This will be the dirtiest election on record, of that I am certain. The media will harp on the Conservative/Radical Right/Bush narrative of Terror! Terror! Terror! all Fall long. Well funded and organized campaigns to suppress voter turnout in Democratic precincts are already in high gear. In many states, as Street Kid points out in her diary (S)election Software? Hardware? hmmm…, we will be voting on electronic voting machines which are highly suspect and leave no paper trail to show whether they have accurately recorded your vote or mine.
Nonetheless, the American electorate’s disgust with 6 years of Republican misrule, lawbreaking, corruption, pre-emptive war and homeland insecurity may be so high that Republicans will find themselves unable to steal enough votes to prevent the Democrats from recapturing a majority of seats in one or both houses of Congress this November. If that happens many on the left end of the dial may feel giddy.
Well, I am here to tell you don’t get your hopes up.
More on the flip …
If the Democrats win this Fall, we of the netroots may experience such joy and relief that little “d” democracy has finally prevailed against the forces of the Radical Right that temporary irrationality may prevail, and some may even go so far as to declare victory and head home from the fight, certain that with Democrats back in power good times will start to roll once more:
Bush and Cheney investigated and then impeached, say, or the Iraq catastrophe ended and our troops brought home. National health insurance for all! And end to torture, and a return to a saner foreign policy that relies on all our strengths, not just the now blunted edge of our military might. And, most important of all, no more pre-emptive wars fought for oil or Neocon delusions of grandeur.
However, even if the Democrats do succeed beyond my (and your) wildest imagination this November. and Nancy Pelosi or John Murtha is elected Speaker of the House, we will not have gained anything like victory. All we will have done is fired the first salvo in what is likely to be a long and protracted battle to reclaim our government of the people, by the people and for the people from the forces of tyranny, bigotry and ignorance.
Now, many of you may be thinking to yourself (or speaking out loud to your computer screen) …
Just hold on a minute Steven. No one is claiming the democrats regaining Congress will bring on the New Millenium or create a liberal utopia, but surely we can claim some small manner of victory this Fall should Democrats win the election. Control of only one house will mean control of Congressional committees, and with that the power to investigate and issue subpoenas. It will mean Democrats can set the legislative agenda in at least one house, and can cut of funding for Bush’s war of choice in Iraq. It will mean the media will have to take Democratic spokespersons seriously and give them and their message more airtime. It will mean the neutering of President Bush Puppet and the man behind curtain, Cardinal Richelieu Vice President Cheney. It may, indeed even mean impeachment. At the very least it will mean an end to the Conservative agenda being crammed down our throats by the wingnut members of Congress.
To which I can only say, yes indeed. I plead guilty to no small measure of hyperbole. But it was hyperbole employed in a good cause. For we should not delude ourselves that the Democratic Party, as it is presently constituted, is a friend to liberals and their progressive causes. Far from it.
Many of those who are in positions of power in the Democratic Party, the Senators and Representatives, candidates and consultants, and lobbyists and “liberal” pundits of the DC Beltway crowd will not immediately put an end to the status quo and adopt the agenda of the netroots. On the contrary, many of them would just as soon keep our current system of corporately funded beneficence to the political classes in place, only this time with themselves as the principle recipients of that amoral largesse.
They will be quick to proclaim (even if they do not believe it themselves) that any electoral victory for Democrats validates their brand of politics, one in which old line Clintonistas and DLC members are entitled to assume the mantle stripped away from Tom DeLay, the Heritage Foundation and David Brooks. They will line their pockets with corporate cash, fund their own circle jerk think tanks and glory in getting asked the first question by Tim Russert on Meet the Press rather than being an after thought in a sea of republican faces Sunday morning.
Those, like Hillary, Biden, and Warner, who are already running for the Presidency will go into full campaign mode, carefully measuring each word they say, and being careful not to make the least little noise that might get them labeled soft on terrorism, or too socialistic or too dismissive of the wonders of an untrammeled free enterprise system of capitalism. They may even seek to put themselves to the right of George Bush on the issue of the war on terror, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see any number of them come out in support of a “surgical strike” against Iran. In short, they will remain focused on what politicians are always focused upon: keeping their campaign chests full to the brim, and fostering their own personal ambitions.
This is not to say that other Democrats will not speak out for a new paradigm in political life, one that is based on the real concerns and needs of ordinary Americans. We will have our John Edwards, Wes Clarks, Al Gores and Russ Feingolds making their own clarion call for the progressive ideals we support: diplomacy before war, labor before management, the environment before corporate profit, national health care for all before a bloated insurance industry, renewable and clean energy before oil. But their voices will not receive the same attention, nor merit the same praise from the mainstream media (especially the televised version) that the Clintons, the Bidens and even the Liebermans of the Democratic Party, those mythical moderate centrists who just happen to support 95% of the goals of Corporate America, will so generously receive.
In short, what we may (and I stress may) see in November, should democrats win is the first battle in a long struggle to reclaim the soul and heart and guts of the Democratic party and reorient it toward the needs, dreams and beliefs of most Americans. In the meantime, we cannot expect the Bush administration and the radical right wing of the Republican Party (which I suppose at this point is the “Republican Party”) to submit meekly to any setbacks they incur this Fall. We will witness from them a propaganda assault against Democrats, liberals and progressives the likes of which will make the Clinton impeachment feeding frenzy look like an attack of minnows in comparison. If you think the country is polarized now, just wait until Republicans actually lose a little of their power to control our lives.
