While I was stretching last night I tore or messed up something in my lower back. I’m lying flat with an icepack right now, and I am not very happy.
Don’t miss the latest spying scandal. Also…can a liberal use the term islamofascism and still be taken seriously?
Take of yourself, BooMan! We’ll look after the place for you today. We absolutely won’t do anything like yell fire in a crowded thread.
As sometone who has spent a LOT of time laying flat on icepacks, I feel for ya, Boo. After the first long application of ise, sometimes alternating the ice with a heating pad, and rotating ever hour or so, can also be useful. And if you can, eat some ibuprophen on a regular basis for a few days to help with inflammation and keep pain levfels down, so the musceles along spine don’t have to tense against the pain. Unsolicited advice, I know. 🙂
Damn…that’s not good. Hope you feel better soon, Booman!
Sorry to hear you hurt your back. I know the pain well as I have had many problems with mine through the years.
Oh, BooMan! Back pain is THE WORST. Please just rest – it’s one of the few injuries where movement will NOT help.
I hope you have some good books nearby, and on Sunday there’s always Book TV…
Do you have a laptop? If so you can stay online. But don’t go sit at a desktop – not worth the pain and delayed recovery….
Hey Boo, I have a bad back myself. When it “goes out”, I can count on about 5 days of pain and inflexibility. Muscle relaxants help a bit. See your Doc on Monday, Ice it down to help deaden the pain, and hang in there. Hope you feel better soon. BTW, I am not a fan of stretching since my back injury some 21 years ago.