NOW not your past. Get out of vitimhood, it really doesn’t serve any of us. Which choose you?
Don’t take anything personally. Nothing here is personal. I don’t care if it is the most vile, contemptuous, name calling, finger pointing, nasty, untrue insult you have ever heard. Don’t take it personally. Consider the source. Consider the possible desperate, illogical reasons that may be motivating the source. Don’t take it personally and don’t take it as having any weight whatsoever in the scheme of things. It doesn’t. It only has the amount of power and weight that YOU give to it.
I speak of these things with some measure of authority, because during my long years here I have been just as engaged in such reactionary behavior as anyone else. I’ve been it, done it, played it, and now have the absolutely worthless T shirt to prove it.
Forgiveness is the answer. Forgiveness of self and others. Follwed closely by the law of Allowance. Allow others to be who it is that they are, regardless of how much you may dislike them or hold them in disgust. Forgive yourself first and foremost for all the real and imagined actions, reactions, and less than loving deeds you have offered forth. You are worthy of forgiveness and you are forgiven by all. You are probably the last one to forgive you. Forgive everyone else, past, present, future of their less than loving deeds and actions. That does not mean you are in agreement with them. That does not mean you condone their ways. That means that you allow that is just who they are and how far or how little they have progressed through this lifetime. One reasoned response is enough to state your case. After that, you are in it for some purpose other than discussion.
For those of you that have thoughts or concerns or ideas to the contrary, I am not speaking of anything here in a religious frame. This is not the religious or dogmatic version of forgiveness. It is the mental health version of it. This is the common sense version of it.
Forgive and Allow
Some of you here are very good at this. It is hoped that more will follow your example. Anyone that wishes to live a more empowered and meaningful life can learn. It is a choice.
The object, in my view, of these discussion places is to read and discuss. Not to agree with everyone else and not to hurl insults or hurtful invectives at each other. But we really have to ALLOW others to disagree with us. Beyond a certain reasoned point continually attempting to change their minds is probably the most senseless waste of time there is. JMO
I love you all and I wish for more love and allowing in each of your lives.
Love? You’re a dangerous reactionary, Shirl! π
YES I AM! There is nothing more dangerous than someone who is willing to LOVE everyone. Mark my words!
I meant to add to my little rambling prose: If you are alergic to Shrimp or Strawberries, it would be best if you don’t eat them.
Thanks boran2. . and You know I love you!
Hugs Shirl
Shirl, well written my dear, very nice job and yes I did read it all, every word…
The stars must be in perfect alignment! You read every word of it AND you are in agreement with me???? Holy cow! I am marking the date on my calendar.
You know I am just teasing, Diane.
Love ya and many hugs
Yep, you are right lady, and well you should mark it on a calendar.
If I ever felt like writing a diary I would do one on “how much we really read of any given diary.” I know that I cannot read all of most diaries especially the really long ones.
Thank you for this diary!! Your words expressed what I have been feeling as well over the past few weeks, but you were able to express it in such a calm and straight forward manner.
Thanks for the insight and advice as well!
Thank you viera. . .next time it’s your turn.
Hugs and loves,
Attempting to change their minds is probably the most senseless waste of time there is.
I’m almost with you but not quite. I don’t believe wanting to change minds is worthless and I don’t agree that one attempt to state a position is necessarily sufficient. Ideas can take a good bit of work before they are fully grown.
That’s how I see discussions working — as a way to plant an idea in someone else’s brain and then to try to nuture it along. This is the main reason we have discussions — to affect the thinking of others. And while we are doing this with other folks, they are trying to the same with us. I consider this a very good thing.
The problem comes with the unwillingness of people to give up when they can see that, despite their efforts, their seed isn’t going to “take”. It’s important to try and it’s important to know when to stop trying. So I guess I would rephrase your coda as refusing to accept that some people won’t change their minds is probably the most senseless waste of time there is.
I’ve come pretty close with changing your mind about pastel drinkies π
I am not done however, I will try and try to like beer. ACK. But I do know that I can pick out the good stuff for loved ones simply by quietly observing you.
Heck that’s partly why I am here. To lear,
as well as to live, love and laugh.
But lately my heart breaks as so many I love, respect and learn from are upset with each other.
There is so much to do on so many ends… Forehead to brick.
What are these pastel drinkies, and where can one find them ?
I think this is sometimes called a Calypso
my own recipe so “watch out”
Put some ice in a 16 oz cup.
Put about 2 shots of Peach Schnapps in
Put about 2-3 shots of Spiced/Flavored Rum… passion/mango is Guuuud!
A dash or two of Grenadine
Squeeze a Lime Wedgie in there
Then top it off with orange juice
Eye poke, Optional
Smithsonian fossils and gemstones, Optional
Hockey Puck… A MUST
Warning: There is no exact recipe to this.. have fun and behold these are SWEET and liable to knock you on your FEET.
Oooooooooooooooooh !
Sounds yummy. Thank you !
