The countdown continues.

Numbers, numbers everywhere:  There are only 12 days until the big Lobby Day event at Rep. Fitzpatrick’s Langhorne office. (Oxford Vally Mall – Google Map) On the weekend of 7/29, Medicare will be 41 years old.  That day will mark 100 days before Election Day.  We need 100 constituents to show up on the 29th to ask Rep. Fitzpatrick to do his job and work tirelessly to fix the disaster that is Part D.

Here are some more numbers to think about.  Thanks to Medicare Part D: (from the Alliance for Retired Americans)  

“It is estimated that pharmaceutical companies will reap additional profits estimated at $139 billion over 10 years. In contrast, the typical Medicare beneficiary will receive approximately an $800 a year drug benefit. The law substantially increases subsidies to managed care plans. Starting in 2004, two years before the prescription drug benefit begin, managed care plans will receive $20 billion in subsidies. By 2006, the plans will be paid as much as 25 percent more than the traditional fee-for-service Medicare pays for each enrollee.”


Of course, that’s no surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention to the rampant funneling of taxpayer money into the pockets of big-donor corporations over the last five years.

PLEASE COME TO MEDICARE D-DAY ON MEDICARE’S B-DAY and show the county and the country that there is a vital and engaged political community in Bucks County ready to work and ready to effect real change in what’s happening to our country.

Celebrate all your civil rights and duties by showing up to talk to your congressman about this important issue.

What: Medicare D-Day on Medicare’s B-Day
When: 9:15am Saturday, JULY 29
Where: Oxford Valley Mall (Google Map)- on the side of the JC Penney parking lot
Why: to lobby Congressman Fitzpatrick to fix Medicare’s Prescription
drug benefit

RSVP to Robin at 267-240-9819 or
You can also click here.