MOSCOW (The Independent) July 18 —
CNN: British newspapers saw Blair as having more reason than Bush for embarrasment.
Bush: Yeah. (Mr Blair is trying to push the idea of a UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon. That ‘yeah’ does not sound like a wholehearted agreement)
Blair: I don’t know what you guys have talked about, but as I say I am perfectly happy to try and see what the lie of the land is, but you need that done quickly because otherwise it will spiral. (Meaning: ‘Please, George, let me go to the Middle East and be a world statesman’)
Bush: I think Condi is going to go pretty soon. (Meaning: ‘No’)
Blair: But that’s, that’s, that’s all that matters. But if you… you see it will take some time to get that together. (Meaning: ‘Oh well, all right, if you don’t want me to. Just a thought’)
Bush: Yeah, yeah.
Blair: But at least it gives people…
Bush: It’s a process, I agree. I told her your offer to… (Meaning: ‘Drop it. You’re not going.’)
Blair: Well… it’s only if I mean… you know. If she’s got a…, or if she needs the ground prepared as it were… Because obviously if she goes out, she’s got to succeed, if it were, whereas I can go out and just talk.
Bush: You see, the … thing is what they need to do is to get Syria, to get Hizbollah to stop doing this shit and it’s over. (Mr Bush is expressing his belief that Syria is pulling Hizbollah’s strings, while Mr Blair is hinting the Syrians might be up to no good as well)
This transcript is all over Europe today!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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TalkingPointsMemo claimed this was not newsworthy although JM posted some who vehemently disagreed with that opinion. DKos seemed to ignore it. It’s not about the use of the word shit. (There I wrote it) It’s Bush’s nonchalant attitude, casually talking about A WAR with his mouth full. Whining about the length of the trip and the length of the speeches while the Middle East is going up in flames. It’s about lying and hypocrisy. It’s about inept diplomacy.
Of course it is more an embarassment to Blair. Everyone knows about Bush’s cruel jocularity and ineptitude but we didn’t know just how much Blair grovels to Bush. Yech!
Hey Oui, you forgot to tell the idiot not to speak with his mouth full. Hasn’t anyone taught him the proper table manners?
think it was actually “Yeah, Blair”, not “Yo”…but if they’re that close, couldn’t Bush at least call Blair by his first name? “Yeah, Tony” sounds a lot better IMNSHO…
Not even his British poodle, Blair.
How much groveling is too much, Tony? He’s like the person in a relationship who’s obviously getting played but persists anyway in the face of all the evidence. Foolish! And he deserves to be mocked.
Even if he sincerely believes that is best for bush is best for Britain, there’s something to be said for one’s own dignity and self-respect.
If memory serves, the above’s the closing dailog from a DK tune called “Rambozo the Clown” off their last album Bedtime for Democracy.
Now we have Rambozo for prez.