Trust me — that pastel drink seed has dried up and blown away. π
Brick walls are meant to be scaled or gone around, not gone through — save you forehead for wrinkling while in deep thought (about pastel drinks, your lovely kids, dirty doing, and saving the world).
Ive decided that when confronted with a brick wall… I will either march around it or use it as a base for a community mural π
Cheer up, Damnit! It is just an energy dust up that will pass.
Where it matters, everyone is really okay.
Love and hugs to you,
as one who often tries to plant alternative/subversive “seeds”,” the reminder to sow ’em, water ’em, move on & see what pops up that might be worth nurturing is an excelelent one. One I’d oftten do well to remember myself.
Noticed yo rec’d Ann Jones’ book in the sidebar — I heard an interview with her once & thought the book sounded great — open-eyed compassion.
The book is very open-eyed, beautifully compassionate and heartfelt, well-written, and sometimes almost unbearably sad.
I’m knee-deep in Fisk’s Great War — all the above minus the “almost.”
I’m with you on this part Andi. Using hateful words and antagonistic speech will not help one’s cause either. BooMan and Boston Joe are both very good at this, among a host of others. They make their points without becoming confrontational, at least imnsho.
At any rate, Shirl, lovely diary and like a breath of fresh air after what I was just reading!! Hugs to you!
Loves and hugs to you too.
Hows that beautiful daughter of yours?
Thanks for asking, Shirl…she is doing as well as can be expected while her hormones and natural emotional development are flying all over the place. :>)
Can’t say that I disagree with you at all!
Loves and hugs,
It’s really hard for me to do much changing minds here as this stuff is all about words and words fail me all too often.
However I know that many can do some incredible mental ju jitsu and they do change minds.
Me, I change some minds by trying to walk my talk. Boran2 would be pleased as pink punch if he knew what I did “to” a friend a few weeks back who swore there was no difference between organic/co-op food and stuff he got at fred meyers.
I made him and his family a manicotti meal, with Ambrosia melon and fresh bread. He was able to taste, smell and FEEL the difference. He now shops for, at least for starters, fruits and bread at the store I shop.
It’s not changing the world or ending wars… but it’s sharing… which is the long haul…does indeed change the course of stars.
You are doing more to change the world than you might expect, Mz Damnit.
Heard you had a great time camping with the Cats.
Loves and hugs and stuff,
Well said as usual shirl.
Hey Spidey! So glad to see you here and loved the pics of you and others at the meetup.
Carry on. . .in all possible ways you can take that!
Hugs and loves
Shirl: Thoughtful, timely and spot-on (as you most often are). I’m sure though that you meant to forgive and allow…except for THOSE people. ;-]
Yep, exactly right. . .we always have to look out for “them” and “those people.” Just saying. . . .
Thanks for the grins!
Hugs and loves
… to visit w/ us Shirl!
There is no visit more special than one that includes a glimpse of you, olivia~the flower girl. I always feel so good after running into one of your virtual hugs. Thanks.
Love ya
Thanks, Shirl…good words, every one. For me, “forgiveness” is not a word I have been able to reclaim from the damaging fundamentalist frame in which I learned it, so I have to sustitute the phrsse, “letting go” in it’s place. Letting go of whatever I cannot change, because hanging onto it doesn;t serve me or anyone around me, and indeed can cause harm.
Sometime, it’s very hard, and feel more like I have to “tear myself away” from the urge to keep picking at the scab. sort of. Break into the cycle of obsession these things can set up sometimes: like take some physcial action, change of position or scenery..something…that can turn down the emotional rheostat and let me get back into some balanced frame of mine.
But I love the word “allowing”. Letting others simply “be” wherever they are, because we all are exactly where we need to be to learn whatever is up to be learned next, if we want it. That’s how I tend to believe, anyway. I can operate this way much of the time now, but alas, full time “buddah-hood” is still a ways down my road, I fear!!
Thank you dear Scribe.
I understand about the use of the word forgiveness, and it is not usually a word I like to use much myself. Yes, letting go does it quite well.
Allow, is really quite a wonderful way of expressing it and I prefer that concept over many others.
Now I must say I’ve buzzed past “buddah’s-Hood” a time or two and there is no doubt it will be a good long time before I’m able to enter there as well. I just sort of keep trying to do the best I can and mend the fences I break as I go along. It is the way of things, isn’t it.
