Froggy Bottom Happy Hour
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Your first drink is on us!
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May the 4’s be with you
It’s beer time.
It’s nap time for me. ;0
It’s nap time! Nope, no way. If I can’t have a nap….
I’ll start stamping my feet. π
Could the beery folks please keep it quiet for a bit. It’s Sunday morn and I just got out of bed. It was a very blustery night, and I didn’t get much sleep.
Even the dog doesn’t want to get up yet.
Good morning keres.
We have tea in the cafe. Now what kind of alcohol goes with tea?
God, blustery sounds like heaven right about now!
Stop it. You’re going to the beach while some of us are land locked.
But you have an ice cream maker. And besides, I want blustery weather, so let me whine about it.
I’ll raise your blustery weather one relative. Whineeeee π
I’ll raise your extra relative a really uncomfortable bra.
I’ll raise you two relatives for a one size fits all bra.
Your Google image skills are unsurpassed, FM. Now is that your ex-wife’s bra?
Yep, her training bra. π
WHat was she training them to do – colonize Mars? Terrorize downtown Tokyo?
You know, now that you mention it Godzilla does come to mind. π
I give up. You two will find any excuse to get raucous, won’t you.
Good thing I’ve had my tea.
Yeah but we didn’t figure out what type of alcohol goes with it.
Well now we know where FM’s relatives stayed when there wasn’t room at the main house.
Multi-tasking. That’s what it’s all about.
We might try to build one of those Madonna pointy bra houses next. π
It’s really very space and energy efficient – and even Family Man could stand up in the veeeery center of each cup.
Hey I’ve always wanted a domed house. I just look at that as a double dome house. π
I wonder what Buckminster Fuller would think.
you shouldn’t post your mother’s bra on the internet. LOL
His mother is 80 – she just tucks them in her support hose.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! My Mom’s bra is that big if not bigger, she is a 34GG
Wow. What does GG stand for – gigantic gazoombas?
yes!!!! Her tits arrive way befor she does. LOL
No wonder you love her so much – she must have been so amazing to snuggle up to. Like a couple of warm, snuggly St. Bernards.
LOL Well I guess since they went from aa to gg 4 years after I was born. LOL She wears a special made bra that copst $60 each over 15 years ago. I have no clue what she pays for them now. She is also 5″1 so they look even bigger. LOL
Ok, we’re spending way too much time on your mother’s breasts, but I have to know how they went from AA to GG.
The doctor said she was a late bloomer and some folks have growth spurts late in life. I did also as I grew 4 inches in height after I turned 18.
Bless you for answering that – I was afraid you’d gone to bed and I’d never know. Good night!
Shouldn’t that be DG – Dragging Ground.
LOl Luckily she always wears a bra or she would trip over them. LOL
Well if people are asleep there’s more of this for me.
Thanks! You should really be drinking water after all that manual labour you did today!
Hi Olivia. As many as you want.
I’ll have about 27 to quench my thirst and then turn to water. π
The family cooking you dinner tonight?
Nope and I’m not cooking tonight either. They’re like locust and there’s nothing left in the house. I refused to go to the grocery store, so if they want something, they’ll have to get it.
Plus, plus, plus – they are leaving tonight. :):):):):)
Thanks you Andi. I accept this honor in the most humble of slackatudinal attitudes. π
Woo Hoo!
Woo Hoo indeed. I can finally go back to 3 or 4 naps a day. π
How was your day?
I did nothing today … just like I had planned lol
How ’bout you guys?
and a trip to the good library and the good grocery in the nearby college town.
A pleasant day despite the heat and humidity.
Anything you were really excited about getting?
Nothing that I’d call exciting. The most interesting are probably Dog Day by Alicia Gimenez-Bartlett and Nancy Culpepper by Bobbie Ann Mason.
I recently read Suite Française by Irene Nemirovsky which was a really fine book. There’s quite a story to this book’s publication — if you haven’t heard about this book, here’s a review.
I hadn’t heard, so thanks.
A friend of mine spent a hot day cleaning up his yard, and spent that night trying to pass a kidney stone – before finally going to the hospital.
