Part of this is from a comment made earlier today, but the replies to it, as well as reflecting on other messages I have read in the last few days, inspired me to make it into a “diary:”
The US is currently engaged in what it refers to as a “war” against any person or entity who disagrees with its policies, which include a number of things that many people, especially non-Americans consider non-negotiable items on the wrong side of their moral values chart, such as invasion, occupation, torture, kidnapping, murder, etc. etc. etc.
The US has reasons for its positions, namely imperialism and greed, dressed, trimmed and “framed” in various ways. The same people who disagree with the policies and the implementation are likely to also disagree with the reasons, and since the elements of the implementation are on that wrong side of the moral values chart of Those Opposed, or the Enemy, anyway, the likelihood that even the most carefully crafted explanation of the reasons for the US position will find favor with the Enemy is small.
So any non-American, or any American who is pro-Reform, pro-modernization, pro-advancement, is, with all due respect, not doing our best thinking if we imagine that we can go onto a US forum, express our opinions, and not make people angry, not be seen as the Enemy, and quite rightly so, even Mr. Danger himself has decreed this.
I think it is particularly painful for pro-Reform Americans to face the fact that they are the Enemy to most of their own countrymen, regardless of which political organization or politician either or both may consider themselves affliliated with, admirers of, etc. And for some of those pro-Reform Americans, this painful experience comes close on the heels of some very painful encounters with reading about history, events, policies, that may have occurred relatively recently in their lives, and may have had some differences from what they had been taught in school, or just always assumed, etc.
The result of all that can easily form itself into a head on collision of a sense of political entitlement and political reality.
And while I’m sure that some could point to examples of all that happening here, it would not be fair to characterize the phenomenon as unique to here, or unique even to internet forums.
I recall reading the horror in the message of an individual of color, who due to a combination of factors, had managed to reach post-University age without ever having had a lot of the experience that most people of color in the US could count on having had on several occasions well before puberty, on the occasion of the first time he did have such an experience, such experiences being, sadly, on the rise, let us say, just in time to coincide with his entrance into adulthood.
A confession. My absolutely first gut reaction to his pain was not the compassion and sympathy for him, but for his parents, wondering if they could help knowing, even without his telling them, and how awful for them to have gotten him all through his childhood and adolescence, and maybe be thinking, well if he doesn’t go here, and he doesn’t travel to there, maybe… and then BOOM! And then they are wondering, did we go wrong? Should we have taken him here or there, so he could learn, so he would have the coping skills? Were we living in denial, a bubble of unreality because of our particular combination of factors that we know damn well are not what most folks have? And they cannot even try to comfort him, even if they know of it, through his telling, parents’ intuition, common sense, being there and seeing it happen, or a combination of the above, because he is not a little boy any more, and they cannot take him onto their knees and hug him and tell him that yes, there are people who, but blah blah and kiss his tears and make him feel safe and know he is loved.
So I felt for his parents first, but then I did feel for him, and it is in that same way that I feel for the pro-Reform Americans who have just recently learned that to most of their countrymen, they are just as much the Enemy as I am, and they cannot change that any more than I can, because it is about fundamental values of right and wrong that are not nuanceable, not negotiable, not conditional.
That is not an easy place to be, in fact, it is probably the hardest place that most of those folks have or will ever find themselves in. And it cannot be argued away, or treated like the 800 pound elephant people pretend not to see, or denied, or worked around.
It is just the way things are.
So how can people possibly discuss things on an internet forum in such a situation?
A while back, BooMan made a very good post, suggesting that people remember, “not everybody is as smart as you, as well-informed, as skilled at writing, etc.”
Although wrong about most things, BooMan was right about that. People have different levels of skills in different areas. Some people may be able to express very eloquently that they disagree with your opinion, disagree with your presence, and remind you that you are the Enemy with effortless skill that leaves everyone, even you, impressed with his way with a dangling modifier.
For others, “you are a doo doo head” may be the best they can do, and that is not their fault. That same person may be add long columns of figures in their head, while the guy who was so eloquent can’t even count his socks when he takes them out of the dryer.
None of those factors have anything to do with your Enemyhood. That is what you are.