Love ya, and hugs,
And I forgive myself for being fragile and I love myself for having so much personally on the line right now. I love that no matter what anybody thinks about Americans my husband if redeployed to Iraq may lose his life attempting to prevent anybody else from dying on the day he does…….I love that that is his goal and he knows right now that his fellow soldiers have never needed a steady hand and a steady voice more than they do today, and it is something worth losing the love of my life over because it is all we have and all that we really are……..this higher self which has been granted to us and that we can demonstrate to others and make their own free by doing so. We will all die one day, that much is certain…….the only thing that we really have is how we live and the choices that we make of those that we are granted to make. It is hard right now having so much hatred hurled around and to feel so alone and know that in my heart of hearts we are doing all that we can and we are making real sacrifices…..really hard sacrifices because corrupt evil men have set the cogs in motion and nothing simple will stop their advance! Everybody is called to do certain things in their lives though and nobody knows what is going to be handed to them in spite of all the planning we may think we can do. I know my husband and I know other American soldiers and I have seen not just the worst that a human being can be, but I have seen the selfless and the highest self that a human being can be too. Nobody here has been tested more than our soldiers and their families……and nobody has had so much potential to fail miserably or be unrecognized for greatness! It is one thing to stand back and judge and it is another thing to put one’s life in harms way doing what ever little can be done to prevent any more evil from occurring that day. I can do this Shirl……and can reach this deep…….I will have myself one hell of a good cry from hell and I will move on because I hear you and I know that you do really care and understand and I am not alone! And that is enough and I can do this!
Tracy love, what beautiful, wise and thoughtful words. Thank you for expressing them here.
I have no doubts whatsoever that you can and will do this. I admire your dedication, your strength and your continual willingness to understand. We all need a really good cry sometimes and if I were physically there I would put my arms around you and offer up my big old shoulder for just such a thing. I know you would do the same for me. You are not alone, ever. I really do care and I really do understand and bless you for knowing that.
But there is that magic thing, you know. . .just close your eyes, take a deep breath and there I am. Cry, laugh, rant, rave, smile and go forward one more time. We will do it together.
Love you Tracy
Big Hugs
I love that no matter what anybody thinks about Americans my husband if redeployed to Iraq may lose his life attempting to prevent anybody else from dying on the day he does…
Wow Tracy, I guess I knew this – but that is some serious shit. Please remind us that this is what you are living with as often as you need to.
with you Nancy has really stunk, because I have always felt so close to you. Feeling disconnected has really sucked. When atrocities were happening in Iraq and not being addressed my husband said that he would go to jail before returning there. He would not go because we knew things were happening and not being addressed. Now that those things are being addressed, if he is redeployed to Iraq in October he will be going. He has been to a treatment facility for his trauma that he experienced on his first tour and he doesn’t feel like his fellow soldiers have ever needed him more than they do now and people will be held accountable now. He was grounded last year from flying because of the medication he was taking to sleep but he has now been cleared to fly and is sleeping fairly well without it. I just melted into tears in his arms a few moments ago and he pledges that he has no plans of dying in Iraq and he refuses to die there…….but did any of them have such plans?
I share a few tears with you over this Tracy. And I don’t want to push any farther than I should, but I have felt over the last few days that there was some wound deep inside you that was in tremendous pain. And that sentence lept out at me in your comment. I think we all want to undertand that tension you live with, but I’m afraid we don’t/can’t always do it. Sometimes we need you to remind us that its there. We will all share it with you!!!
This may be the wrong time to say this, but I’m hoping not. As I’ve been reading all of your comments on various threads I’ve been wondering if you and your husband are facing an especially agonizing time. More so than usual. Sounds like you are. I think it must be very very hard to hear certain kinds of criticism of our military or country when your own husband is facing going back to Iraq and when you love him and know in your heart that he’s a good man who only wants to do right things. The impression I get is that he desperately hopes to do what he can to try to make a hideous situation better in any way that he can. People like me can talk about history in a cool and detached way, because we’re not about to be shipped off to make some of it. I guess I just want to say, I have not agreed with a lot that you’ve said, and I’ve really felt at odds with the way you’ve said it, but I also just really feel for you and your family. I wish you the best, I wish him home safe.
I’ve ached for you all day as I watched you fight so hard to keep this, your safe place, safe. I wish I was good at healing words but I’m not. So have that good cry from hell. And know that you are not alone.
I did lose that today……I have lost many things though in this life and I was always meant to lose them when I did. There have always been reasons larger than me for it happening.
But you’ll never lose what’s in your heart, Tracy — and from my vantage point, yours is a remarkably big one that holds multitudes. As much as many of us might wish, we can’t keep you safe but we can and do keep you in our own hearts.
Urgh. Not much more to say. I’ve been largely staying away from the stress threads. I’m from a military family too, though mostly retired military at this point and out of direct harm’s and so not nearly as stressful as what you’re going through. I really feel for you. So just hugs, lots of hugs.
I used to also, but I guess it was my time or my turn or something.
Or, y’know, something so blatantly offensive to everything that you’ve been fighting for that you couldn’t help but respond.
I have sworn to them.
The 4 agreements! How perfect! They are such an excellent guide to living this life.
Thanks for reminding me and others.
Yes, trying to keep the Four Agreements has been very helpful in many ways. I had to break some deeply ingrained habits of making assumptions and taking things personally. However, I have also had to add disclaimers to both of those agreements.
As far as making assumptions, we have to make assumptions or else we wouldn’t even be able to get out of bed in the morning. So my disclaimer is that I examine my assumptions to see whether they are fair or not.
As far as taking this personally, that means I don’t take things personally, but for safety’s sake I do try to be aware whether or not they are meant personally…