What is deplorable? Is it the targeting of civilians and UN peacekeepers in Lebanon?

No. Apparently it is Kofi Annan’s words about the Israeli attacks on the UNIFIL outpost in Southern Lebanon Tuesday in which observers from Canada, China, Austria, and Finland were killed.

Daniel Ayalon, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., called Annan’s reaction “deplorable.” He said the observers were caught in crossfire between Hezbollah and Israel.

And what was his reaction that was so “deplorable”? What were those horrible words that dared not be spoken?

“I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defence Forces of a UN observer post in southern Lebanon that has killed two UN military observers, with two more feared dead,” Annan said from Rome.

Annan said the attack took place “despite personal assurances given to me by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that UN positions would be spared Israeli fire.”

Struger [spokesman for the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon known as UNIFIL] said there had been 14 other incidents of firing close to this position from the Israeli side Tuesday afternoon.

“The firing continued even during the rescue operation,” he said.

The UN base has been in operation since 1972 and co-ordinates the organization’s activities in southern Lebanon.

Yes, I can see how that statement would be deplorable. Annan and the international community are starting to not tow the party line. And that makes these statements dangerous to the ‘official’ story the Americans and Israelis are trying to sell back home.

The UNIFIL team in action (slideshow).

[UNFICYP peacekeepers help Tyre evacuees on board M.V. Serenade’s tenders for shore-to-ship transfer, Tyre, Southern Lebanon, 20 July 2006]


{Crossposted @ Jaded Reality}