Progress Pond

Liveblogging from Lamont HQ in Meriden! WE WON!!!

Hello everyone, from Meriden – home of the Ned Lamont campaign headquarters! This will be posted at Daily Kos and Booman Tribune. The wireless connection here is a bit slow, to be honest, so I’ll try and get some pictures up as soon as possible. There’s a lot of heady company to be with here – Tim  Tagaris, Matt Stoller, Chris Bowers, Atrios, CT Bob, and Spazeboy, to name a few. The polls are officially closed, and now it’s down to waiting. Feel free to ask any questions and chat here. I’ll be continuously updating this thread with pictures as fast as I can upload them.

I’ll be heading to the main room soon to get some pictures, so I apologize if I don’t respond much at all. And I usually never say this, but please recommend! It’s the only way this’ll get any visibility.

Yours truly, blogging from the ‘blogger room’.

Jesse Jackson talking to a shitload of reporters in our room!

The incomparable Spazeboy.

More updates to come…

More bloggers, with Duncan Black (aka Atrios)

1% of the vote in: 57% Lamont, 43% Lieberman. The room gets a little excited.

The entrance to Lamont HQ in Meriden. Pretty inconspicuous…

The most excellet CT Bob, who has been one of the people doggedly asking Lieberman the tough questions.

2% in, 60-40 Lamont!

We lead by 1000 votes…

This would be Chris Bowers computer. I’ll probably head to the main room soon. Lamont is still up 20%, 60-40.

Lamont is still holding his 60-40 edge with 3.5% of the vote in.

Atrios and Chris Bowers watch the results on TV.

Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake. She seems to be busy posting over at FDL right now, but I can’t tell. It’s crowded as hell in here. Stirling Newberry just arrived. I think Matt Stoller (MyDD) is floating around somewhere.

UPDATE: LIEBERMAN JUST LOST HIS OWN PRECINCT! The whole room just broke out in spontaneous applause

Update: 7% in, 56-44 Lamont. I think the CT Secretary of State’s website crashed. In addition, if I heard correctly, Lamont won the hard count in the city by around 100 votes. It’s still going to be tight…

Stirling Newberry coincidentally turns around for a picture of the busiest bloggers’ table. It’s freakin’ crowded in here, the alcohol’s flowing a little, and there’s no media allowed.

Update from Chris Bowers: 15% of the vote in, 6500-vote margin for Lamont. I don’t know what % that adds up to.

I’m heading over to the main ballroom for the time being. I’ll be back in a little bit. On the TV, it says 56-44 Lamont with 11%. Be back soon!

Back. With 189 out of 700-some odd precincts, the count is 43K Lamont, 39K Lieberman. Someone can calculate the percentage. Pictures of the media presence and the main room coming up. We have no idea which precincts they are.

Yes, that is Alan Colmes and his teleprompter for his instructions. Maxine Waters and Lowell Weicker are in the house, but I haven’t seen them yet. There are 748 total precincts in CT. The TV says 56%-44% with 17% reporting, but that’s less than what I posted.

Update fron Stirling Newberry: 47K votes for Lamont, 39K for Lieberman. Apparently, the previous numbers I posted before were wrong.

Another update: 32% of precincts in, 49K for Lamont, 42K for Lieberman.

I should add that Lieberman won Stamford, from what I’ve heard. Don’t know the numbers for that, though. Photobucket is being really slow; I hope you all aren’t killing my bandwidth…I think I have 50 GB worth. A little more than the Lieberman website, if I recall. 🙂 So slow…

UPDATE: 253 precincts in, 60K votes for Lamont, 50K for Lieberman. Hell fuckin’ yeah!

Report is from the TeeVee that Joe Lieberman is praying. Seriously. In addition, news from Colin McEnroe that Lieberman won New Britain. Still can’t get my photos up.

UPDATE: Lamont is up in Bridgeport with 2 precincts left to count!!!

Crowd shot of the ballroom a while ago.

Picture of the media setup in the back of the room. Heading out, be back in a little. Last word I heard was 54%-46% Lamont.

Latest update: Lamont is up 71K-59K – this is 55%-45%.

The equally marvelous CT Blogger.

CT Bob and his assistant are ‘getting serious’. I can only wonder what they do for fun. 🙂 I’ll have more pictures in a little bit – I have to recharge my camera battery.

UPDATE: 45% of precincts counted, 76K for Lamont, 66K for Lieberman. Someone can calculate the %. Also, most of the absentee ballots have already been counted.