This is an aspect of what the US calls “war,” an aspect of Imperialism, of indoctrination, of failed statehood, that comes with the territory.
And whether the forum you go to is a US one or not, a “political” one, or not, you will find some of the same phenomena.
Even though you might not be the Enemy on that other forum, there will still be people who disagree with you, and there will be people who are able to express that with varying levels of skill and talent.
And because the internet is a public place, no matter where you go, there will be people who are troubled, people who are participating under auspices other than their own, and people who are so very nice you are eager to get to know them offline and share your personal contact information.
And there is no guarantee that the categories above will not have some overlap, and a “robust” likelihood that they will, because once again, the Internet is a public place, so the precautions one would take in a public place are also prudent on the Internet.
It is not realistic to assume, hope, expect, or demand, that any internet site you visit will be free of people who disagree with you, people who are not fond of reading, people who are troubled, people whose values differ from yours, people who are not as smart as you, people who are smarter than you, or people for whom you are the Enemy.
So here are some guidelines for Happy Enemy Blogging:
- Understand that to some, your point of view is simply inconceivable. It is not that they disagree with it in the conventional sense, they simply cannot conceive of such notions.
- Do not expect that everyone who replies to you will have read what you wrote. Some folks just like reading better than others, reading comes easier to some folks than others, and if you are The Enemy, reading what you wrote might be against their values, or they may be simply responding to your existence as opposed to your words. You are, after all, the Enemy.
- Be compassionate. Don’t continue to respond to people who are clearly troubled, or who do not have the capacity or the desire to understand what you said. There will always be someone you can talk to, even among those who do not agree with you, especially if you –
- Leave the door open. Even though you are the Enemy, the possibility exists that there may be people reading your words who are going through their process. Not because of anything you, or anybody else said, just because the time has come for them to do that, and so they are doing it. If someone responds to you in a civil, thoughtful way, talk to them. No need to try to persuade them of anything. That’s what their own conscience is for.
- Be accessible. Try to put your thoughts into words and references that your audience can relate to. You may be more familiar with a different cultural context, but your readers may not be. Ditto on the vocabulary. Unless the intent of your message is to demonstrate that your vocabulary is extensive and you know lots of obscure words, try to express your thoughts as simply and straightforwardly as possible. Even the most complex, even abstract concepts can be put into simple, everyday words that almost all of your readers will be able to understand.
- Be brief (this is the rule I break most) Brevity is also a gift, and you may not be able to crystallize your thoughts into as few words as someone else. Do the best you can. Yours are not the only words your readers want to read, and they may have limited time.
- Be selective. Don’t feel that you have to read each and every message from each and every poster on several dozen forums. If you are able to do so, and it will not be against your values, read everything that you do respond to.
- Be tolerant. Your interpretation of what someone said may be different from someone else’s. For instance, someone may say “the sky is blue,” and someone else may interpret that to mean “the sky is red.” The conflict between the two of may not have so much to do with facts as with interpretation. Especially if the person who disagrees with you does not believe that sky color is a subject that should be discussed, or that should be discussed by people from or people outside, a particular group, or if the person who made the sky remark is the Enemy. You will have a better chance at a discussion of sky color with that person in a different setting.
- Be prudent. Most of the folks you will meet on internet forums are, like you, simply expressing their opinion because of a personal desire to express it. Others may be “ghost blogging” under other auspices. Neither assume this is the case, or rule out that it could possibly be the case. The internet is a public place. Keep offline contact info offline. Do not post photographs of yourself, your children, or of your home, or your street. Remember that the people whose presence you are aware of are not the only ones who will be able to see what you post. Would you go to the shopping mall or community festival with your address or phone number printed on your t-shirt?
- Enjoy yourself. Think of the young lady who accepted a date with a suitor she did not especially like, to attend a function in which she had no interest, all because of a family friendship. She moped about for a while, then suddenly had an Epiphany. When her somewhat sheepish and apologetic mother came to help her get ready, she was surprised to find the girl in a sprightly, smiling mood, and rather apologetically and sheepishly inquired into the reason for this. “Well,” said the young lady, “I don’t like X, and this function is about the last one I would want to attend. I can’t expect to enjoy either his company or the boring lecture. But I figured something out. I can enjoy MYSELF.”
