David Frum, the guy that brought us ‘Axis-of-Evil’, has admitted reality:
It’s like some baby boomer nightmare: after decades of swearing that we would never repeat the mistakes of our parents, we are re-enacting the errors committed in Indochina in the 1960s and 1970s, every single one.
Yes. Plus, we have used the FBI to spy on war protesters, the NSA to listen to calls without a warrant, we have tortured people, we have looked into people’s banking transactions without a warrant, we have used military intelligence to spy on Quakers…
When you look at it in its totality, it is exactly like a baby boomer nightmare. Even the faces (Rumsfeld and Cheney) remain the same. That makes it a recurring nightmare. Except for one thing: a nightmare is just a dream. This is reality. Reality…once again.
No more Nixons, no more Bushes.
Columnist Gene Lyons writes in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette
I think flaming torches are downright heartwarming;-)
“A riot is an ugly thing . . . and I think it is about time we had one!”
— Inspector Kemp, Young Frankenstein
Would that we had a few more of these insurrections going on.
The Third Estate slowly awakens…
I am watching Coulter on “Hardball” now, & she`s the perfect excuse for a riot. A very sick person, she is, & not the kind of disease one would sympathize with.
David Frum: we are re-enacting the errors committed in Indochina in the 1960s and 1970s, every single one.
Speak for yourself and your administration, kemo sabe. I personally and millions like me have opposed the horrible moronic policies you now admit were errors, every single one of them.
I heard this story first hand on Tuesday and I was skeeved out. But I thought I’d share it in written form.
The thing that frightens me is that we’re going to do it again in 30 years.
All those fighting keyboardists? All those College Republicans who support this stupid war but won’t fight in it? They’ll be back, and they’ll have their own quagmire.
I’m convinced that the only solution is compulsory national service. No deferrments, no exemptions. Everyone serves. Say, two years, at least one of them in the military. If people have to worry that little Madison and Austin might get their butts shot off overseas (rather than some poor person), they may actually think for five seconds the next time some lunatic/idiot/madman/Bush wants to repeat Vietnam.
and Condi’s gonna do a piano recital…
can you say WTF?…I knew you could.
She might as well be playing a fiddle.
Brings to mind the image of Vincent Price playing the organ as The House of Usher…the embodiment of evil…collapses around him.
The mind numbing arrogance and lack of the most basic mental and moral skills of BushCo™ is truly astounding.
“In times of tumult and discord bad men have the most power; mental and moral excellence require peace and quietness .”
It’s madness …
get over the fact that this really happened and is not some sick joke inserted into a Monty Python movie plot.
Via Newsweek, reporting on the G8 Summit
Now where have I heard of something similar…
Oh yeah.
Think we’ll get pictures of Condi too?
Is anybody else having trouble reading the ‘Comments’??
Front page loads alright and looks the same, since yesterday when I click on one of the posts, the Ads are on the right, looking like there in the right margin. But the Left Side is Blank and the Comments are pushed in that direction, thus Cutting Off Anything Written there., so the ‘Subject’ is only partially posted and the beginings of every ‘Comment’ are in that Blank Space.
I downloaded the ‘Explorer 7 Beta’ yesterday and am wondering if that has anything to do with it, if so it’s just happening on this site!
That’s your problem right there. I tested out the IE7 beta a couple of months ago and saw the same problem.
Personally I recommend that ‘Tribbers not attempt to test out IE7 until and unless that problem gets fixed. Use Firefox instead. 🙂
Yes, I too used IE7 beta for a very short period of time and removed from my computer ASAP! It needs a lot more work to be ready for “prime time!” :-)!
So true! Don’t think we will have to worry about anyone in the future referring to the “Boomers” as “The Greatest Generation”, do you?
Can’t respond to whomever gave me the answer but I figured That was the poblem, trouble is This Site Seems To Be The Only One I’m Having Trouble With.
So far any others I go to No Problem, so wondering if it’s the Beta 7 or the Servers for this site?
The Whole Responses:
IAVA New Video Up
IAVA Video
Iraq and Afganistan Veterans of America
Not at Youtubes at Google so Link to put player in post didn’t work!!
What you mean ‘we’ fucktard. I ain’t got no problem wit no Haji…