On the TV: 52% Lamont, 48% Lieberman. The room got a little quieter. This is 50% of the precincts counted. Don’t ask me about the previous numbers – they are all over the place. Literally everything I post is what I hear.

Tim Tagaris chatting with someone. The bloggers’ room has largely emptied out for now – CT Blogger is the only person I recognize here right now.

MAJOR UPDATE: 80% OF THE VOTE COUNTED: 117K VOTES FOR LAMONT, 103K FOR LIEBERMAN. Someone calculate this! CT Blogger is saying, “It’s over.” Let’s wait and see.

Update: word is that after Lieberman concedes tonight, prominent CT Republicans will endorse Joe tomorrow. This means war.

Local radio is on the scene. I think Lowell Weicker was just speaking with them.

Hilarious! Local TV posted the Lamont/Lieberman numbers backward, and reports were they were going nuts over at Joementum’s HQ. It’s since been changed, but they still don’t know.

Note: There haven’t been some updates for some time because nothing’s really going on right now. When something new happens, I’ll let you know. For the most part, we’re sitting around and chatting. My guess is the next big news will be the final results. We’ll see. I’ll keep getting pictures up as fast as I can. On a tangent, Matt Stoller seems to love the Joementum 2004 campaign song. I don’t know where the link is, but it’s hilarious.

Some additional observations: Bowers doesn’t think Lieberman will run as an independent. Another person observed that Lieberman doesn’t seem to enjoy campaigning, so he may not continue on either.

As for the results, I think we’re expecting the next update will be the 100% figure. Waiting, seeing, and being optimistic. CT Bob looks like he’s enjoying it. CT Blogger wants Joe to quit because he can’t do another 2 months of this.

Update: Ned will be speaking within the hour.

Update: Don’t know total %, but its 123K for Ned, 109 for Lieberman. Roughly a 6% point lead, just like the last Q-poll said.

Alan Colmes looks really lonely. I almost feel bad for him. Almost.

UPDATE: DRUDGE SAYS THAT LIEBERMAN LOST. The room fuckin’ went wild. Let’s see what a more reliable source says.

Drudge linked to a story that says Lieberman is trailing, not that he lost. Figures, that stupid fuckwad.

I’ll let you know if anything else new comes out. For now, I think we’re just waiting for the final results here. It’s getting loud here.

Update: 84% of the vote, a 52%-48% lead for Lamont (roughly 9K votes difference). The room got really quiet…we’re still waiting on an official results.

Chris Bowers, hard at work.

The big screen in the ballroom still shows a 14K lead for Lamont, 124K to 110K. Waiting for final results…

Update: I just heard that Lamont has won every precinct in Hartford. Again, take it for what you will.

Spazeboy interviewing CT Blogger. We’re still waiting…

The blogger room is filling up again…

Matt Stoller is either deep in thought or has had too much to drink.

More funniness: local reporters are saying no one is at Lieberman HQ now except for reporters. I think I’m going to cry. Just took pictures of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton; I’ll be getting photos up momentarily…

Jesse Jackson is working the crowd in the ballroom.

Update: 93% in, 52%-48% for Lamont – this is a 8,400-vote margin.

Al Sharpton after being interviewed on TV.

UPDATE: THE LOCAL CBS AFFILIATE CALLED THE RACE FOR LAMONT. In addition, Chris Bowers is going to call it for Lamont as well, figuring he only needs 29% of the remaining vote to win.


Tim Tagaris said that Lieberman will be going through with his independent run.

Lieberman is now on TV.

LIEBERMAN HAS CALLED LAMONT TO CONGRATULATE HIM ON WINNING. However, he is definitely running as an INDY. Get ready for more warfare.


The entire room is heckling Lieberman. ctkeith in particular has been brutal. There is a lot of hatred here, and we are ready to fight another 3 months to bury him for good.

We’re all quite mad here. We’re ready for another battle. We’re ready to take our fight to the people of CT again to show Joe the door one last time. Everyone call their representatives tomorrow and tell them to support Ned Lamont.

I’m heading over to the main ballroom for Lamont’s upcoming speech. I’ll be back.

Last update: incredible speech. Lamont rocked the house, and there was so much energy in the crowd. We finally won one guys – but there’s still much work to do on this race. For you guys, that means I’ll be making more trips up to CT to help out.

I’ll post a final comprehensive review tomorrow night – I’m extremely tired now, and I have to get started on the 90-minute drive home. Thanks to everyone for being here. I hope I made y’all feel as if you were here for this.

Damn, it feels good to win.

From Meriden, CT, goodnight.

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