I think it is particularly painful for pro-Reform Americans to face the fact that they are the Enemy to most of their own countrymen,
No. That is what the right would have us believe. It does not reflect reality, just what the right would have us believe constitutes reality. Belief in the results of this campaign of mass disinformation is one of the things that is holding back those on the left. We must get past this.
Your choice of a quote and response to it neatly summarize the five-year tango that Mrs. K.P. and I have been doing over whether to stay here or emigrate (she basically takes your position).
Of course such things are easier said than done, so in the end there’s been a lot more saying than doing, LOL…
Like I always say, that Mrs.K.P. is a smart lady.
We are far from the enemy. We are the vanguard. Throughout this countries history there have been many times when a vocal and powerful minority have taken the country in a wrong direction or prevented it from moving in a right one. Damn, we fought a civil war to drag half our countrymen into the nineteenth century and fought again with some of them to drag it into the twentieth. Labor organizers fought and died for workers rights, Blacks fought and died for civil rights and the list goes on.
We struggle with our democracy … it’s the nature of the beast. The system is far from perfect and many times terrible, terrible things our done in our name. But we … “pro-reform Americans” are not the enemies of the state, but rather the conscience of the nation. Often our pleas go unheard for years … and right now it feels like we are the White Rose riling against impending fascist doom…but eventually we will be heard, and America will awaken from it’s nightmarish slumber.
I just wish we had a much larger and louder alarm clock … because it’s way past time for these motherfuckin people to wake up.
actions of this particular empire, I believe that very nice things will be said about its Enemies, and at least one historian may use the word “vanguard.”
If not to describe the pre-fall opposition of those few, then certainly to describe their post-fall efforts to effect modernization and advancement.
I saw on the History Channel the other day that only 20% of Americans supported our war for independence. So just because we’re in the minority doesn’t mean we’re not capable of great things.
And re the Republican point of view, most of them sincerely believe that they are right, and everyone else is wrong, meaning, they really think they are “saving” Iraq, helping bring them to Democracy. They are not evil people. They are distressingly IGNORANT people, but not evil. And when they really learn the facts, they do, often, change their point of view. Which is why the few that really ARE evil keep a tight control on the media. Facts pave the way to democratic reform. Can’t have that.
some of our “own”. Liberman, Hillary, for example. And I wish some of our “own” would lose their fear of going out in public with their beliefs. Only by being visable will our ideals, our honor and our integrity shine through.
I suppose the difference of opinion stems from how you define “pro-reform.”
Boran, I agree that most Americans are against the policies of the current administration, but like Ducktape I think that most Americans only want to reform the US government “so-far,” but no futher.
By this I mean that Americans want to be a kinder, gentler patriarchal capitalist superpower. Oh, they won’t put it in those terms, but the result, should the current political left wing previal, would be much the same. The idea of casting our common lot with the common lot of humanity – with all of the loss of power and priviledge that would entail, is not even an option up for consideration.
True reform, as I define it, involves paradigmatic shifts, not just shifting the line of what constitutes acceptable imperialism – which I’m afraid is all I see most people willing to envision.
I’ve been a heretic most of my life – my very existence bespeaks of possibilities outside the dominant paradigm. Being the Enemy is not something I could ever avoid. It’s not a comfortable place to be, but at least it’s no surprise when I find myself so dubbed on yet one more front.
As Arminius, whose gift of brevity I envy, so beautifully crystallized that reality the other day:
Now add to that the fact that there are in fact, several mass disinformation campaigns, and note that the Washington webcam, placed side by side by the photos helpfully posted the other day by XicanoPwr show two very different scenes, and it becomes painfully clear that Those Opposed (to US policies) are, must be, by definition, The Enemy.
The number of people who will be able, in the unlikely event that human life on earth continues for long enough to give them the chance, to truthfully say “we didn’t know” may be even smaller than the number of Americans who are pro-Reform, and the sad reality is that such a number does not, and cannot a Reform Movement make, in the absence of not only a political, but humanitarian will, among the larger population.
alot about political will lately and was reminded of the immigration marches/rallies in March and April (surprise, surprise) and how even the batshit crazy wingers in Congress holding hearing admitted that the marches had an effect on the Senate’s deliberations.
