cross-posted at skippy as well as a literal cornucopia of other community blogs.

readers of skippy remember how far up our dander got when we heard about hnn anchor chuck roberts equating, without cause or context, ned lamont to al qaeda.

but rather than just whining about yet another example of the mmm parroting repubbblican talking points instead of actually reporting the news, we decided to do something about it.

of course, anyone who wanted to complain to cnn (parent network) could call them at 404 827 1700, and let them know how they felt. but we decided to go a step further.

we watched headline news for a few hours and wrote down their advertisers. then we found contact numbers for said advertisers.

= = = more after the jump = = =
[ed. note: this is by no means a comprehensive list. we suggest you watch headline news network too, or at least as much as you can stomach, and send us your list of advertisers you see on that cable channel. we’ll add it to this list.]

why not mail, phone, email, or otherwise convey your opinions of how unprofessional chuck roberts was to hnn’s advertisers? be sure to be civil, and include the facts without vitriole or hyperbole.

remember to include such facts as, aside from the point that roberts made his assertion with no attributable source (not a very journalistic approach), the majority of americans believe that democrats can handle the u.s. campaign against terrorism better than the repubbblicans.

you may want to stress that you will not purchase the advertisers’ products or services until they remove their advertising from headline news network, or until headline news network reprimands roberts, or he gives an on-air apology.

it probably won’t make a difference, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

headline news network advertisers (partial list):

geico insurance

communications department
one geico plaza
washington, d.c. 20076
= = = = = =

800 connecticut ave
norwalk, ct 06854-1631
(203) 299-8000

jeffery h. boyd
president and chief executive officer

brett keller
chief marketing officer
= = = = = = = =

hyundai motor america
10550 talbert ave.
fountain valley, ca 92728-0850
= = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = =

doubletree hotels
contact hilton hotels (parent company)
= = = = = = = = =

franklin templeton investments
west coast mail
p.o. box 997152
sacramento, ca

east coast mail
p.o. box 33030
st. petersburg, fl
= = = = = = = = =

one johnson & johnson plaza
new brunswick
new jersey 08933
(732) 524-0400
contact form
= = = = = = = = =

boehringer ingelheim pharmaceuticals, inc.
900 ridgebury road
p.o. box 368
ridgefield, ct
(203) 798-9988
(800) 243-0127
fax: 203.798.4408
= = = = = = = = =

customer satisfaction department
mail drop L203
19001 south western ave
torrance, ca 90509-2732
toll free: 1-800-25 lexus
fax: 310-468-2992
web site:
= = = = = = = = =

kia motors america, inc.
consumer assistance center
po box 52410
irvine, ca 92619-2410
toll free: 1-800-333-4kia
fax: (949) 470-2812
web site:
= = = = = = = = =

visa international marketing
p.o. box 8999, mailstop m1-11j
san francisco, ca 94128-8999
contact form
= = = = = = = = =
telebrands customer care
79 two bridges road
fairfield, nj 07004
= = = = = = = = =

ameriprise financial
70100 ameriprise financial center
minneapolis, mn 55474