The United States of America has no problem with Israel burning the skin off children’s bodies with incendiary weapons, reducing cities to rubble, targeting UN positions and Red Cross ambulances, forcing 900,000 civilians to flee, and generally bombing a sovereign, democratic state a generation back in time. On the contrary, it provides munitions, diplomatic support, and moral encouragement for these war crimes, financed in no small part with US tax money, to go on. This is not without implications.
The landmark seen below is the traditional, universally recognized symbol of the United States of America and the values on which it builds:

The Statue of Liberty, New York

As such it is, however, obsolete. In all seriousness, I hereby propose a replacement structure, seen below:

The US Navy base Coronado, California

The advantage is that this structure already exists, so that there is no need to divert funds away from burning the skin off children, targeting ambulances, destroying cities, and the other purposes which it so poignantly serves to represent.