We need to put more political pressure on the legislators to ‘do the right thing’ when it comes to human rights violations. I think that we’re doing what we can around here on a site like this, always room for improvement of course, but it is clear to me that we have alot of work ahead of us.
basic elements would definitely be toward some sort of legislative body that would speak for the people, as opposed to the corporations.
I know that the politicians are extremely popular, and sending them money has, and will continue to provide a great deal of psychological comfort to many people, although at the same time, I know it is not easy for someone like you, who is pro-human rights, to see that money going into the already bulging pockets of rich men when it could do so much in the way of human rights for even more people who are despite being poor, Americans.
The things that some of the folks in your area are doing – themselves – to help their brothers are, in my opinion, a better bet than corporate spokesoaves.
A while back I reposted an old piece with different vignettes, situations that are common in the US today, and asked What the “Democrats” had to offer each.
The underclass is not really a part of the political process at all, and I think this has contributed very heavily to the breakdown in the social fabric, and as you pointed out in another thread, while the corporations – and their rich shareholders and representatives in Washington – are doing very well, that underclass continues to welcome record numbers of new members every day.
I know some will call it a right wing talking point, and it is, but the suggestion that Americans accept some realities about their domestic policies and do, as individuals, what they can for as many as they can would make a terrific left wing ACTING point, just in case a “left” ever becomes present 😉
Perhaps I wasn’t clear. My quibble with the quote from your post is with the word most. Reformers may be the enemy to some but not to most of their countrymen, simply because the anti-reformers do not constitute most. Those individuals are less than half, something the left needs to keep in mind, as I stated above.
very different picture, both in the media, and on the streets.
A couple of my favorite examples to use are:
What if the US announced that exotic dance classes would be henceforth mandatory for girls 12-16?
What if Washington announced that 200 billion tax dollars would be spent on housing, medical care, job training, transportation and other basic survival costs for ever single mother earning less than $50K a year?
There is no doubt in my mind that those who keep XcanoPwr’s photos side by side with their Washington webcam liveshots would see fewer and fewer differences in the two images within a matter of hours.
I know that there are disinformation campaigns, and they are very clever ones, of a quality that Goebbels must be slobbering over, from wherever he may be, and I know that the “average American” may not be the most informed fry in the bag, or be able to find this or that country on a blank map, but he is not stupid, and he is not timid about standing up and sticking up for his beliefs and his values, and the day that Washington does anything that conflicts with those values, and those beliefs is the day that you will see not only a swarm on Washington, but gridlock for a several hundred mile radius, as those “ordinary Americans” let those they perceive to be their leaders know that they are NOT carrying out the will of the people.
… but he is not stupid, and he is not timid about standing up and sticking up for his beliefs and his values,…
Stupid and not timid have nothing to do with it. The average American is lazy and only something that directly upsets his little world will draw him away from his scrutiny of the first photos of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt.
The categories of pro-reform and not-seeing-reformers-as-enemies are not the same thing at all. There is a huge amount of ground between the active pursuit of a goal and the active pursuit of its antithesis. Even if the the vast majority of Americans were not pro-reform, that would not make them pro-the-reformers-are-enemies.
Great advice Ductape, for all of us who want to see a better world. After all, each of us will be the enemy some time, in some place. I wanted to pick one or two favourite points, but they’re all excellent. Okay, maybe #4 and $5 …. and I liked how you brought it all out at the end with a bang. I’m just curious about the acquaintance you describe: don’t tell me you know Colin Powell!
he is probably too old to have had such a novel growing up experience, regardless of any combination of factors. 🙂
And thanks for your kind words!
I’m sorry, “Uncle” Colin?
As in “Uncle Tom”?
What charming racist terminology.
Some variant of point #10 was how I met my wife. She’d agreed reluctantly to go on a date with some guy, with the hope of meeting someone more to her liking at the function they were to attend. She met me.
for young folks everywhere who are putting the finishing touches on a sullen toilette, waiting for the Boring Date to ring the doorbell to take them to the Boring Function!
