

De Menezes: no individual charges

No individual police officers will be charged over the death of Jean Charles de Menezes, according to sources close to the investgation. Instead, the Metropolitan Police is to be prosecuted under health and safety laws over the fatal shooting.

De Menezes was shot seven times in the head by anti-terror officers at Stockwell Tube station

Prosecutors have been studying the case over the past six months after the Brazilian who was shot seven times by anti-terror officers at Stockwell Tube station in south London on July 22 last year.

The 27-year-old electrician had been mistaken for a suicide bomber. His family has repeatedly demanded “justice” for Mr de Menezes, that the officers involved be prosecuted and that Met Commissioner Sir Ian take responsibility for the shooting and resign. They have also complained of having been “kept in the dark” about the contents of the Indepenent Police Complaints Commission’s report into the killing.

It is still unclear when the IPCC’s report into the shooting will actually be published.

Sir Ian Blair cuts holiday to receive summons on de Menezes

LONDON (The Times) July 17 — SIR IAN BLAIR has broken his holiday to be at his desk at Scotland Yard today to face a fresh crisis, as the Crown Prosecution Service puts his force in the dock over the Stockwell shooting.

Ken McDonald, the Director of Public Prosecutions, is expected to announce that none of the 11 officers at the centre of investigations into the death of Jean Charles de Menezes will be charged, but the Metropolitan Police will face a corporate health and safety prosecution for bungling the counter-terrorist operation that led to his death and in its duty of care towards him.

Sir Ian returned from a family holiday abroad after the CPS issued a warning last week that the announcement on charges is due today.

As Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police he has to receive formally any summons from the CPS that would be answerable at a Central London magistrates court.

Police sources were forecasting yesterday that police would not challenge a decision to prosecute under the Health and Safety Act 1974 but that there would be a “vigorous defence” that would include putting the death of Mr de Menezes in the context of events that day.


De Menezes Cover-up ◊ by suskind

Mon Jan 30th, 2006 at 01:28:54 PM PST

Sir Ian Blair :: New Developments In London Police Cover-up ◊ by Oui
Mon Aug 22nd, 2005 at 08:24:46 AM PST

The Funeral of Jean Charles de Menezes ◊ by suskind
Sat Jul 30th, 2005 at 06:18:47 PM PST

I saw Tube man shot – eyewitness
by Oui

Fri Jul 22nd, 2005 at 06:58:51 AM EDT

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