Another [Lieberman] campaign adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss strategy, said the public poll tracked internal campaign surveys. “The race has been headed in that direction for a while,” the adviser said. “It’s a fairly accurate reflection of where the race is.”
The Lieberman campaign, fearing that low voter turnout in the primary would favor Lamont, had plans to build a get-out-the-vote operation bigger than any seen in a state race in Connecticut. But in the face of discouraging polls, campaign officials concluded this week that the money likely would be wasted.
Lieberman plans to spend the remaining days of the campaign making a positive case for himself through television ads and a series of media interviews, according to campaign officials. He has decided not to attempt to discuss the war in his final commercials.
Lamont’s crew on the ground should not get complacent. The size of the victory is crucially important. Lieberman is not trying to dampen expectations, he’s going to lose badly and they couldn’t hide that fact. They are readying his supporters and the press for the inevitable, so it won’t be supported as a shocking upset.
Lieberman in now trying to prevent a huge outcry for him to respect the result. Here’s a message for the Democratic leadership. Do you want the progressive blogs to spend the fall in a fight with you, or in a fight with the Republicans? Do you want our money pouring into Congressional races, or into Connecticut? Because if Lieberman does not drop out, it will be unremitting war on Lieberman and on the cynical incumbent protection racket in the Senate. You start this war and we’ll organize to Lamonticize against Salazar and Landrieu and Pryor, and anyone else that refuses to respect the will of the people that make up this party. Is that what you want?
You will lose. The blogosphere is a weapon. And it can be turned as easily on Morrison and Lieberman as it can be turned on Santorum and Burns. The leadership would be incredibly unwise to give any support, tacit or otherwise, to an independent run by Joe Lieberman.
You have come out with a unified message that we should begin a withdrawal of troops from Iraq. That is Ned Lamont’s position, too. It is not Lieberman’s position and that is why he is going to lose.
Rally behind Lamont and the party and the message will be unified. Give Lieberman a green light, and you will have no end of trouble and it will drastically improve the Republicans’ chances of retaining their majorities.
I think if the Lamont win is big enough they will have to get on board. It’s either that or get thrown under the same bus that ran over Joementum.
I think so too. For one thing, don’t you think a lot of elected Dems secretly want Lieberman off Fox news almost as much as we do? Yeah they are scared of those crazy demented netroots, and they have to defend one of their own if he has a chance. But if he doesn’t, there has to be some relief that they won’t have to listen to him cutting dems off at the knee anymore.
you’d think so, but they are more concerned not to have a precedent set that the netroots has the power to kick an incumbent out.
And make no mistake, the free media and buzz created by the blogosphere was absolutely crucial to making this happen.
Still, Lieberman is a special case. I don’t think the blogosphere would have been so successful if what we were saying hadn’t struck a deep chord with the general Democratic voter, especially in the northeast.
And, it’s not over till it’s over, as they say.
This time.
But he is only the most shamelessly public of the Bush enablers in DC.
My perspective has always been that the progressive political fight is not ONLY against the Republicans, but also against the spineless DC Dems who are up to their bloody elbows in responsiblity for the mess this country finds itself in.
My own personal perspective is that EVERY politician who voted to give Bush the authority to start the Iraq War have shown such disgraceful judgement that they have disqualified themselves from consideration for any future public office.
Joe Lieberman is only the first.
The DC in-crowd understands that, and they are afraid.
They damn well should be.
We should “make them an offer they can’t refuse”
preach it, brother Boo…amen!
Can I throw Joe an anvil now?
I hope this works, but after Holy Joe is freed up to join some winger think tank or become a Bush Administration official of one sort or another, Ned Lamont needs to be held accountable to the growing call for the US to be a force for PEACE in the world, which means that we need to step away from the out-of-control monsters running Israel now. It’s not enough to pull out of Iraq. The US needs to begin serious moves to undo all of the terrible harm our militaristic imperialism has injected into the world.
The important thing here ISN’T Ned Lamont, the important thing is an engaged citizenry that demands an ethical and humanistic leadership for the Democratic Party. I wish I was seeing Tasini getting this much support from the blogs in his campaign against Queen Warhawk Hillary.
From FDL
Liberman is still on with his GOTV effort. The Washington Post article saying he was cancelling his GOTV operation was a ruse.
Of course it was a ruse. He is the fight of his political life right now an dhe knows it. So do his friends in the party. That is why they are standing up for him right now. bless their little hearts…:o)