In some ways the talk of religion and ethnicity is a distraction that Mr. Lieberman’s campaign seems to be trying to avoid. They have spent much of their time promoting Mr. Lieberman’s accomplishments in Congress and his support for Democratic policies, while attacking Mr. Lamont as a wealthy interloper.
Kiss my ass. Lieberman can bite me.
From your bite me link,
I agree with that statement 100%. I have two daughters. But then how can someone who feels that way say they’ll vote for Casey for Senator? Is one more anti-woman, mother, daughter, sister than the other? I’m not in Pennsylvania, but if I were, I couldn’t look my daughters in the eye and give my vote to someone who is a risk for making abortion illegal. A lesser of two evils is still evil.
first, it is great to see you here, second, read this: link.
I have no better answer.
It’s always good to be here. Kicking my Froggy Jones is easier said than done.
So, if I read it right, and I’m not sure I did, Casey gave the money back because he had a problem accepting money from a gay donor? And still they support him? If so, then how can you look your gay friends in the eye and vote for him.
Maybe I’m dense. Help me out. I understand the need to get the Senate back, but damn, what will we wind up with? Get enough of these guys in there in the pursuit of a majority and we end up with…what?
it easn’t easy. It’s especially confusing when their organizations are strongly supportive. But it does make it easier to look them in the wary eye.
Super…I would be so sad if you left us. There aren’t many that I find myself agreeing with most of the time, but you are one. If you left, then it would leave a real void in the “far-left” or whatever they want to call us.
That said… Boo, voting for Casey is like voting for Man-on-dog. I understand the drive to get a democratic majority, but as we saw with the latest anti-abortion vote, a dem that doesn’t support women or gays is no better than a republican. I couldn’t vote for him personally any more than I could vote for DiFi (I wrote in Cindy Sheehan). On the other hand, I do understand a rock and a hard place.
I’m sure glad I moved two years ago from PA to CA. Voting for Bobby Casey, even against such a noxious imbecile as Santorum, might be more than I could stand. I voted for that other right-wing Democrat idiot Klink last time around; look where that got us.
Like Kamakhya, I also can’t bring myself to vote for DiFi (I’d not seen that abbreviation before; I love it!). Luckily, I can safely write-in without fear that the GOP will have any chance of picking up the seat. Personally, my candidate of choice, both in the primary and the general election, is Hugh Jass. Though Cindy Sheehan is a respectable alternative.
I lived in PA before I came to California, Lancaster to be exact. It was a bad time.
Yeah, we all know DiFi will win, so I suppose that is better than seeing Santorum win, but not by much really. DiFi has lost all pretense of being an advocate for the left. Her banker husband and multimillion dollar home in the exclusive section of SF have made her just another asshole who “got theirs and screw everyone else”.
I’ve been annoyed with her for a while, but when she voted for that specious bankruptcy bill, I knew she was no longer a spokesperson for the working class. Money and power does that to you. Just look at Lieberman!
If enough Dems refuse to vote for Casey, then maybe the DLC will wake up and smell the coffee. It won’t happen ’cause even people like Boo will vote for Casey, but a girl can dream. :>)
check out Philly Against Santorum. While I agree that Casey is an unreliable ally of the gay community, Santorum is their worst enemy. Knocking off you worst enemy is important.
We should start a club of PA refugees in CA. We could get together and eat scrapple and apple butter and talk about the old country.
You ask:
“I understand the need to get the Senate back, but damn, what will we wind up with? Get enough of these guys in there in the pursuit of a majority and we end up with…what?”
Radical as I am, the answer, dear supersoling, lies in the stars.
Of which there are uncountable millions.
There are also uncountable millions of voters. (Uncountable? Just watch the census takers skirt rough neighborhoods for more on that.) And the slightest attempt at talking to any of those uncountable millions in a free-form, non-ideologically segregated setting (say that blues festival we went to) will soon convince you that many, MANY of them are unavoidably…stupid, asleep. hypnotized, mis-educated at the most basic levels, any combination of the above and call it what you will.
There is NO WAY that they are going to suddenly wake up. That’s the way it works.
Thus…we progress in small increments most of the time. If at all.
So it goes.
And so goes Casey, too.
Santorum is a strong asshole, Casey a weak one.
And there we have it.
We COULD have had Paul Hackett. With whom I am sure both you and I would have had issues as well. But in this so-far successful system of the Great Compromise, two more strong assholes (Schumer, Emmanuel) who are at least nominally on “our” side decided that Hackett was a loose cannon who they might not be able to control, offed him in favor of Casey, and here we are.
