As George Bush said, “fool me once, shame on me, fool me–you can’t get
fooled again”. Or, how about the old saying, “if it walks like a duck,
talks like a duck, it’s a duck”. Why the snark? Just watch the Keith
Olbermann’s brilliant presentation–which shows conclusive, indisputable
evidence that George Bush and his minions have used bogus terrorist threats
to distract public attention from embarrassing political news–and you too
will become a member of the reality based community (thanks to John Amato at
Crooks and Liars for posting this up).

Ten. Count em. Ten separate incidents where the Bush Administration issued
public warnings of imminent attacks that subsequently turned out to be
non-existent or misleading. George Bush is the boy who cried Wolf, Wolf,
Wolf, Wolf, Wolf. . . .and no end is in sight. Olbermann deserves an Emmy
and a Pulitzer. He’s done a public service. He has blazed a trail the rest
of the media, print and electronic, ought to follow. Please ensure your
friends and relatives see this piece.