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Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
How is everybody doing tonight?
Izzy you’re here! Oh how I’ve missed you. I’m sooooo glad to see you!
Great and we missed you sooooooooooooooo much while you were gone. LOL
Look at those 2 suck-ups would ya? LOL
Later Olivia!!!!
Is that Shepherd Market in London?
I confess I have no idea, but I do believe it’s from somewhere in London. I made a note at the time, but I can’t find it. I just liked the way it looked.
Also could be Soho.
Y’know, I was feeling uneasy about saying it was London, and I finally found it — Dublin!
Hate to run, but I forgot the time and I’ve got to get dinner ready.
Back in a little while.
Unfortunately I need more than ice cream for dinner. See you all later. 🙂
That’s right, there’s always chocolate cookies.
Hi Toni! Bye Toni!
Enjoy dinner
Enjoy. I hae to figure out something probably will be cheese and crackers.
We had a light dinner day around our place, too.
How are you feeling today?
Populist has an interesting post tonight on recent diaries IMO. ;-}
Argh – the formatting for blogs doesn’t look good in IE (Firefox is constantly crashing on me). My computer has crashed 4 times tonight. I think it’s dying… 🙁
I hope you have your data backed up.
Our power went off awhile ago and just came back on. We’re having some wind here. If I disappear again, it’ll be because of that.
Yeah, I’m fine now – uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox.
We’ll see what happens. I can’t go back to school with my computer being this unstable.
Glad it appears to be stabalized — for now anyway. Were you mentioning computer problems the other night as well?
Yeah – my hard drive freezes up pretty frequently these days. Started out of nowhere a couple days ago…I think the computer’s getting to show it’s age. Furthermore, the case isn’t well-ventilated at all, so I wouldn’t be surprised if parts are beginning to overheat.
That’s a shame. Do you have the means to get a new one or fix this one before school starts?
I do, but I would prefer not to. I’ll have to figure out what to do. :/
I lost a hard drive on Monday…fortunately, it was still working enough that I could grab some of my necessary files, and just replace the hard drive.
If you haven’t already, it’s time to backup some of those files…
Already have – I recently purchased a 500 GB external HD for all my music, videos, documents, etc.
It would have made my life so much easier this week if I had done that before…
BTW, a happy side-effect of the windstorm has come to our attention — ripe, unpecked cherries are now littering the lawn. I’ll be having a nice dessert!
Goin’ to sleep now. Sleep well, Frog Pond…and see Andi and FM in the early morning once again!
Goodnight, Psi, hope you sleep well.
what are these?
clik to enlarge
I don’t know what that is, but it’s very pretty. It looks sort of like a type of daisy — a bit like Shasta daisies, but they’re white. We’ll have to wait for the real experts.
Alpine aster … link, link … but not 100%
Did you take d?
and no, it’s not mine. Got it in an e/m from a friend in NoCal…thinking about using it for the next P4P go round w/ BJ if I can figure out the wp process.
‘Appleworks” in my case…I haven’t yet figured out how to make a jpg of an image w/ text applied…Luddites Unlimited…:{)
That would do it …
PS is a complete mystery to me…I really don’t get it..:{/
Still to be installed … so don’t be scaring me there. Have you spent much time on it?
than I, and I. Do. Not. Get. It.
The learning curve is like a 3000′ vertical face w/ no clearly definable routes.
It’s going to require a class for me…something I have neither the time nor the $’s to do at the moment…I’ll just keep muddling thru…:{/
I’ll pass along all my knowledge to you … 🙂
microsoft pain for each of the images i created, but shhhhh don’t tell anyone 😉 It’s been awhile since I’ve navigated a mac but I know there is a similar program that should work okay. The font I used was Footlight, I think.
and do the graphic add ons, haven’t figured out how to make a jpg image yet…I’ll get there thru trial and error…at least I usually remember how once I’ve done it.
As Andi says: RTFM
I use lets you pick the file format when you do the “Save as” function, should let you pick it via a choice menu at the bottom of the window. Just a bling guess, tho
just the tip that did it…by jove, I think I’ve got it…needs work, but it’s a breakthrough for me.
glad that helped, I like those flowers, very petally 😉
Seems like I got here too late to ID the aster (not sure which species, but def an aster as isis said)… and manny beat me to the good old ‘save as’ resort… lordy dada, Appleworks is a bit beyond even Luddite, man!
All snark aside, glad to see folks rattling the bones tonight, and wanted to stop in before bed at least!
Still 74 deg, with 71 dewpoint here… liquid air outside. More of the same and hotter on the way apparently… at least it’s great for basil and tomatoes!
Hi IVG! Still a bit too warm here too for sleep. My house is impossible to heat in the winter and cool in the summer. sigh. :>)
Nice to see ya again, though I’m not bound long for this world (before sleep, that is) tonight. Actually our house is quite comfy since we turned the air back on a couple of nights ago when it got muggy… otherwise we’d be miserable now with that 71 dewpoint! We also keep 2 of those ‘tower’fans going low upstairs and down, which helps keep the place cooled… not exactly what Olivia wants to hear right now, I’m sure! (Sorry, O!)
Yeah, my first thought was aster as I have some in the garden, but my petals turn up and d’s turned down …
Backatcha, O … I wish we had some asters, but we’re holding out for a very particular shade of magenta-red that we have only seen in a few gardens and never seem to find… but I do like them. I go for the purple ones with yellow centres, but can’t seem to convince someone else around here about those, lol.
I’ve got about 15 minutes before I turn into a potato, unfortunately… 🙁
Although I’d like to turn into a cloud. 🙂
for the herbs and misunderstood fruit, eh? Hola, IVG, good to see you around to join in the bone rattling.
a compliment to be sure…:{)
How’s things in IoWa?
Microsoft Paint…but Microsoft Pain is a much better descriptor of the vast majority of software out of that company… lol
(dealing with some Office 2004 woes on the Intel iMac…I’m soooo ready for a better solution…)
I blame Ms. Bock. Amber Bock, that is.
Freud would be proud tho 🙂
Aster tongolensis
Aster farreri
I knew you’d find it!
I think they are New England asters. But regardless of the species, they are definitely an aster.
For the young lady in all you ladies out there.
This is a very fine etching in a translucent stone disc, about 10 ” in dia.
Origin unknown, In my collection for years.
How’s things? How many ants did you collect today? 🙂
you’ve got one hell of a collection of cool stuff…man, I’d love to spend some time looking thru all that and hearing the stories behind it.
And the Horney Toads pics are very nice…it’s almost like they pose for you.
Well Thanks dada, You`d be welcome but you must realize it`s very eclectic & sometimes even grotesque or maybe bizarre.
I don`t know if I posted this little watercolor 4 1/2″x2 1/2″.
It`s in my oriental collection & has intrigued me for years.
Called [btw, I name all my things the way I see them] “CONTEMPLATING HONOR”, I keep trying to figure out if to preserve her honor she contemplates ending her life or her oppressor`s.
“…very eclectic & sometimes even grotesque or maybe bizarre…”
My kind of stuff. Next time I get to LA, I’m going to take you up on that offer.
About naming my items. I reshot a piece today I`d done a few years ago
called “Battle of the Titans”. When I opened a file a few minutes ago to take a look at it, I have a public access show on about the “Ainsbury Archer” a skeleton they found dating back to pre final Stonehenge.
He`s from between the stone & bronze age they just stated. So I just named the new shot as him. I`ve seen another show on this particular find & this person was very strange because of his property found with his remains. This shot is of a highly polished stone that fits very comfortably in ones hand. It appears to have been covered in multiple layers of different colored gold leaf & scratched away between the layers. It is then covered in a very hard glaze. It appears to have quite a number of layers & is signed & numbered. I`ll go find the other depiction of the same item I did years ago, as a study to make a multiple layered photo with items found only within 10 feet of where I am now.
For those familiar with the grand opening of the shelter the other night, I`m happy to say they`re adjusting very well.
Annabelle is trying to fool the ants with a double image.
Enjoying the sunset can be a personal experience.
Clarabelle resting. She laid ten eggs last week which are now in an incubator.
Tres Zen
just finished havin’ a beer on my porch. It’s still 95 degrees out but I put the bottle in the freezer first so it made it go down that much smoother O:-)
Hope you’re all havin a decent hump night.
I was just over at your b reading …
I had a bit of a lava flow that needed to come out, thanks for reading.
It’s encouraging to see people still trying to talk this out, discuss, understand etc. The problem is when we stop talking as Nanette says (I think it’s Nanette :).
