Why am I not surprised? The Pentagon lied to the 9/11 Commission about their military response on 9/11. Check this out.
“I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described,” John Farmer, a former New Jersey attorney general who led the staff inquiry into events on Sept. 11, said in a recent interview. “The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. . . . This is not spin. This is not true.”
In fact, the lies were so blatant that the 9/11 Commission debated sending a criminal referral to the Justice Department. As if John Ashcroft would have had any interest. Of course, having no balls whatsoever, the commission didn’t bother Ashcroft after all.
John F. Lehman, a Republican commission member and former Navy secretary, said in a recent interview that he believed the panel may have been lied to but that he did not believe the evidence was sufficient to support a criminal referral.
“My view of that was that whether it was willful or just the fog of stupid bureaucracy, I don’t know,” Lehman said. “But in the order of magnitude of things, going after bureaucrats because they misled the commission didn’t seem to make sense to me.”
John Lehman, a typical Republican lickspittle. Perjury about a blow job…impeachable. Perjury about the worst domestic disaster in American history…of no magnitude.
In the end, the panel agreed to a compromise, turning over the allegations to the inspectors general for the Defense and Transportation departments, who can make criminal referrals if they believe they are warranted, officials said.
So, what did they lie about?
For more than two years after the attacks, officials with NORAD and the FAA provided inaccurate information about the response to the hijackings in testimony and media appearances. Authorities suggested that U.S. air defenses had reacted quickly, that jets had been scrambled in response to the last two hijackings and that fighters were prepared to shoot down United Airlines Flight 93 if it threatened Washington.
In fact, the commission reported a year later, audiotapes from NORAD’s Northeast headquarters and other evidence showed clearly that the military never had any of the hijacked airliners in its sights and at one point chased a phantom aircraft — American Airlines Flight 11 — long after it had crashed into the World Trade Center.
Maj. Gen. Larry Arnold and Col. Alan Scott told the commission that NORAD had begun tracking United 93 at 9:16 a.m., but the commission determined that the airliner was not hijacked until 12 minutes later. The military was not aware of the flight until after it had crashed in Pennsylvania.
These and other discrepancies did not become clear until the commission, forced to use subpoenas, obtained audiotapes from the FAA and NORAD, officials said. The agencies’ reluctance to release the tapes — along with e-mails, erroneous public statements and other evidence — led some of the panel’s staff members and commissioners to believe that authorities sought to mislead the commission and the public about what happened on Sept. 11.
Who knows what to believe? They are now telling us that the military was unaware of Flight 93 until it crashed into the ground? How does that jibe with this?
Before 9:36 a.m.: Officials Claim NORAD is Monitoring Flight 93
According to one account given by NEADS Commander
Robert Marr, some time before around 9:36 when it changes direction,
while it is still flying west, Flight 93 is being monitored by NEADS.
Marr describes how, “We don’t have fighters that way and we think
[Flight 93 is] headed toward Detroit or Chicago.” He says he contacts a
base in the area “so they [can] head off 93 at the pass.” Not only does
NORAD know about the flight, but also, according to NORAD Commander
Larry Arnold, “We watched the 93 track as it meandered around the
Ohio-Pennsylvania area and started to turn south toward DC.” (This
change of direction occurs around 9:36 a.m.) [Filson, 2004]
This account completely contradicts the 9/11 Commission’s later claim
that NEADS is first notified about Flight 93 at 10:07 a.m. [9/11 Commission, 6/17/2004]
Or this:
(9:41 a.m.): FBI Agent Already Aware of Flight 93 Hijacking
Newark, New Jersey, flight controller Greg Callahan is
talking on the phone to an FBI agent. The agent says about Flight 93:
“We suspect that this aircraft has now been taken over by hostile
forces.” The agent describes the sharp turn it has made over eastern
Ohio and that it is now heading back over southwestern Pennsylvania.
Callahan says he could tell the plane is on a course for Washington. [MSNBC, 9/11/2002]
The FBI has been in contact with Deena Burnett and informed of what her
husband, Flight 93 passenger Tom Burnett, has been saying since at
least 9:34 a.m. (see 9:34 a.m.) [Longman, 2002, pp. 110]
You should read the whole timeline. The whole farce is ridiculous. There is no way to make heads or tails of it. Everyone says NORAD was not told about Flight 93, except NORAD. Everyone knew about Flight 93, except NORAD. NORAD lied to the 9/11 Commission by falsely claiming they were informed. That’s not how I would cover my ass. Therefore, I have no idea what happened. All I know is that Cheney cowered in a bunker and refused to get authority to shoot down the planes from the pet-goat reading President until it was too late (if ever).
And he’s been cashing checks ever since.
Who’d a thunk it?
Jeebuz H. Cripes folks…NOW can we impeach the bastards? They are destrying the world!
We don’t impeach. Congress does. And history shows that when it comes to impeaching a President who has actually committed “high crimes and misdemeanors”, they have consistently done a crappy job. But when there is political advantage to impeachment to advance the fortunes of the Republican Party and its robber barons, Katie bar the door.
give Bush a blowjob so we can get rid of him?
Much as I despise the current regime, it scares the hell out of me when government credibility is absolutely destroyed by endless lies and evasions like these. If our own government is shown to be the enemy, how do we function in a time of real terrorism and chaos. How can there be consent of the governed when everything “official” turns out to be deliberate lies at every level? And without consent, how can our system continue to function?
This administration and the cover-your-ass bribocracy that enables it is clearly terrorism’s best ally, intentions aside. This nation’s credibility here and around the world is ultimately our best protection from the kind of attacks that are today’s fashion. We have been stripped of our best defense by traitors in our own government. We can only hope that a change in government can take it back before it’s too late.
You know damn well that when whoever it is that’s currently ticked off at us figures out that the US is completely wide open to attack…
…it’s going to be some poor untrained schmuck like one of us that is the going to be the one left staring at a pile of wires sticking out of a bomb that been left in some critical location with no trained personnel available with a timer ticking down.
As long as the neo-cons are around, the only Homeland Security Americans are gonna get is gonna be the do-it-yourself kind.
Just like the only disaster relief anyone in the path of Katrina was what the American people got down there outside the framework of the US Govenment and the Red Cross.
I guess that’s why BushCo appointed them.
What else is new?
These contradictions are yet another indication that different things hit buildings or came down than we are told. (To put things very concisely) The implications are monstruous and beyond most peoples capacity or willingness to absorb, even for people who can accept that 911 is an inside job.
Believe this:
The indisputable lesson from 11 September 2001 remains that there are some psychopathically evil murderers loose on our planet, and no means exist to keep them from power, whether as a part of a shadowy group abroad, or as part of our government here in the usa.
Yeah, I’d say that’s about right.
We’ve all had four years and eleven months to make up our minds what happened. What is taking you so long? Make a decision and act accordingly. 9/11 began as an exercise in terror response. Norad was participating. Flight 11 stayed on radar after the plane hit the building because something was falsified. It is only terribly confusing if you need to believe what the honorable men in power tell you.