A nephew of Sen. Max Baucus was killed in combat in Iraq during the weekend, the senator’s office said Tuesday.
Marine Cpl. Phillip E. Baucus, 28, died Saturday in the province of Al Anbar, the Department of Defense said Tuesday. It did not immediately release further information.
My condolences.
First half hour is Milwaukee Journal/Sentinal’s Washington correspondent craig gilbert discussing the Wiscoonsin Senate race. Then, I’m on with Ben Marens for the 2nd 1/2 hr.
Recorded 7/31.
for the Nepal’s Hidden Tragedy topic. It is slated for this Friday, August 4th. Here’s a snippet of the UN summary:
Please let know via a comment in the Group Project Check-In Diary if you are willing to highlight this story. paz
(yes, I already posted this in the World/Open thread, but I want to make sure this gets seen and hopefully responded to…)
in the Christian Science Monitor:
Read the whole thing:
‘Anders Strindberg’ sounds Swedish, but I’m surprised he was allowed to print this even in the Monitor.
COndolences to Senator Baucus and his family.
Breaking: shameless self promotion break
Seen at the link in my sig line is the new subject of the painting diaries, coming soon to a blog near you.
wow. this looks curiously similar.
From one of the spots I visit, I came across this bit of news:
Isn’t that just peachy?
I want my country back.
I just need to rant, so I understand if you skip over this one.
A few thoughts:
>I don’t give a flying shit if I “like” the next president. All of the pundit talk about whether he’s someone you might want to sit down and have a beer with makes me sick. I’ve never really had a problem finding friends that I truly enjoyed having a beer with. So that’s not what I look for in a president.
I only care if he can DO THE GODDAMN JOB. And for many years to come, that job will be a full-time, emergency repair job on the comprehensive, breathtaking, catastrophic disaster that the…current administration (God, I can even type his #$@%&* name)…has inflicted on the country and indeed the world.
Shame on the media for lowering the bar to the floor for the current administration of liars, crooks, and incompetents to tip toe over, all the while raising it to the heavens and beyond for Gore.
>Israel is the tail wagging the U.S. dog; our current policy is an embarrassment, as well as completely wrong and dangerous for Israel, the U.S., and everyone else — of course, especially the Lebanese and Palestinians. Wait…not everyone, it’s actually very good for Islamist extremists and their goals. This dispute is decades old even if you consider just the ‘modern’ post-World War II phase of the conflict, and our leaders act like it just started a couple of weeks ago. Stupid, stupid, stupid. And so wasteful of human life. The current administration is not pro-life. They’re pro-death and pro-war, so long as their chickenhawk asses aren’t getting shot.
>I’m not all on fire about the whole Lieberman thing or the rising power of the ‘netroots’ or any of the panting about the Connecticut senate race. But, good God, can anyone really even say out loud that they support the president and his war in Iraq? Really? Lieberman is blinded by his understandable, heartfelt support for Israel. I just hope voters in Connecticut are more interested in supporting the U.S. or, to be honest, peace in this world (not to mention that a change of policy actually would help Israel), and I hope they vote that son of a bitch OUT.
There. I feel better now.