Pssst – check your email. 🙂
Done. Everything should be in order now.
I thought I was going to have to intervene to prevent a mass air raid between Ductape and Duke. I heard a rumor on faux news that koosh balls were going to be deployed.
These things can usually be settled peacefully. Thankfully no koosh balls were harmed in the process.
I love my koosh ball (in a platonic way). Without it hanging from my key chain their might have been times that I would have had to squeeze something, or someone, else very, very hard.
With exceptionally gooey frosting. Marshmallow, if armament details are desired.
Very yummy image spam.
btw…speaking of cohabitating with “enemies”, when my wife and I first met, she was a Republican and I was, well, what one might call an anarchist. These days she’s a Democrat, and I’m, well, one blog post away from a vacation at Gitmo. 😉
We have our share of disagreements – American exceptionalism being one of them. We simply don’t see eye to eye on that one, and so my “recovery” is one I must do alone.
I’ve had this corrupting influence on her, over the years. Actually we’ve been corrupting influences on each other, and are in the process of corrupting a new generation of Benjamins.
to become your babymama, I suspect she has secretly converted for humanitarian reasons, but will not give you the satisfaction of letting you know about it, for spousal reasons ;=>
You know, you just could have told me all this over email… now I feel all ‘woefully unprofessional’ and all.
I could have emailed myself about brevity, too, but if I had done that, I would still be busy writing the email…
I don’t consider you as being ‘woefully unprofessional,’ on the contrary, I think you are to be commended for accessibility, and resisting what must be a strong urge to express yourself within a Canadian cultural context, yet not once have I seen any Celine Dion lyrics in your posts, nor can I recall a single reference to tundra or plaid.
Of course, it is possible that I just missed it. I confess I do not read every message on every thread in every forum, though I would sincerely like to.
And as far as I know not one mountie or beaver reference either… although I have mentioned maple syrup a couple of times I think… mea culpa, won’t happen again.
No Celine Dion, but how ’bout some Stompin’ Tom Connors…
“Yes, we are the Bleu Berets
We’re marking on our way
With another U.N. Flag to be unfurled
Til the factions are at bay and peace is on its way
We’ll display our blue berets around the world.”
It sort of sounds like you may have as difficult a time as the Bush regime and all those Americans in understanding that disagreeing doesn’t necessarily define an enemy.
I wonder if your title here is meant to suggest that you see yourself as “enemy blogging” right here on this site. I mention this because of a previous remark you made a while back having to do with the idea of “occupying” as opposed to “home” in terms of where one chooses to blog.
Sorry to jump in, but at this moment I am an ‘enemy blogger’ on this site… And I found Ductape’s snark quite amusing.
But I guess it’s that old saying – “it takes one to know one”
How sad for you that “enemy” figures so prominently in your calculus regarding your fellow man.
It doesn’t my dear. I’ve just been called so repeatedly recently, so it’s starting to stick, ya know.
I’ve been regarded as the enemy by the establishment government since the days of LBJ and Nixon, but curiously never adopted their imagery into my lexicon in order to disparage others.
It was sarcasm, this diary. Sorry you can’t laugh with us at the absurdity of it all.
Those that seek to find peace would do well to start by not punching people in the face.
heard ’round the blog.
You can’t reason with fanatics
And it’s just gotten worse from there since “me and my ilk” won’t let you guys have your little hate party. So sorry to have intruded even when not talking to you.
You’re right, merely disagreeing is not necessarily the precursor for hate. But what does raise our individual and tribal hackles, what sends us running or reaching for the spear is that which is unknown, and unknowable. It’s incomprehensibility, complete and utter otherness that frightens people and rallies the troops to stand one and all against the alien threat.
If I engage you on a level of discourse that challanges your assumptions on some supperficial level, you may or may not take it personally. But if I challenge the very core of your personal beliefs, on some level, I threaten your very existence. Humans have proven time and again that we are just as likely, if not more likely, to fear this psychic death than we fear bodily death.
Americans in particular, perhaps because we never had to deal with an invasion on our soil and stare down the barrels of foriegn guns aimed at our civilians, have accepted the belief that what we really fight for is our “ideals.” And our “ideals,” as defined by our actions, are very America centric.
