After calling the Wisconsin State Elections Board, I’ve learned that no challenge was filed to my 2198 ballot access signatures by the 5:00 friday deadline, so it’s official.
Everyone knows Sen. Kohl doesn’t do debates, so I’ve challenged the Republican in the race, smalltown lawyer Bob Lorge, to a series “Lincoln/Douglas style,” lunchtime, on the steps of Wisconsin’s historic County Courthouses. No amplification, no moderator, no time limits.
Lorge is also an outsider, got the nomination by default when all the insiders passed, afraid of Kohl’s money.
but would prefer ideas.
Ben- can you give us an idea of what you have to work with? Staffers, headquarters, cash? What are your goals?
No paid staff, no hq. Website up by Friday, at
Campaign contributions to date: $726, all in singles.
Expenditures to date: $106.26
Herb Kohl’s already spent $2.2 million out of pocket, but I’m dominating the narrative. He’s only reporting 3 campaign contributors, so I’ve 240 times as many donors.
This is the seat Senator Proxmire used to win on $75 and $125.
I enter with decent name recognition, both from marijuana law reform activism, and races for Governor, Sheriff, and the House in the ’90s. Got a big media boost a couple weeks back when University Police maced and arrested me for collecting ballot access signatures.
Maps my ’94 Sheriff race ok, I took 48% in Madison, 33% rural, 20% suburban.
I’m trying to break out of the 1-trick-pony thing this time.
Too fucking wierd that, 30 years after the commotion at Dane County airport, we cross paths again online, here at Booman.
You were the photographer?
Secret Service Agent?
Neither. Fellow traveler. Tophat. Peanut Festival. etc.