As many of you were aware, my wife had surgery last month which caused me to be absent from this community for several weeks. The surgery was necessary to remove a small tumor, which the biopsy demonstrated to be malignant. Fortunately the tumor was contained, and all signs are that it has not spread. Just to be safe my wife will be undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatments after she has recovered sufficiently to be strong enough to undergo those procedures.
I want to again thank all of you who kept her in your thoughts and prayers. I have no idea how efficacious that may have been for her condition (I’ll leave those discussions to Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson), but I do know it was a great help and support for me at this time. I can’t thank each of you enough.
But I’ll try. Thank you very, very much. I will always be grateful to this community for your kindness and concern to my wife and to me. I know many of you deal every day with health problems, either your own, or those of a family member, and I wish for all of you the best of health and happiness in the years ahead.
Steven D
That’s good news, Steven. I know chemo and radiation isn’t fun, either, but you two will get through it. We have missed you around here; hope this means you’ll be back regularly.
Steven our thoughts are with you and your wife. I hope everything keeps progressing well.
Continuing to send thoughts and prayers and even virtual chicken soup. Wish I could do more.
Thanks for your generosity in continuing to post here even when you have far more pressing things on your mind.
Love to your whole family.
I was unaware of what was happening, as I’ve also been rather absent of late while life kept us busy on the homefront; I’ll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Steven, I’m so glad to hear that the malignancy is hopefully contained. Find your strength in each other and you’ll get through the chemo and radiation. Your work here is excellent and greatly appreciated. I can’t believe that you work so hard for us even though your life is in turmoil… thank you, Steven, from the bottom of my heart.
Best wishes to you both.
My wife just had to start kidney dialysis ($100k per year). I thank God for the Democratic Party, Lyndon Johnson and my fellow citizens for creating and sustaining the Medicare program which helps us through it.
My prayers and well wishes for your wife and to you. Let’s hope the GOP doesn’t ruin Medicare anymore than they already have.
I’ll add you both to my thoughts and prayers as well.
Steven – I am very happy to hear the tumor was contained. I hope the radiation and chemo are successful and not too much of a drain on your wife. I know it can be tough – my wonderful step-mother went through this almost 2 years ago (large lump in her breast) and she is doing so well now. No sign of anything returning and she feels great 🙂
My thoughts are with your family.
Steven, I’m glad to hear that she is doing well. Madame boran went througth the same thing a couple of years ago. If your wife needs any advice, feel free to email the Madame.
Maybe, in some small way, our care and support for a friend helped you to better care and support your wife. If so, that’s far more powerful than anything Falwell can conjure up.
Blessings and peace to you and yours, Steven — let us know if there’s anything else we can do…
Mrs. Dem and I are keeping you both in our thoughts. Hope this will pass soon with minimal side effects. Our very best to you and Mrs. D.
Thank you for letting us know how you are all fairing. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts as you continue down this path.
All the best to you, your wife and your family.
I am so glad to hear that the docs feel they contained it in time. These next few weeks will be very tough for your wife but with you by her side I am sure she will pull through this just fine.
Best wishes to you and the Mrs., Steven. That’s good news about the biopsy. You will both come out stronger at the other end of this trial.
You will both come out stronger at the other end of this trial.
What the hell is the matter with you? Do you honestly believe think that people who are going thru hell care about being strong at the end of whatever they are going thru? No, they just want it over and their lives back to the way they were, or damn close to it!
And I say this as a traumatic brain injury survivor who has been thru a hell of a lot more than just that! Do you think I care about being stong? Hell, I have more than proved that I am and what I am capable of. No one takes anything that I write seriously.
Disability rights? Wait until 2008! Gay marriage is more important than the lack of medical treatment for people with disabilities in this country.
Want proof? Look at that kid oakland’s diary’s re: so-called progressives. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT DISABILITY RIGHTS!
What good does being stong do? Not a damn thing, other than being forced to live on SSI–$625.00 a month.
I’d rather be weak and have money than be strong and poor. At least then I could eat regularly!
My sister just went through a similar situation. She said the hardest part was putting your life in someone else’s (a group of strangers) hands so she was always thankful to have an advocate go with her for each appt, the stress is such that it’s hard to remember all the questions and answers (we wrote out our questions). On a strange note, when she comes out the other side you and she will have a very precious knowledge, that you are survivors. God bless.
Glad to hear she’s doing so well! Lots of positive thoughts for a full and speedy recovery.
Thanks for the update Steven, I’ll continue to keep your wife and the family in my prayers. paz