It’s a real problem for men.
Agua, and plently of it mister.
I only kid about drinking. I’ve been downing water like crazy.
Thanks for the thought though. π
It’s only because we care.
Btw, if you ever do find yourself with kidney pain, drinking a half cup of olive oil will very often flush kidney stones out. It doesn’t sound pleasant, but it’s cheaper than hospitalization.
Thanks keres. Hopefully I’ll never have kidney pain or drink a half cup of olive oil. π
Hi Olivia.
I just thought of you when I saw that Imogen had “detained” Albert in his room because he’s been a naughty boy this morning. He likes to go into our bedroom and chew on the boxes under the bed, where I store my large drawings.
He’s pretty much back to his old self.
when I was working on this yesterday. It’s very understated and atmospheric, so it doesn’t downsize well.
What kind of bird is that?
Love the blue.
It’s a male Superb Fairy Wren. They are just starting to turn back into their breeding colors.
No one could accuse them of understatement.
Of note: they are known as the world’s most promiscuous bird, particualarly the females.
What a gorgeous bird!
And the female Superb Fairy Wren.
Who sensibly lets the boys do all the tarting-up.
This photo is closer to their actual size.
The pictures are wonderful.. I have some birds out side my front door that attack everytime I go out to protect their young. LOL
Mockingbirds, perchance? I couldn’t even go around one side of my house in So. Cal. when the Mockingbirds were nesting. They are also the only birds I know that attack Peregrins that wander too close to their nests.
not mocking birds but I don’t know what they are. LOL I have been attacked by blue jays before also.
I can’t believe it, but I’ve got a thunder storm coming through. I’ve got to shut down for a little while.
Back when it’s done.
We’re looking at nearly a week of below 80 degree weather coming up-the tomatoes won’t be pleased but the rest of us are sooooo happy.
Had a tarot card reading late last night on the subject of romance-it looks favorable although I’ve about worn out my flirting skills and nothing’s happening tonight. Life of Brian’s playing at the art house down the street so I may go after I finish cleaning up the junk in the garage (and it’s nearly all mine (sigh). Need to kick the dumpster diving habit!
Stay hydrated, li’l froggies!
Just stopping in to say hi!!! and tell FamilyMan I have been slack as hell all day. I have slept more than I have been awake after finding out I have strep throat. LOL I thought it was allergies but went to the doctor this am anyway when it was hurting worse. I guess I will have to learn to slack or be cofortable doing it anyway at least through tomorrow.
That’s awful about your throat!! Ugh… I hope you get feeling better soon. {{{refinish}}}
Thank you Olivia!!!! I am feeling a little better already but then have only been awake an hour. LOL I am sure I will be fine by monday or at least well enough to go to work.
LOL … this is truly a sign of how badly you feel.
The Diva dogs must not know what to make of it … π
Sorry you’re sick. I’m glad you slept a lot since that’s probably the only way you can stand to take it easy.
Take good care of yourself.
Thanks!!! It is the only wau I ever take it easy most times. LOL I am taking care of myself with lots of fluids and sleep.
Just got back. Sorry to hear you’re sick Refinish.
I wished you could have slacked under better conditions.
Thanks!!! I would rather slack working on designs or something. LOL
Well I look at it that when you’re sick it’s your body telling you, you didn’t slack enough already. So although your brain wants to do something else, your body is going to make you slack.
Can I rationalize or can I rationalize. π
Is it bad to have warm chocolate chip cookies for dinner?
Not if you have milk with them, or warm beer. π
You’re right, I need milk. Be right back. π
No warm beer?
No, it’s very good. Not healthy but good.
Eat two celery stalks and one carrot as penance. Bless you, my child.
I can tell you grew up around Catholics. At least you didn’t tell me to do 7 ejaculations.
Would that penance be over one night or many days?
Oh God! Many days or one day, doesn’t matter, they’re really very quick. In fact, that was one!
Talk about premature penance. :~)
I have just eaten 6 warm chocolate chip cookies. There are not enough ejaculations to cover(heh) that much sin.
