David Frum, the guy that brought us ‘Axis-of-Evil’, has admitted reality:

It’s like some baby boomer nightmare: after decades of swearing that we would never repeat the mistakes of our parents, we are re-enacting the errors committed in Indochina in the 1960s and 1970s, every single one.

Yes. Plus, we have used the FBI to spy on war protesters, the NSA to listen to calls without a warrant, we have tortured people, we have looked into people’s banking transactions without a warrant, we have used military intelligence to spy on Quakers…

When you look at it in its totality, it is exactly like a baby boomer nightmare. Even the faces (Rumsfeld and Cheney) remain the same. That makes it a recurring nightmare. Except for one thing: a nightmare is just a dream. This is reality. Reality…once again.

No more Nixons, no more Bushes.