pennconservative. Brilliant.
I’m not one of these people that condemns what the wacky left is doing by challenging Lieberman over his proximity to the present. Contrary to what many seem to think, this is exactly what primaries are for. If the Democratic party wants to be the “cut and run” or appeasement party, then fine. These things are supposed to get resolved in primaries.
That being said, Republicans should be ecstatic if Lamont wins, because it will convince the Democrats that their anti-war, weak-on-defense message resonates with the people. Unfortantely for them, all races are not Democratic primaries in Connecticut with the whole world watching.
It’s unthinkable to me what it would mean if that logic were to work yet again.
I think that IndyScott over at dKos nailed the Wednesday headline in this predictions thread:
I’ll tell you something, ejmw.
I think that there is a third possibility, and that it is a much GREATER possibility than the other two.
Result Dooms BushCo.
I think that the mainstream media will crack to the left if Lamont wins. I think that BOTH parties will start running as fast as possible to get out from under Bush in the event that Lamont scores a real victory.
Now…Lamont can still lose. The Rats always have another new reality up their sleeves, be it registering/re-registering Independents and Ratpubs as Dems OR fixing ballots, but one of these days…and this looks to me like it might be THE day a’comin’…they are going to reach for their sleeve and come up empty.
And as any performer can tell you…you are only as good as your last trick.
One seriously blown illusion and that renowned stage magician is just another second-rate stumblebum.
Support for BushCo has NEVER been exactly “deep”. It has always as shallow as the depth of a TV screen. Turn the screen left, and the people will follow it.
Now I am not saying that a left turn of that sort would be a REAL left turn. Heaven forbid that the corporate-owned MSM might go socialist on our asses!!! But a turn away from an administration that has SO fucked up that the illusion of competence can no longer be maintained? An administration in such trouble that a little pisher like Lamont…no offense intended, but in case you haven’t noticed, he’s ain’t exactly Winston Churchill on the speaker’s stand…can in plain daylight humiliate their A Number One mole like this?
“Time for Plan A Lite, Sir!!!” will be the order of the day.
If Lamont wins.
A leftward-headed media tsunami will form.
Front runners do not care in WHICH direction they run, just so long as it is the winning direction.
That is an interesting possibility. I guess we’ll see if the pendulum is ready to begin the swing back towards justice.
What you don’t say tells me just as much as what you do. If anyone doubts the razor thin line we’re walking on this one, they should simply note that you didn’t once use your signature phrase ‘Bet on it’ in that post.
My favorite line from the first comment:
the local new england republican infrastructure has become arrogant, elitist, incestuous and morally–and often legally as well–corrupt
This differs from other republicans how exactly?
from dan froomkin, via the wash post
While I am not now, nor was I ever a legitimate resident of Connecticut, I can say that if Lamont wins, it’ll be a tragic day for the Democratic Party. Not so much because of Lamont’s positions on important issues, but because of the reasons why many Democrats will not vote for Lieberman.
Lieberman is a man of conviction, who is not afraid to vote for or against a particular piece of legislation or to stand up for an issue based on principle rather than for the cronyism that makes up the party line.
One of the saddest reasons why people oppose Lieberman is because he believes in reasonable discourse with those that oppose his views on many issues e.g. Sean Hannity and President Bush. As if the liberal and radical political apparatchik within the Democratic Party were not loud and obnoxious.
I do not know Sen. Lieberman personally, but I have heard him speak and I like what I hear, most of the time.
If I were still a Democrat and a resident of Connecticut, Lieberman would have my vote.
Moishe Lewack, Frederick, MD
Apparenly you can spell “reasonable discourse” in two words: “Yes, sir.”
Subject: The Perfect Diet
I have a Labrador retriever.
I was buying a large bag of Purina at Wal-Mart and was in line to
check out.
A woman behind me asked if I had a dog?
On impulse, I told her that no, and that I was starting The Purina
Diet again. Although I probably shouldn’t because I’d ended up in
the hospital last time, but that I’d lost 50 pounds before I awakened in
an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices
and IVs in both arms.
I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way
that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and
simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry and that the food
is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again.
I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by
now enthralled with my story.
Horrified, she asked if ended up in intensive care because the dog
food poisoned me.
I told her no; I’d been sitting in the street licking my balls and a
car hit me.
Unless this is snark.
At the moment, our author’s total contribution to the Tribune is one (1) comment, which you’ve already seen.
good for what ails ya….
Sorry Joe has to go, and its not because of Iraq and its not because he prizes civility over principle.
(As my wife always says about Bush, just because he has good manners doesn’t mean he’s not evil.)
What his defeat will mean is that we won’t stay the course because he’s driving us into the ditch.
What his defeat will mean is that Democrats believe in democracy – ordinary people living and working in an extraordinary democracy.
It will mean that imaginary ties between 9.11 and Iraq don’t trump the constitution.
Joe has forgotten that.
Joe has become the enabler in chief, the excuser of the throne, the best alibi the Bush Crime Family ever had. “Hey, I wasn’t even there, I was with Joe Lieberman when the country decided to go to war with Iraq and void the Constitution.”
Joe has been sucked in by the free racket marketing of the new World War – the perpetual war with undefined enemies and ill-defined goals that serves as an endless cup of catastrophe at the same time it excuses the chronic and intentional undermining of our democracy.
What this election will do is send a message that the voters who belong to (and are joining) the Democratic party are willing to stand up to the Democratic Party Organization to make their voices heard.
It will say that the voters who belong to the Democratic Party will not tolerate disagreement with one basic principle – that this government is of the people, by the people and for the people.
It means that there is one issue that will trump all others – either you are willing to fight for democracy here at home or you are not. If you are not, as Democrats we cannot support you.
Yes, Joe we disagree with you about Iraq.
More importantly, Joe, we disagree with you about America.
Sorry Joe. You have to go.
now, with what lobbying group are you with, again? I think I must have missed it. sorry.