And she’s mad as hell about the lack of international concern for Arab lives. Go read her story about the Qana massacre:
I’m so frustrated I can’t think straight. I’m full of rage against Israel, the US, Britain, Iran and most of Europe. The world is going to go to hell for standing by and allowing the massacre of innocents. For God’s sake, 34 children??? The UN is beyond useless. They’ve gone from a union of nations working for the good of the world (if they ever were even that), to a bunch of gravediggers. They’re only good for digging mangled bodies out of the ruins of buildings and helping to identify and put them into mass graves. They won’t stop a massacre- they won’t even speak out against it- they’ll just come by and help clean up the mess. Are the lives of Arabs worth so little? If this had happened in the US or UK or France or China, somebody would already have dropped a nuclear bomb… How is this happening?
She’s right, of course. Arab lives are considered of little value to those who willingly propagate the ever worsening War on Terror. In fact, I’m beginning to believe a better term for it might be the War of Terror, for that appears to be the only justification the Bush administration has for letting the slaughter in Lebanon continue: to kill more Arabs and intimidate the survivors.
I’m sorry Riverbend. So sorry my country has been the cause of so much grief in your world.
Riverbend asks:
“If this had happened in the US or UK or France or China, somebody would already have dropped a nuclear bomb… How is this happening?”
I am sorry to tell you this, Riverbend…bit it is just business as usual.
Since slavetrading days.
Business as usual.
Just as it’s always been.
Throughout history.
The powerful maim and kill the less powerful, all the while saying “Whatchoo gonna DO about it?”
And equally regularly, the less powerful rise up and plant a slingshot stone right between the giants’ eyes.
People have been talking about a change in the consciousness of human beings over the past 40 years or so…the pop version of that idea being the rise of the Age of Aquarius.
I don’t see it, myself.
Same old same old.
Stay tuned.
David’s got his slingshot, now.
If he wins, be sure that HE will become the giant against which he so valiantly fought.
So it goes. That does not mean that Goliath is any less dead.
I offer here a supposed quote from Osama bin Laden. I do not wholeheartedly endorse the contents of this quote, nor am I certain of its real author(s) or even of bin Laden’s existence. Neither do I have any confidence in the accuracy of its translation. In this world, I am only certain of what I personally witness. Nevertheless…by hook or by crook, by divine guidance or divine accident, it spells out this part of the ongoing cycle of Big Man/Little Man all too clearly.
Therefore, it is [only] just to respond in kind, and the one who started it is more to blame…
We will Continue to Fight the U.S. and U.N.
“When you look at what happened and is happening, the killing in our countries and in yours, an important fact emerges, and that is that the oppression is forced on both us and you by your politicians who send your sons, against your will, to our country to kill and to be killed.
“Therefore, both sides have an interest in thwarting those who shed the blood of the peoples for their own narrow interests, out of vassalage to the White House gang…
This war makes millions of dollars for big corporations, either weapons manufacturers or those working in the reconstruction [of Iraq], such as Halliburton and its sister companies…
It is crystal clear who benefits from igniting the fire of this war and this bloodshed: They are the merchants of war, the bloodsuckers who run the policy of the world from behind the scenes.
President Bush and his ilk, the media giants, and the U.N. … all are a fatal danger to the world, and the Zionist lobby is their most dangerous member. Allah willing, we will persist in fighting them…
Whoever wrote this, and for whatever reasons…there it is.
The Boltons and Cheneys fear Iran and North Korea because the little men’s slingshots are getting dangerous.
Duck and cover, bubbies…if we do not take this administration down, and soon, it is going to be OUR turn to get stretched out on the Philistine sands.
bet on it.
the mideast mess, or this latest crisis in Israel, but it seems John at Americablog, has another view on this:
“Israeli said it targeted Qana because it was a base
for hundreds of rockets launched at Israeli, including 40 that injured five Israelis on Sunday. Israel said it had warned civilians several days before to leave the village.”
So here’s the ethical question of the day. Someone is firing hundreds of missiles at your citizens each day, and launching them from civilians areas because think they think you won’t hit back (or hope you do, and thus kill civilians, causing a storm of bad publicity). As for the civilians, it’s an open question whether they are helping harbor the guys with the missiles or not, i.e., whether or not they have a say in telling Hezbollah to take a hike (and if they do have a say, would that change your answer)?
The reason why the UN is useless here is that one particular contemptible country wields a veto in the decisionmaking body.
And no, it isn’t just the Republicans. SEVEN PERCENT of Americans would criticize Israel for its total war on a neighboring country, waged with American weapons bought for American tax money operated by American-trained war criminals. SEVEN PERCENT.
My respect for America as a nation, as a society, has not survived this war.
We’re trying Sirocco. We’ve been trying. We’ll keep trying.
I know it’s no use to beat up on the sane, decent seven percent. Sorry.
I’m just so ashamed. I know these aren’t my policies and I know I didn’t vote for these evil people, but I am still ashamed. This is not the america I grew up with.
I’m sorry Riverbend and I am sorry Sirocco. All I can say is I will keep fighting for sanity in a country gone crazy.
There are still some of us who scream at the atrocities here as loud as we can.
her first time in our blogging we hear from her, she was even to post more than once on those days. My how things have changed
Her mood has changed dramatically now hasn’t it??!! I have read her since the beginning and she has it pegged for what it is worth.
Thanks Steven for remembering her. hugs
You have it there.
Foreign and domestic enemies of our constitution
Now we are faced with another massacre in the same city of Qana and with a parroting of the same “explanations” used in 1996: “a regrettable mistake”. So far, 54 are confirmed killed, including 37 children.
Unfortunately these never-ending “mistakes” are perpetuated using US weapons (violating the terms of the US Arms Export Control Act and Foreign Assistance Act). In the past two weeks alone over 500 civilians were killed in Gaza and Lebanon.
When defending the constitution, we pledge to defend it against enemies both foreign and domestic. Isn’t it time to challenge the domestic enemies of our constitution? Isn’t t time to realize the danger posed not just to the US but to the whole world (as Europeans and Latin Americans are now realizing)? Isn’t it time to challenge the myth (found among the left and the right) that Israel serves US interests? Isn’t it time to stop delivering billions of our tax money to Israel (largest recipient of US foreign aid)?
( – from inside occupied Iraq)
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Yes, the horror is unspeakable and the result of a racist and imperialist agenda but we have to keep in mind whose agenda it is.
It will take great massive recognition and action to stop this and we must all do what we can.
It is bad to have to acknowledge to Riverbend that this is all fuelled by a racist contempt for Arabs.