This violent need to subdue the “threat” of The Other is at the heart of “gay bashing,” rape, racism, and every other ugly act of physical or emotional violence that asserts the rightful supperiority of one group over another.
If we can’t staunchly challenge, within America, the one-in-three likelhood of a woman getting raped, how can we be talking about real change in our policies of rapism both at home and abroad?
Personally, I’m not buying anything less than a radical revisioning of the social contract. If there is majority support for that, or even a significant minority support, it has yet to make itself known to me.
Curiously, I’m born and for the most part raised in the US and I’ve never actually believed the idiotic idea that “we” fight for our “ideals”. “We” fight for power and turf and out of greed just like everyone else, (except of course those fighting to defend themselves against the onslaught of others). I never bought into the notion that “America” is somehow more “noble”, and I’ve always been embarrassed at the absurd idea of American exceptionalism. I see the fact that the US has what’scome to be known as “superpower” status as a tragedy, and as a terrible sign that, in a broader perspective, because so many in the world think superpower stautus is something to be valued and coveted and admired rather than something to be ashamed of and repudiated, that this does not bode well for humankinds evolution toward enlightenment and suggests we humans are in for a very bumpy ride going forward.
In any case, All Americans are not as you decribe, and such generalizations simply inhibit progress, in the same way that the demonization of Muslims or Jews or Blacks or Gays or any other group of “Other” has been doing since the dawn of mankind itself.
there are some Americans who do not agree with the policies, but maybe it seems that way to me because it is sort of addressed to them…
I’m an American, although I currently live outside the US.
Yes, we do fight for power, turf and greed, as do most people – but not all people. People (other) do occassional fight against such things.
I’m glad you missed out on, or simply knew better than to buy into, “American the noble.” I had a fairly liberal education, and I got heaps of it.
Ummm. Not sure I agree that those outside the “superpowers” think it’s such a valuable and coveted thing to be one. Sure, they might if they thought they had a chance at joining the club. But, as human nature tends towards self-interest, and most countries don’t have any hope of joining the very exclusive club, most people are not so much envious as resentful. Sometimes being on the “outside” of power is lucky, as it positions you against the abuses that power inherently entails.
This is not about whether non-Americans are “better” people than Americans. Or whether some cultures are better than others. Power corrupts, and the locus of power right now is in America, not exclusively, but predominantly. America has been shaped by both her history and the beliefs that both led to and arose from those events. It is upon my knowledge of such events and the writings that surround them, that I base my “generalizations” of Americans.
Besides, even if I am totally off the mark, the power of definition, and demonization, is not mine. I have no power to make, for example, white heterosexual males culture-wide targets of violence and discrimination.
I, simply, do not have the power. This is a classic example of false equivalents. My “demonization” of the dominant culture has no weight (although in my experience – the backlash against such naming is tremendous). The demonzation by the dominant culture of the despised others gets lots of people dead, or worse.
Anyway, you and I are not on the same page, and that’s my point.
I didn’t see in your comment above where you made any sort of distinction between “Americans” and “the dominant culture”. With this in mind, your implication of some sort of false equivalen[ce] being made is unfounded.
My point, my central point, remains that generalizing against peoples based on nationality, race religion, gender, sexual orientation is a form of discrimination that lumps all wo fit one briad descriptor together as villains. This is what Hitler did, PolPot did, the Roman Catholic church did, southern racists did, and what the US government and pretty much alother governments on the planet doto onedegree or another with varying degrees of support from their populations.
But do we condemn all Danes, or all Poles, because they have right wing racist governments and treat “others” badly? Do we blame all catholics for the fascism perpetrated by the Pope? Do we blame all Jews because Netanyahu is a murderous and twisted psychopath, or blame all Palestinians because there are some Palestinians killing innocent civilians, or all Pashtuns because Karzai is an asshole?
I do not do this; I do not carelessly level blame across an entire group in this way, and this is my main point, and my main complaint regarding this diarist. If instead of “Americans” he was saying Muslims, or Chinese, or Hindus or Episcopalians I would feel the same way.
Americans, at least the vast majority of them, are willing (or at least complacent) participants in the dominant culture. As are most citizens of all Western countries.
