Well, it was bound to happen eventually. Hollywood drank the kool-aid.
NICOLE Kidman has made a public stand against terrorism.
The actress, joined by 84 other high-profile Hollywood stars, directors, studio bosses and media moguls, has taken out a powerfully-worded full page advertisement in today’s Los Angeles Times newspaper.
It specifically targets “terrorist organisations” such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine.
“We the undersigned are pained and devastated by the civilian casualties in Israel and Lebanon caused by terrorist actions initiated by terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah and Hamas,” the ad reads.
“If we do not succeed in stopping terrorism around the world, chaos will rule and innocent people will continue to die.
“We need to support democratic societies and stop terrorism at all costs.”
Apparantly actors Michael Douglas, Dennis Hopper, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Danny De Vito, Don Johnson, James Woods, Kelly Preston, Patricia Heaton and William Hurt, and Directors Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Michael Mann, Dick Donner and Sam Raimi cannot read the New Yorker.
I also condemn the taking of civilian life by organizations like Hamas and Hizballah. I’m just not dense enough to blame them for the deaths of over 700 Lebanese people. Those deaths fall firmly on the plate of Dick Cheney, Ehud Olmert, and George W. Bush. They took those lives months ago when they agreed to use the next provocation to destroy Lebanon and its infrastructure. Thankfully, Olmert resisted Cheney’s request that they destroy Syria’s infrastructure and kill their civilians too.
I’m no sympathizer with Islamic terrorism. I just don’t like being lied to. Apparently, Nicole Kidman doesn’t mind.
Can you say business move?
Not Dennis Hopper, too! What is the world coming to?
For some reason the only one who surprises me on this list is DeVito.
All of these people are conservative to wingnut in thinking.
Bruce Willis, Patricia Heaton, James Woods…please folks, get a clue.
They’re differentiating themselves from the so-called loony left of Johnny Depp, George Clooney, and Sean Penn.
It’s the Hollywood split. Is the blacklist far behind?
When he made that stupid L.A. cop movie about gangs, I went off him.
From Wikipedia
Ask anybody that lives in LA. Hopper is such a legendary jerk in LA that almost everyone there has a “Hopper is a jerk” story.
Hopper really revels in his celebrity status. Loves slumming with the peasants, making sure everyone knows he’s slumming with the peasants, making peasants wait on him hand and foot, and detonating if Hopper’s every whim isn’t immediately satisfied.
I have found the more money people make, the more Republican they become. I mean, just think of all those effing tax cuts they get. Like they need them huh?
They need to stop watching Faux news.
Transparently, business as usual.
Where the media is not only the message, it is the OWNER.
Turn on your TV (if you have the stomach for it) and watch the news channels.
“Why!!! That’s what NICOLE KIDMAN said, Hannah!!!”
Business as usual…
P.S. There is almost no such thing as an “ex-Scientologist.” The character flaw that led you INTO that nightmare does not change. It’s like the “ex-CIA” syndrome. If you cannot smell the rot when you walk in the room…you’ve got problems that NO org(anization) can cure.
Nicole Kidman.
Give me a break!!!
Don’t hold your breath waiting for White House apologists to mcck Kidman et al as airheaded Hollywood liberals who should stick to making movies.
James Woods gets a pass on being freaked out. They are pretty sure Woods was on one of the 9/11 dress reheasal flights of some of the 9/11 hijackers right before 9/11. Woods reported the incident to the appropriate authorities, and the initial report was taken, but there was no follow-up until after 9/11.
I’ve seen Woods talk about it on TV. Woods is pretty freaked out about the whole situation. Anyone would be.
the 9/11 dress reheasal flights of some of the 9/11 hijackers right before 9/11
Yep. I saw Woods on more than a few TV shows talking about that not too long after 9/11.
Woods said he was on a flight a couple of weeks before 9/11 with 5 young males of Arabic descent who looked so nervous the whole flight, they spooked most of the passengers and crew on the plane. Woods was one of several passengers/crew on that flight to file a report after the flight landed.
Openly sweating in a cool cabin. Spent the whole flight fidgeting and looking around nervously. Moving about the cabin a lot. Whispering to each other.
Nobody called anyone that filed the reports from that flight until a couple of days after 9/11.
Openly sweating in a cool cabin. Spent the whole flight fidgeting and looking around nervously. Moving about the cabin a lot. Whispering to each other.
That does not seem like terrorist or worrisome activity to me, but hey, I wasn’t on the flight. Seems to me like they could’ve been sick and therefore sweating. You mention that they were young males, maybe they really were just nervous about their first flight on an airplane? And where to where was this flight – legs get tired, limbs fall asleep, moving around the cabin helps fight that and I believe doctors encourage you to get up and walk around to help circulation. Whispering to each other? Is is commonplace to scream at each other when seated next to each other? That they were whispering, to me, seems pretty courteous. But once again, I wasn’t on the plane. Who knows.
when I give Dennis Miller a pass.
Remember, this is a guy that played human brush Haldeman in Stone’s Nixon. He’s been playing assholic bad guys because in truth, that’s his middle name. He’s long past playing opposite Meryl Streep in sympathetic films like Holocaust.
Yeah, I saw him on TV just after 9/11, too. Which made everyone else look askance at any one wearing a turban or looking or dressing remotely Middle Eastern or Muslim. No way of knowing for sure whether these clowns were actually on that flight.
Authorities jacked up another group of young men during another flight some years later on the complaint of some nervous broad who just knew they were terrorists<. The men were released when it was found that the men were trying to find a way to pray on the plane.
Woods has played the role of some jerks, but Woods played Haldeman and those other jerks as jerks. Woods didn’t play Haldeman sympathetically. He certainly didn’t play Roy Cohn sympathetically, and Woods Byron De La Beckwith in Ghosts of Mississippi was absolutely evil.
What do you suggest a director do? Use cardboard cut-outs or mannequins for roles in movie that were historically bad guys? Does that mean you think Anthony Hopkins is a Nixon supporter? Are you suggesting the 6 actors Spike Lee used to play Klansman in Malcolm X are Klansmen in real life?
As for the flight, it was the flight crew on Woods flight that officially filed the report against the individuals in question. Woods signed on as an additional witness. So are flight crews unqualified to gage potential threats to their aircraft?
Unless you really know these cats, or know them by third persons, I tend to think that Miller and Woods really are like that.
Woods let the flight crew know about these unknown men, number one. He signed on to corroborate. I’m not dissing them. I’m dissing every jittery passenger who thinks that a Sikh wearing a turban and religious knife is about to cut everyone’s throat.
Hell, no. I don’t want actors to be pasteups. And yet, it’s been proven that actors often become the assholes (in this case) that they’re playing.
Those are some scary folks on that list… where to start?
Willis? He lost me at the Republican Conventions and still doesn’t see what a patsy he is shilling for them after 6 years of their pants around their ankles.
Heaton? Fresh from her screeching about Schiavo and how horrible Michael Schiavo is? She has not an ounce of credibility. So happy her campaign to replace Meredith Viera fell flat on it’s face.
Kidman? Well, obviously the Botox addiction has addled her little Scientologist (okay, ex but does she speak out about THAT freak show and do anything about her children being raised that way?) head.
Patricia Heaton is also the spokesperson for Feminists for Life…
I wonder what Mel’s stance is?! He just got probation for all that shit he said to a room full of cops. Holy shit. I wish I had 1/1000th of that kind of juice to get off like that after he mouthed off everyone in sight like he did.
John McIntyre of Real Clear Politics says I am going to marching us into an utterly unelectable position.