Then happily sin away. π
My best friend Tim and I used to spend a good deal of time prepping for his confessions. We’d figure out which sins would be okay to say and the other ones he’d get to skip because we would decide they were all my fault — a Jew living in a Catholic neighborhood can be very handy.
That was very helpful of you to relieve him of some of his rightful guilt. I regularly lied in the confessional, which must be a special sort of sin, but then I would tack on a couple extra Hail Marys to make up for it.
Assuming your sins ran to the same non-seriousness as Tim’s, you’ve made many an overpayment to the penance bank and now with all that interest building up over your lapsed years, you have huge account to draw on.
The young Irish man goes to confession.
The priest asks him if he`d sinned with Patty O`neil. No, he says.
Was it with Mary O`connor? No, he says.
Well was it with annie Fitzgerald? No, he says. It was with Nancy Nolan.
After confession, his friend asks, “What kind of pennance did you get?”
“Three Hail Mary`s and some real good leads.”
LOL. Hi Knuckle.
I decided I couldn’t be Catholic. I would be making up stuff all the time.
Are you saying you never sin, so you have to make some up?
Well we all look at sin in different ways, but I would have to make stuff up just to see if I could shock the priest.
I guess I would look at it as being creative. π
You can’t shock priests because they’re secretly (or not so)big drinkers and partyers. My dad’s best friend grew up to be the bishop of the Rochester, NY diocese and we’d be shocked when he came over for dinner and got drunker than a skunk and told dirty jokes.
Now if I were Catholic that’s the kind of priest I’d want.
It was actually kind of creepy for us kids because we were under the impression that priests were on loan from God himself.
It’s was so much easier growing up Protestant. You knew the preacher was going out with one of the decons wifes and even though he wasn’t supposed to drink, you knew he did.
That’s one thing I never understood about confessions. People are going to be people, so why confess for being human.
Don’t know. Never really understood religions that well.
Catholics live with guilt, so every couple of weeks we like to get rid of some of it. The belief is that God gives the priests the authority to forgive sins. It’s one of the tenets of the Catholic faith.
Of course, I don’t really believe that stuff anymore. I barely even believe in god.
I don’t know. I believe in something higher, but I’ve never been able to warm up to any of the organized religions. I think they all have some very good parts in them, but I also think they have some very bad part too. You know death, destruction and all that in the name of God.
I sort of looked at all, took what I liked and made my own. I’ve never felt any religion should make you fear or hate or anything like that.
So with what I have, I’m happy with.
Sometimes I believe in something higher, but other times I think that if there’s nothing beyond this life here, that’s okay too.
We’ll never know, but there is this life and I feel we have to make ourself and everyone around us as happy as possible.
Father Fitzgerald is hearing confessions one afternoon when he hears a familiar voice. “Bless me, father, for I have sinned.”
He’s not supposed to ask, but he does. “Mary McGeavy! Is that you home from college?”
“Hi, Father, it’s me!” she says.
“And what have you been doing there?”
“Well, I’m a cheerleader. Would you like to see some of the routines I do?”
“I would love to, my dear.”
So they step out of their respective booths and Mary starts turning a few cartwheels and backflips.
A couple of old ladies waiting for their turn watch this show for a minute, then Mrs. Muldoon turns to Mrs. Keach and says, “Look at what Father Fitzgerald is giving out for penance today.”
“Yes,” says Mrs. Keach. “And me without me dcrawers on.”
LOL that was a good one Omir.
How’re ya doing tonight?
Since we`re on the subject. Taken from somewhere.
riest’s First Mass
A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak. After mass he asked the monsignor how he had done. The monsignor replied, “When I am worried about getting nervous on the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass. If I start to get nervous, I take a sip.”
So next Sunday he took the monsignors advice. At the beginning of the sermon, he got nervous and took a drink. He proceeded to talk up a storm. Upon his return to his office after mass, he found the following note on the door:
Beer was nice, but I need a fully stocked bar now.
I’d be honored to be thrown out of an establishment like that.
I am going back to bed. I guess my body needs more sleep.
You rest Refinish and I hope you feel better.
It looks like we’re getting full. I’m going to run and open another cafe.
Back in a minute.
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe here