I have this silly song stuck in my head today…
Welcome to your barbeque
Where we roast all the dreams
That never came true
Welcome to your barbeque
Pig out and dream anew
-Animal Liberation Orchestra
Where we roast all the dreams
That never came true
Welcome to your barbeque
Pig out and dream anew
-Animal Liberation Orchestra
So what’s news?
Bob Geiger has pissed me off this morning by conflating Planned Parenthood with NARAL. And not because I think NARAL’s endorsement of rape-gurney Joe is okay…
Could someone please explain to these guys who want to shout about single-issue groups doing everything wrong with their endorsements that NARAL is a group that exists only to preserve abortion-rights through the election of pro-choice candidates, while Planned Parenthood’s main function is to provide a range of reproductive healthcare services, many of which serve the poor and depend on family planning funding from the government? If you’re going to name PPFA in your complaints, then show evidence where they have done what you’re accusing them of, Bob. And remember that they depend on family planning funding from the government (as well as individual donors) to provide these services, and that factors into their electoral recommendations to voters.
Educate yourself Bob, instead of just assuming they’re the same thing as NARAL.
From the PPFA mission statement:
I saw Bob’s article yesterday, and I winced. I knew that he was in for a beating.
I just want to throttle him. And every other person who makes the same stupid statements without knowing or investigating the facts. Grr.
But Bob is so sweet.
for Sopranos fans: AP/Yahoo
that you took me down the highway that is shown during the opening credits for the Sopranos they weren’t impressed. They said something about rewarding bad behavior or something like that.
EFF: Specter Bill.
““When the privacy of millions of Americans is at stake, we deserve more than a closed hearing by a secret court,” said EFF Senior Staff attorney Lee Tien.“
He’s my senator, so calling his office is on my to-do list today. 202-224-4254, if anyone else feels like telling Arlen he’s an enabling, unprincipled, no-good schmuck.
After a period offline due to technical problems, NASA has announced that the Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard the Hubble Space Telescope is back in full operation. The instrument is now involved in a quest to understand the nature of the universe’s most dominant but mysterious constituent: dark energy.
A seaweed extract called carrageenan strongly inhibits human papillomavirus – known to cause cervical cancer – from entering human cells in the lab, a new study shows. The compound, derived from red algae, is already used as a thickening agent in infant feeding formulas and in sexual lubricants. The researchers hope their findings could one day help prevent the spread of the virus.
An experimental inflatable spacecraft that blasted into space on Wednesday has successfully expanded. Bigelow Aerospace, the commercial firm behind the Genesis 1 module, confirmed that the ship was in orbit and was beaming pictures back to Earth.
In a pair of groundbreaking studies, brain scientists at Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh have discovered that the anatomical differences that characterize the brains of people with autism are related to the way those brains process information. In another autism-related item today, a British study reports that twice as many children may be affected by autism as had previously been thought.
Global warming items: Insurance provider Lloyd’s of London expects to see more natural disasters in coming years as a result of global climate changes… Heat-bearing westerly winds circling Antarctica have picked up speed in the past 50 years due to global warming and are likely to be contributing to the melting of Antarctica’s Larsen ice shelf, say scientists…
There are none so blind as those who will not see: Finches on the Galapagos Islands that inspired Charles Darwin to develop the concept of evolution are now helping confirm it — by evolving. A medium sized species of Darwin’s finch has evolved a smaller beak to take advantage of different seeds just two decades after the arrival of a larger rival for its original food source. The altered beak size shows that species competing for food undergo evolutionary change, said Peter Grant of Princeton University, lead author of the report appearing in Friday’s issue of the journal Science.
What can I say?
WASHINGTON D.C. (AP) July 14 — Republicans are in jeopardy of losing their grip on Congress in November. With less than four months to the midterm elections, the latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that Americans by an almost 3-to-1 margin hold the GOP-controlled Congress in low regard and profess a desire to see Democrats wrest control after a dozen years of Republican rule.
Further complicating the GOP outlook to turn things around is a solid percentage of liberals, moderates and even conservatives who say they’ll vote Democratic. The party out of power also holds the edge among persuadable voters, a prospect that doesn’t bode well for the Republicans.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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