Casey vs. Santorum.
Jeffery St. Clair
In a battle of assholes, which kind would YOU rather see win?
Now there is a school of thought that revolves around getting the absolute worst assholes into power as a sure way to really change things, because then the people will wake up and smell the shit. But the filtration system now in place in America…the mass media…seems to be very efficient at covering up that shit smell sufficiently for assholes on BOTH sides (supposed sides, anyway) to consistently rise to the top of the electoral toilet.
So it’s Casey or Santorum.
No one will say that Casey is Latin for anything, because he is a political cipher.
No distinguishing characteristics whatsoever except his ability to go with the flow.
That’s Casey on the right, Santorum on the left.
When confronted with these kinds of choices, I always use the bar idea. If given a choice of either of these people (and no third choice, like being alone) with whom to spend a few hours at a bar, which one would it be?
Casey by a landslide.
I would be forced to try to hurt Santorum within minutes, I am sure.
We’d talk baseball and be done with it.
So it goes here in America.
Let us pray that it goes that way in Pennsylvania as well.
But always remember that the Manson-Nixon line runs straight through Pennsylvania.
“Mr. Kurtz-he dead.”
Nope. Conrad was wrong.
Mr. Kurtz lives in Pennsylvania.
York, to be exact.
The horror! The horror!
It’s always with Mr. Kurtz.
Let us pray.
November promises to be a VERY interesting time this time around. In the old Chinese “May you be born into interesting times” manner. I firmly believe that this is America’s last shot at survival. If BushCo stays in an unchallengeable position of power this midterm…
Après l’élection, le déluge.
Bet on it.
Just for the record, Hackett was running in Ohio, not Pennsylvania.
Casey did have a good progressive opponant in the primary, Chuck Pennachio (spelling?). He got pretty much nowhere, in large part because the Democratic Party establishment, both within PA and nationally, had annointed Casey as the great electable hope. But also because Pennachio, for all his substantive virtues, was pretty much a complete unknown.
Of course, Ned Lamont has overcome pretty much the same hurdles in CT, and appears to be on the way to beating Lieberman. But Lamont has the benefit of a family fortune, so he was able to kick-start things, with the help of strong netroots support. Pennachio, so far as I know, is a guy of modest means. And, for whatever reason, his candidacy never got the early traction in left-blogistan that Lamont did. Pity.
I get ALL of those compromises mixed up.
Same message remains, however.
and for the umpteenth time I will reiterate that Schumer is not acting ideologically.
In Ohio he trashed a trash-talking war veteran in favor of a member of the Progressive Caucus who would, if elected, be among the 3 most progressive Senators. In PA, he trashed Hafer (a reformed Republican), and Hoeffel, a decent democrat, in favor of Casey, who would, if elected, be among the three most conservative members of Democratic caucus.
Schumer wants two things: electability and to save money.
Ergo, no primaries and no picking no-names that have to spend millions just to get on people’s radar.
No, Boo.
He wants other things as well.
LOTS of other things.
He is owned too.
He owes. PLUS the vig. Bet on it.
As does Emmanuel, as do the Clintons…the list goes on.
Until we have an equitable and fair election finance system…if ever…that will ALWAYS be the way.
Follow the money and you will find his hidden strategic necessities.
Just as it’s always been.
P.S. A literary poll.
Who here knows who “The Continental Op” was in American literature?
Just interested in who’s here and what they’ve been taught…no big thing.
Well, I do, of course 😉
But I’ll keep mum and give others a chance.
One of Dashiell Hammet’s earliest noir detectives, preceded Sam Spade and The Maltese Falcon, IMS…very entertaining reading.
Glad to see you’re still in good form, AG
And the prize is…
Hammet’s liver.
Metaphorically speaking…I hope. But I do raise a glass to him now and again. There are some of us to whom the often misunderstood Celtic need for alcohol as fuel for the verbal fires is as plain as day.
Not that one should look directly into the sun very often…
Election ’06. Danger. Après l’élection, le déluge.
If, and I mean If either kissing your ass or biting you would guarantee a Lamont Victory you can bet that I would be first on the enormous line that would form!
Lieberman has accomplishments?
Sorry, my comment above wasn’t meant as a respone to yours.
Come on, Boo; do you want him to kiss your ass, or bite you? I mean really, make up your mind, already.
Can’t BooMan have his kiss and bite him too?
between ass kissing and brown nosing?
Depth perception.