This is not to say that non-Western countries are better, only that they are not presently the dictators of the current world order.
I do not “carelessly” lay responsibility where responsibiliy is due. Americans are the only ones who can elect American politicians. American politicians determine far too much of what happens to our world. Danes do not have the power that we have, nor do the Pashtuns. If we Americans, in our sonambulance and satiety, have let corporations take over our government, it is our fault. Oh, I fully believe that our government would be as nearly corrupted by money as it is now even if we had rioted in the streets. But we didn’t. And as long as we don’t, we are culpable.
I suppose I could preface everything I write with all sorts of acknowledgements of “good Americans,” “exceptional men” or “nice white people.” And I’m sure all the the feminist conciousness raising sessions of the 70’s would have cut through all the patriarchal bullshit just as effectively if they talked about all men as individuals, and not as an oppressor class.
Our (the US’s) presence on the world stage is anything but “polite.” We can hardly hold the world’s response to a level that we do not expect of ourselves.
By the way, because I live in Australia, I take responsibily for John Howard’s government as well. Even if I can’t vote here, I can protest, and I don’t – for fear of my ability to stay with my partner if I do. I choose me and mine over what is right – as most people do. It’s an explanation, not a justification. I acknowledge that.
disagreement per se does not constitute being an “enemy.” By that criterion I suspect that DTF & Duke would be considered “enemies”. Name-calling and bullying behavior does, however, as far as I’m concerned.
Embracing it, Celebrating it.
And proudly so. 🙂
What is your motive for presenting it here?
of ascribing one to me, that is bound to be interesting and exciting than any I could truthfully claim.
In your pursuit of brevity, Ductape, I think you dropped a “more” here.
yourself in Victorian novel mode. Pretend I am Louisa May Alcott in drag and it will work.
Does this explain why I could never abide Victorian novels?
…considering, perusing…
No, I don’t think so.
You certainly haven’t lost your talent for sidestepping simple and direct questions, though the cleverness of your sarcasm might be slipping a bit.
I was able to find the answer to your question in his reply . . . but perhaps that’s because I already knew it, as it is to be found both in the diary itself, and in DTF’s acknowledged status (which I, though born an American, share) as one of “the Enemy”.
Perhaps as well I find DTF’s writings easy to understand and agree with because so much of my “political” life has been spent in a growing awareness of and journey away from the “American Exceptionalism” of which DTF so often directly or indirectly writes. But I still backslide in my mind . . . it is so tempting to think America could and should be a “force for good” in the world, and what a shame it is that America instead uses it’s immense wealth and power for . . . anything but . . .
Of course it cannot, and should not so be. To be a “force for good” one first must be good (which America certainly is not) . . . and once there (good, that is) it becomes obvious that “force” is not the way that good is accomplished, or spread, in the world. A bit of a conundrum there . . . American Exceptionalism makes it impossible for America to do good because it makes America not good.
We Americans (and I use that “we” somewhat loosely, since, remember, I am one of “the Enemy”) need to fix ourselves, and our relations with others, before we even think about telling them what to do. In fact if we ever do that we won’t ever need to tell others what to do . . . our shining example will speak for itself (just as our ugly and disgusting example now speaks for us, regardless the good words and blather we use to disguise it).
I agree with you completely that America (the country) is conspicuously not a force for good in the world. That’s a no-brainer. And I have been actively fighting against the American government to one degree or another since I first became politically aware during LBJ’s reign.
My point in all this is simple; lumping all Americans, (or Muslims or Saudis or Chinese or Blacks or Jews or Christians) and blaming them all for the transgressions of some is a form of racism/xenophobia/ ethnic/religious/ nationalism based bigotry.
I find it offensive when world leaders do it, when neighbors do it, and when diarists do it. I am in no way defending the atrocities of the American government nor am I denying that a signficant percentage of the American population has it’s collective head in the sand and often does support the ludicrous fantasies of exceptionalism and force for good. But not all “Americans” are this way, and this diarist consistently, and predictably fails to make this sort of distinction, choosing for whatever reason to tar everyone in amerca with the same broad brush. I’m embarrassed for him actually.
