Update [2006-8-19 14:3:39 by Steven D]: Just so you know, my 11 year old daughter is the one who really has been pushing me to do this. She was my co-manager in a fantasy league last year, and she got hooked. So, it’s a father-daughter thing as far as we are concerned.

I’ve created a Free Fantasy Football League for Bootribbers at Yahoo.com.  The league is open to all on a first come, first served basis.  Here is the LINK To JOIN.  Just click on the “Join Custom” button and follow the instructions.  You’ll need to type in the League ID number and password provided below:

League ID: 505082  

League Password:  booman

The League’s Name: Frog Marchers

One catch:  You’ll have to register at at Yahoo.com if you’re not a member there.  Here’s Yahoo’s Help page explaining how to register if you are not already a Yahoo member: LINK

More information on the flip . . .
Once you’ve joined you can register a team, select an avatar and a team name.  In the interest of making things as simple as possible I’ve selected an automatic draft function.  Yahoo has a ranking system for all players, but you can customize the order before the draft.  On draft day, Yahoo will automatically assign your team its players based on the order you’ve ranked them and their availability when your draft picks come up.

For those new to Fantasy Football, the rules are fairly straightforward.  Each week, your team will be matched up against another team in the League.  Your players will receive points for touchdowns scored, field goals kicked, passing yards, running yards, etc.  Negative points can also be tallied based on fumbles, interceptions, etc.  The total of your players’ points will be compared to the total points scored by your opponent’s players, and the winner is the team with the highest total.  The four best teams with the most wins at the end of the fantasy regular season will advance to the playoff round.

Here are the current league settings which show all the ways points can be scored, as well as other important information regarding trades, waiver rules, etc. all of which should be familiar to those who have particiapted in Fantasy Football Leagues before:

Draft Type:      Autopick Draft

Max Teams:     10

Scoring Type:     Head-to-Head

Start Scoring on:     Week 1

Can’t Cut List Provider:     Yahoo! Sports

Max Moves:     No maximum

Max Trades:     No maximum

Trade Reject Time:     2

Trade End Date:     November 17, 2006

Trade Review:     League Votes

Waiver Time:     2 days

Post Draft Players:     Follow Waiver Rules

Playoffs:     Week 15 and 16 (4 teams)

Roster Positions:     QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN

Stat Categories:     Passing Yards (50 yards per point)

Passing Touchdowns (6)

Interceptions (-2)

Rushing Yards (20 yards per point)

Rushing Touchdowns (6)

Reception Yards (20 yards per point)

Reception Touchdowns (6)

Return Touchdowns (6)

2-Point Conversions (2)

Fumbles Lost (-2)

Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)

Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)

Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)

Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)

Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)

Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)

Point After Attempt Made (1)

Sack (1)

Interception (2)

Fumble Recovery (2)

Touchdown (6)

Safety (2)

Block Kick (2)

Points Allowed 0 points (10)

Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)

Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)

Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)

Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)

Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)

Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)

Fractional Points:     No

Negative Points:     Yes

These settings can be changed if league members wish.  I’m open to suggestions.  I’ll be the league’s commissioner as well as manage one of the teams.  My Yahoo member name is stevendbt.  Hope to see you there.