What is deplorable? Is it the targeting of civilians and UN peacekeepers in Lebanon?
No. Apparently it is Kofi Annan’s words about the Israeli attacks on the UNIFIL outpost in Southern Lebanon Tuesday in which observers from Canada, China, Austria, and Finland were killed.
Daniel Ayalon, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., called Annan’s reaction “deplorable.” He said the observers were caught in crossfire between Hezbollah and Israel.
And what was his reaction that was so “deplorable”? What were those horrible words that dared not be spoken?
“I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defence Forces of a UN observer post in southern Lebanon that has killed two UN military observers, with two more feared dead,” Annan said from Rome.
Annan said the attack took place “despite personal assurances given to me by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that UN positions would be spared Israeli fire.”
Struger [spokesman for the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon known as UNIFIL] said there had been 14 other incidents of firing close to this position from the Israeli side Tuesday afternoon.
“The firing continued even during the rescue operation,” he said.
The UN base has been in operation since 1972 and co-ordinates the organization’s activities in southern Lebanon.
Yes, I can see how that statement would be deplorable. Annan and the international community are starting to not tow the party line. And that makes these statements dangerous to the ‘official’ story the Americans and Israelis are trying to sell back home.
The UNIFIL team in action (slideshow).
[UNFICYP peacekeepers help Tyre evacuees on board M.V. Serenade’s tenders for shore-to-ship transfer, Tyre, Southern Lebanon, 20 July 2006]
{Crossposted @ Jaded Reality}
I usually stay out of discussions about Israel but I’m wondering if this was deliberate targeting. As I understand it, the large guns are being fired more or less randomly with no effort at targeting. Not that it makes a difference. Either way, it is very sad.
It was actually a bomb/ airstrike that took out the UN headquarters and ground firing earlier and during the rescue, but according to the UN guys on the ground only from the Israeli side.
Yes indeed, very sad.
And there was several hours of canvassing – no way in hell that was an accident, from what I’ve read. J’accuse!
If the Israeli people are being subjected to propaganda 24/7 like we are here in America, it would explain a lot. It seems as if far right extremists are firmly in control and are joined at the temple with US neo-cons. I know the neocons don’t give a rat’s ass for human life except for their own. It probably is the same way for their Israeli counterparts. So what’s a few more lives lost at the altar of Israeli security? The best (or worst) part is that this war will increase threats to Israel’s security exponentially. Extremists of all stripe have huge blind spots, don’t they?
My heart goes out to those poor Israeli civilians huddled in their bunkers, hoping against hope that their leaders know what they’re doing. Israel and America have jumped the rail together.
Israel troops ‘ignored’ UN plea
Now that is sick.
Thanks for posting this Olivia… it would have probably been lost in the ‘fog of war’.
sounds pretty deliberate…
The people running the Bush regime and their clones in the regime of Israel’s government under Olmert are murderous psychopaths.
In the end it’s not much more complicated than that except when we analyze the mechanics of how the ignorance of those who support these insane actions has been so thoroughly weaponized.
RawStory is leading with this story, here’s the link to the Guardian story and it’s a doozy:
The UN general secretary, Kofi Annan, today accused the Israeli military of carrying out a sustained bombing of the UN base on the Lebanon-Israel border that culminated in the killing of four unarmed monitors.
Mr Annan said he had suggested to the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, that they carry out a joint investigation into the events that led to the shelling of the “well-established and well marked” Unifil (UN interim force in Lebanon) post in the town of Khiyam.
“I spoke to Mr Olmert and he definitely believes it was a mistake and has expressed his deep sorrow, ” Mr Annan told a press conference in Rome.
“But the shelling started in the morning and went on until after 7pm. You cannot imagine the anguish of the unarmed men and women peacekeepers who were there.”
Oh, this ain’t over yet.
Just to add a little more from the Guardian article:
Btw, this is the town where the Israeli sponsored SLA had their own version of Abu Ghraib during the civil war. It was bombed to smithereens the other day, obliterating all historical evidence of its infamous torture cells.
I just heard Amy Goodman on DemocracyNow! say that the UN says that it contacted the Israelis by phone 10 times during the bombing. They also claim that it was a precision guided smart bomb that finally hit and killed the UN personnel. Oh yeah, that was some accident.
From what I’ve read, that particular UN center has been in existence for years and its location is well known. Israel is demanding an apology from Annan!!!! I guess that’s a far right extremist staple: blame the victim. I’m glad to see that Annan does not seem to be backing down.
I hope Annan sings his song loud and long and keeps his travel plans closely guarded.
Well, of course it’s their fault; didn’t they read the leaflets? I’m waiting for someone to explain how it was really a potential piece of the ‘terr’ist infrastructure.’ (snark really doesn’t cut it now, eh?
How about that? I googled the event yesterday when it had just happened, and that was what turned up! Imagine that, two accidents, two wars.
Just posted a comment on this ‘friendly fire’ incident under Isreali leadership of Nobel Peace Winner Shimon Peres and Ehud Barak in Sirocco’s diary.
● Notorius Torture Prison of Khiam Destroyed ¶ UN Bunker on Hilltop near Khiam
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thank you for this, Spiderleaf