I do not read what you read in DTF’s posts. I do not see “all” in his diaries or comments. But that he is correct about a majority of Americans, including many who post on “progressive” sites, is so obvious that I cannot comprehend why anyone would want to dispute it. Far too many Americans do believe that the US is “the best”, and that everyone in the world wants (or should want) to be like us, and that every other society is merely a failed attempt to be like ours.
It is not, of course, a solely American failing. They feel the way over on the other end of the Axis of Evil, where the “chosen” delight in having “the most moral Army in the world” despite thousands of dead children and 3/4 million refugees plus descendants that they created and for whom they have done nothing at all for nearly 60 years.
Interesting how “exceptionalism” so often goes hand in hand with “entitlement” . . .
…from side to side, while juggling kittens. It’s a neat trick he’s mastered, and it is “mastered” because it goes unremarked by most people.
The Ductape Fatwa Guide to Blogging (abbreviated version):
There’s all sorts of things I could try to dissect here, but quite frankly, given the near-total evasiveness of the diarist and his absolute refusal to engage in an actual debate, it’d be a waste of time.
why doesn’t someone ask him just what direction he wants for America. Just how would the reform he talks about take place? Does he want America brought to its knees and then reformed or does he hope that the democratic process will get rid of the Bush administration and change the direction for the good of America and the world?
I’m a Canadian so I won’t ask the question.
differentiate between:
the Bush administration
65% of the American people who do not support Bush
I disagree vehemently with the Bush administration but I am not an enemy of the USA.
Here’s a quote for today:
“The word “civilized” drew blank stares from baffled Bush administration staffers, who had to run to their dictionaries to see what it meant.” (Bob Herbert’s column in the NYT regarding Gitmo coming under Geneva Conventions.)
Now do those ‘Bush administration staffers’ represent all of the American people? or are they just sychophant political appointees of Bush? a minor minority.
I say that I am.
“Guidelines for Happy Enemy Blogging”
Then why do you post advice for yourself? Just get a voice recorder and record ‘memos to self.’
other poster on the site besides me. I am sorry if you feel such was implied. 🙂
your fan club.
You have gotten me all excited, sybil!
Tell me more. Do they have a website? Are propellor beanies involved?
Dunno about a fan club, but I’m betting you could post a “good morning America” diary and within an hour six people would troll rate you for including them when you obviously didn’t wish them well and hated americans and were a commie pinko terrorist republican plant and etc etc etc… and another dozen would trip all over their fingers claiming that you aren’t American and so have no right to comment on whether it’s a good morning or not in America or for Americans…
The Lost Freeper Expedition has discovered the FrogPond…
with Ductape’s pontifications is a Freeper? You have just dug yourself into the stereotype pit that you describe. Talk about circular. Keep digging.
And at least one or two who would express outrage at the suggestion that it was ever any time other than afternoon in America, citing the speeches of several telegenic politicians as having expressed views that were quite clearly pro-Afternoon Only, and therefore my basic premise is flawed, thus proving according to several geometric theorems that I am a doo doo head and everyone should immediately send money to the politicians previously mentioned.
… If so, how long have you been able to post there?, I’d like to know.
I ask because, having reviewed your list of tips, I do not believe these would see one through very long at
There is one important tip if one would like to post there: do not pose questions or exrpess disagreement which leave them exposed as defending an unsupportable position. In other words, you must always stop short of showing that they are mistaken, misinformed, or deliberately dishonest.
To do otherwise is an unpardonable sin there.
For me, this takes all the “fun” out of debating.
You know, most people who post a three-page GBCW diary leave for a couple of days AT LEAST. They don’t stay and pout loudly in the comments, and then post ANOTHER GBCW diary. You are becoming a caricature of the persona you have been constructing.
Maybe that’s the idea. Have you posted a pro-MBLA diary yet? Or one that advocates killing puppies? Or just pro-FGM?
I wish I could have gotten someone to take my bet that you would huff for less than a week. But for some reason, no one would give me those odds.
So, how about a betting pool for how long until he posts YA GBCW diary?
Anybody want to bet for more than week?
I guess I missed something. This was supposed to be a GBCW diary? Funny, I didn’t read it that way.