Real History Lisa recently posted yet another in her long line of great pieces here. Eleven Questions re 9/11.

I wrote a comment on it that grew into something else. So MUCH “something else” that I also had to repost a piece I wrote recently on My Left Wing. (Linked below.)

So…read on if you are interested. I personally think that BushCo is going to fold, and that the real, tangible beginning of that folding process will happen in November. They can still attempt some sort of giant October Surprise, but it looks to me like too many of the segments of this system that initially went along with their program have realized that BushCo and the Neo-Cons are totally incompetent…large and powerful parts of the military being foremost among them…and efforts at mounting an October (or earlier) Surprise will fizzle.

So now…we must look ahead.

To what follows.

(Below the fold…)
Real History Lisa posted eleven questions re 9/11. All valid; all in need of real answers

I have only ONE question for y’all, myself.

Do you not think that there are some…many…groups within our military and intelligence apparatus that were systematically kept out of the loop regarding this thing, if indeed it really happened in a pre-plotted manner? I mean…there was no mass email memo distributed to all who might be even tangentially involved saying “Yo. On the 11TH? See no evil, hear no evil. That’s an order. TAKE NO ACTIONS.” Right?

And if that is undoubtedly the case (given again the idea that 9/11 was not just a typically massive fuck-up by our too large and thus almost totally incompetent social and governmental system as it now stands), then in the ensuing years you can be SURE that inquiries have been made. And actions HAVE been taken. As always…secret actions, because that’s what “intelligence” forces do. They are secret police.

This current tide of 9/11 mass media exposure…? Just part of the same quite plainly coordinated effort that has at the very least included what was clearly a plot by some faction of the CIA to use the Plame thing against the Neo-Cons (That faction may even have CREATED the scandal from the get-go, by the way.), the work of Richard Clarke and others like him plus the various “leaks” that have so kindly informed the writing of the endless reporters who have written on military, political, and plain old theft/murder crime after crime in the mainstream media, “left wing” division.

It all happens under the covers here in The United Secrets of America.

And THAT is the real problem.

I recently made a post on My Left Wing that largely dealt with the problem of secrecy. (I have reposted it here for your perusal, should you be so inclined. Secrecy Is Their Sword. Openness Must Be Ours.)

The REAL danger as I see it is that the same forces that have secretly dealt with their own perception of “problems” regarding our position in the world are the ones that are now running the effective opposition to BushCo.

Because BushCo has failed.


NOT strategically.

The same economic imperialist strategy is shared by BOTH sides of this question. The two sides of the corporate-controlled PermaGov.

Neo-Con=Nouveau Riche.

Old Con=Old Riche.

But there is always and forever a third side. To EVERY question. And “we”…those who are outside the power loop but most definitely have input (Blogs HAVE changed the game. Bet on it.)…we are that third side. The most publicly visible part of it, anyway.

Our coming problem is as follows. (Provided of course that the Neos do not begin dropping Big Ones in their increasingly panicked flight from possible prosecution. Which would pose a greater problem, of course. As you can be sure they well know.)

What do we do when Plan A Lite takes over?

Do we roll in the scent of our dead enemy like dogs? As we did when the same forces succeeded in taking down Nixon?

Or do we continue to fight the REAL enemy?

Those who would…admittedly by gentler, kinder means (or at least by more secretive means)…continue to try to dominate the world and bogart the resources of that world to allow some 15% of the world’s population to continue to drive big cars and eat empty FatBurgers while the ever-increasingly well-armed and angry OTHER 85% sit and plot how to get their fair share of the booty?

We have to begin to take the long view, now.

The LONG long view.

See ya somewhere…on down the road a ways.

If we’re lucky.
