From David Swanson at After Downing Street

Constitution in Crisis; The Downing Street Minutes and Deception,
Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War, and
Illegal Domestic Surveillance

The following are Adobe pdf links to the Final Investigative Report
of the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff. (This Report is over
350 pages.)

Full Report

Table of Contents



I. The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution and Coverups in the Iraq War

II. Unlawful Domestic Surveillance and the Decline of Civil Liberties Under the Administration of George W. Bush



Recommendations and Conclusion


Legal Standards and Authorities

Major Reports


Next Steps

1. Ask the media to cover this report.

2. Ask your Congress Member to sponsor H. Res. 635 to start an investigation.

3. Buy this report as a book. Pre-order, and ask your friends to do so, and get it on the best-seller lists. Buy it here.