Bravo, ManEE. I am so less anti-American that I once was. I guess with age comes a more holistic understanding. I guess I was feeling a bit resentful at the anti-American rhetoric from the left, no less, as well.
that challenge us to the very depths of who we are, and I think that is what ensued over the past couple of days. It is not an easy thing, but at the same time I think it’s necessary for growth and true ownership of what we believe. just my beer-deluded thoughts this evening 🙂
Absolutely. I found myself really questioning a number of beliefs and presuppositions lately. That is a good thing. Sometimes I can come out and say what I want, but most of the time, I just can’t bring myself to say what I feel. Often this is due to now wanting to rock the boat, but I still feel that I should have said something more to some, if for no other reason than to lend support in trying times.
P.S. I also want to tell you that I admire the way you communicate on-line. I often look at the way you say stuff and try to learn from it. Honesty with respect. My other trick is to only say what I would say to their face. Unfortuneately, I can be pretty blunt in person too. :>)
I try to write the way I would speak in real life. I’m an hyper-emotional person in the emphatic sense almost to the point of mystic so I try to get that across when I communicate. We were able to have a smattering of those deep types of topic conversations overlooking the ocean at Leezy’s, but I think we were so enamoured with meeting one another that we didn’t have as many as I was expecting. I’m glad to see some of that continuing, albeit with different outcomes than I would like. What can ya do? Just chug along (and chug a beer every once in awhile in my case) 🙂
Yeah, I really wanted more conversations…I think we need a week in a mountain retreat somewhere with a dozen or so tribbers. Well, ok, four days and 8 tribbers on a houseboat. Or better yet, 8 tribbers and a monthly barbeque to keep the ties strong. :>)
that I relegated to the trash at the time…and perhaps should have remained there…I, too, enjoy open, insightful and thought provoking discussions, but what I object to is the descent into what I would call a <snark alert> myspace mentality <end of alert>
No offense meant to anyone, just a curmudgeonly observation.
Interesting link there d …
I love curmudgeons … 😉
From one curmudgeon (but not Luddite) to another, good night! And to curmudgeonly Canadian admirers as well, lol! Try to stay cool Olivia … I’ll work on that duct tomorrow in my cubihell and see what virtual fix I can come up with! Night….
You keep warm … Take cafe of you!
I actually prefer this more recent pic:
I’ve cleaned up my act…:{*)
I’d love to know how you found that gem … you a my space subscriber 😉
Very dapper d … looking good!
1st time I’ve ever gone there and that’s what I hit…serendipitous synergy…it was destined to be…:{)
And you call yourself a luddite … You’re too good at this stuff d … 🙂
(Btw … check your email for a fwded message.)
It’s pretty garbled…I’ll deal w/ it ‘sober’…:{)
that America isn’t the government, it’s the people…and I can still look around and see a lot of people that make me proud to be an American… 🙂
Howdy all. Whew, what a day, eh? At least hump day is nearly over and the full moon is gone. Maybe things will be settling down for a while now. ;>)
O! I just love saying that. ;>)
Well shucks it’s a lot better than OK. :>)
two more volunteers for the Ten Underreported Stories if anyone is interested.
Still open:
*DR of Congo
*South Asian earthquake
More info at the linkage above [/commercial]
Went out for dinner and had one too many watermelon margaritas… lol That should help me sleep well if nothing else.
And spotted some news worth diaring in green and orange…we all need a break from Meta-Madness…
Hope everyone has a peaceful night…
Hugs Cali. Have a pleasant sleep.
I must hang it up for the night and drag myself off to the bed. Have a good rest of your night and here’s hoping for a new day with fresh perspectives tomorrow.
Sweet dreams and a happy new day!
Night manny! I’ve got to get over to your place in the morning and read the latest… really liked the piece you had up earlier this week (Tues). Glad to have brushed elbows w/you and Bud at least tonight… and in response to comment above, YES, that is the optimistic read on the weather here! Peppers are gonna hate it though… always a trade off, lol.
I opened a late night 24/7 cafe for whoever’s still up.
and I should follow the trend to slinking off to bed … I’m amazed I made it up this late (yeah, I know, not like me). Must have been something to do with that brief snooze I had in the recliner after KO, lol.
Anyway, another early day, so shuffle off to bed must I. Night, dada, Olivia, Kamakhya (Izzy if you’re there!) and anyone I missed… see you folks soon.
Goodnight, IVG. Sweet dreams!
Good to see ya x2 tonight … 🙂 Hope your day goes well, and you have lots of chocolate to sustain yourself.