…Rhetorically one might ask why is this organization, propped up by the United States, still in existence? Why do we pump billions into it day in and day out and we are still hated? Quite simply, in the opinion of many it is a tool for the elite establishment which believes in a Global Ideology. A very noble concept which somehow forgot the nature of man. The concept really started even before Windrow Wilson and the League of Nations but right up unto the present configuration it has failed. Resolution after resolution laughed at or ignored. Yet, it will continue to exist as long as that ideology exists…
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Rhetorically, does anyone really believe the United nations is a world governing body that can actually govern the nations of the world fairly and equitably? Well in the opinion of many, based on their record, they have failed in the critical area of world peace. If it were not for the logistic and military and monetary might of the United States it would have failed at their Humanitarian Missions as well. Why, because no other country – check it out- has the capability needed to implement the massive aide efforts they undertake. That’s right -no one!
Rhetorically one might ask why is this organization, propped up by the United States, still in existence? Why do we pump billions into it day in and day out and we are still hated? Quite simply, in the opinion of many it is a tool for the elite establishment which believes in a Global Ideology. A very noble concept which somehow forgot the nature of man. The concept really started even before Windrow Wilson and the League of Nations but right up unto the present configuration it has failed. Resolution after resolution laughed at or ignored. Yet, it will continue to exist as long as that ideology exists.
Right now they are arguing about passing another worthless resolution which will appease many, satisfy none and solve little. So in the opinion of many this will only lead to another round of worthless resolutions sometime up the road. So what are we trying to say? In many an opinion it must be that leaders all over the world use this platform for their own political agenda and not for the well being of the nations of the world. Well one says if the world is ever to attain peace nations must respect the wishes of every nation and come to a compromise on critical issues and this is the only forum that this can be done in. Well that is a good premise to go with but you have to understand one thing- when has this ever happened? The only thing that ever comes out of it is when other side wants to make an agreement beneficial to them or their allies. It matters not the truth, the facts or need it only matters what is best for groups or individual nations.
One must ask if you believe you can have solutions when you have political systems and ideology clashing and countries are fighting for position, power, influence and eventually their goals? As example country A wishes to destroy country B but it is not in a position to do so. Therefore it must bide its time until ready or able to do such. To that degree Country A will negotiate to their advantage because country B really wants to believe they want to live in peace and they can?t pass an opportunity by. Other countries who have something to gain will maneuver accordingly and as necessary with what is happening. In the long run the bad guy wins and good guy dies some more.
So what is the answer. Quite simply in my opinion there is no answer for man. They will never be able to solve their problems through any one organization because it means compromise and being able to give and take. Do you think any people are willing to do that? So are we doomed for war? Well in my opinion and probably most the answer is yes. Peace will always elude mankind until they can implement that which they all profess they are – peace loving! Sadly, if they are as religious as they say they are then they already know the answer regardless of the faith they practice. Its been published out in the open just like Hitler did in his work. He said what he said and no compromise could stop him. It took millions of deaths and you know something, it didn’t change, just an entire new set of problems came about.
So, until all men reach out in peace and love and with brother hood the ones who wish only death to their perceived enemies will prevail. You see it right now with the death of those innocents killed by a political faction formed out of hate and death. They will sacrifice anyone or thing for their goal. As for the masses it is the same. Until they look deep into their soul and become what they profess they too will accept death and hate. It is called choice and that is what separates and elevates the Saints from men. When you take any political faction and you promote the same concepts of conquest regardless if war, exploitation and power, it is all the same.
Now the Muslims have a teaching based on love, as do the Christians and in fact all other faiths. All faiths teach this is the strongest, greatest, most significant attainment for a soul. Mohammed spoke about killing Gods creation! Jesus spoke of love of your enemy. Perhaps this is the key? Those on both sides who preach death will reap what they sow and in the end lose. Until man reaches out in the faith they profess, they supposedly practice and believe in, then no organization will work and no peace will hold. Agreements must be fair and equitable for all Gods creation based on love of God and His creation. Mans systems will fail, create war, innocents will die and mankind will lose.
My proposal, though radical to most is to reach out to your hated enemy and talk. Bombs on both sides have killed Gods creation and the loved ones of many and have brought nothing but more death and destruction. You many not agree but there is NO other choice.
Written by Robert T. Melaccio Sr. [send him email], who is a freelance writer, and regular contributor to PopulistAmerica.com
Copyright © 2006 Robert Melaccio
This article is like saying “Since my local police department is filled with corruption, there should be no police officers in the community, and furthermore, police departments are always failing to prevent some of the crimes in my community, so we should just give up on having police forces at all and trust the individuals in the community to love one another.”
Total bunk.
The U.N. is not perfect. It’s not even very effective in many cases. Get over it. The U.N. has done lots of good humanitarian work. Neither you nor anyone else can say with certainty that the mere existence of a forum for discussing world issues is not a good thing. So what if it fails from time to time. That is no reason to quit trying. The problem of control by global elitists is not a U.N. problem, but a ubiquitous, all encompassing global problem. You can’t blame that on the U.N.
Also, your blind religious invocation “Mans systems will fail, create war, innocents will die and mankind will lose” is a sign that you do not believe in rational attempts to solve real problems.
no security council the UN would be a better body. I guess there aint no democracy allowed at the UN. One would have thought with the bush democracy crusade he may have suggested these democratic initiatives. 😉
The UN is only as powerful as its members will let it be. If the major powers would abide by UN decisions, it would be a very power organization. If there was a way to actually enforce the UN’s decisions, it would also be a powerful organization.
As is, the United Nations is weak because it was designed that way. It was designed by the victorious Allies of World War Two to serve their interests. That’s why Britain or France hold more power in the United Nations than Japan, India, Brazil, Germany and other influential nations. There is no enforcement mechanism and any decisions can be vetoed by the permanent Security Council members. If you google “US UN veto” you can see a pile of UN resolutions vetoed by the US, often when they were outvoted 90-1 or 90-2.
Would world democracy be a good thing? Hard to say. Not for us, certainly. I would expect that if there truly was a functioning world democracy, I would expect that the victims of imperial and economic colonialism would be looking to make amends for a few centuries of being pillaged by the West.
As for the religious part of your diary, I would say that even a cursory glance at history would indicate that religion is the primary fault line between societies. More wars have been fought and more people have died in God’s name than for any other cause. Appealing to religion to stop war and conflict is like asking business leaders to stamp out corporate crime. Whenever you have a large group of people who believe that they have a monopoly on the truth and that they are favored by God, problems occur. Would suicide bombings be as much of a threat if the bombers didn’t think they were doing God’s work?