Nor can we expect the most lawless administration in history, one that revels in its defiance of both Congress and the Courts to submit weakly to the will of the people. The Bushistas will continue to push their agenda for eliminating our civil liberties, increasing miltary spending, tax cuts for the wealthiest of the wealthy, more war in the Middle East (this time Syria or Iran), and more degradation of our democracy. They will continue to abuse the rule of law, including unlawful detentions, illegal spying, and the aplication of torture as official American policy. They won’t stop what they are doing now just because democrats regain control of the House of Representatives. And they have the means and the will to manipulate public opinion, and to deny access to all those dirty little secrets that in any other democracy would long ago have sent many of them to prison. In brief, they will continue to rule as authoritarian regimes always do: through fear and the willful rejection of our nation’s laws.
A Democratic win in November will only be the first baby step on the path to taking back our country. Do we celebrate when a baby takes its first steps? Sure we do. But we don’t stop pushing that baby to take the next step and the next and the next, until it can walk and then run. If we are fortunate, if we are very fortunate, November will only be a beginning. And like all beginnings it doesn’t assure that the end goals we seek will be realized. It will merely give us the hope that someday those goals it may be achieved, if we keep fighting to reach them.
(check the tags also). 😉
Russ Feingold and Dianne Feinstein’s child?
Thanks I will make the changes.
Also posted (correctly) at Daily Kos
A party that has a “leader” who won’t debate a challenger in a safely “blue” state, a party that forces winger theofascist misogynist sockpuppets and warmongering hawks (look at that campaign page … NO mention that he’s a Democrat, probably because he wasn’t until very recently) down voters’ throats in winnable Senate campaigns, a party that won’t fight winger judges, or fight for workers over corporations IS NOT OUR FRIEND. I mean, my goodness, their idea of reforming a broken nomination process is to HAVE AN EARLY CAUCUS IN NEVADA! NEVADA?!?!. A city whose whole reason for being is promising something for nothing while it robs people blind. Want to give hispanics more impact on the vote? Move up CA.
A party like that is NOT our ally.
If they win it’ll just be a kinder, gentler screwing of the body politic. Attack the national party, fight locally, and don’t vote for any of them who don’t share your values.
there is far more to Nevada than Reno and Vegas and the other parts of the casino culture; it would be like judging all of California by looking at San Francisco.
It’s also a growing state; a few years ago I was coming home from a Vegas trip (went there to meet a group of online friends), and met a man who was in the process of moving his family to the Vegas suburbs — he had taken a job with a high-tech start-up, because he could actually afford to buy a good house without facing a 2-hour commute, which was not the case here in Silly Con Valley.
And IIRC, even Las Vegas is a strong union town; I believe that of all the major casinos, only the Venetian is non-union.
Maybe, but I’m sure the whole reason it was picked was as a sop to that hack Harry Reid. Maybe I’m being too cynical, but as they screw us over time after time after time, I just can’t give them the benefit of the doubt on anything.
Thank you so much for this, Steven. I believe before we can take back our country, we first have to take back our party from the so-called “moderates” who are really just selfish people who want to protect and grow their wealth off the backs of the less fortunate among us. Some of them really believe the BS they’ve been sold, that a rising tide lifts all boats, etc. But increasingly, the rising tide is only seen in private pools, keeping the money growing between the ultrarich, and leaving the rest of us having a harder time keeping up with daily bills.
People in Canada and Sweden pay many more taxes than us, but get something valuable in return – comprehensive healthcare, and free education all the way through college.
The Democrats need to – AS A PARTY – grow a heck of a lot of spine and ween themselves off the mother’s milk of politics, i.e., lobbyist money, before I’ll be doing much of a celebration. Yes, a victory by the Dems would be a big step in the right direction. But it would take a much bigger step for it to be a true victory. This is a fight for the long haul, and I treasure those who see this and have the stomach to continue, year after year, never losing faith, never giving up. The American Revolution must be ongoing or we will become the very thing our forefathers (and foremothers) revolted against: taxation without representation, and a ruler not bound by laws.
for the Democrats – or talk about dirty politics, my mind turns to fair elections. While I see that there are groups who investigate charges of wrong-doing and watch what is going on, I have not heard of an organized effort to work effectively on Election Day.
Back in 2000 with the debacle in Florida, I wondered how we became so complacent about voting rights. And I thought, surely, forces will be marshalled so that this doesn’t happen again. But instead of being prepared for real-time action, all the action since then seems reactive rather than proactive.
What I long to hear is that teams of lawyers and armies of paralegals will be specifically trained in the electoral process of each state, with strategies in place for quick action, making sure that judges are available for decisions, client intake available – if not at each polling place – at least in a central location for the handling of intake and processing of complaints.
I long to hear that too.
Election Protection was the start of such an effort in 2004 but I’ve seen little or no follow through since then.
Despite the gains we’ve made since 2003 in electing grass roots democrats like Maria Ruud to the State House, overwhelmingly endorsing real progressives like Mark Ritchie for Secretary of State, electing a grassroots/local party unit friendly state chair, convincing our DNC reps to first vote for and then embrace Howard Dean as DNC chair, winning historically republican towns and districts for Kerry in 2004, the old boys (and girls) network has never had a firmer grip.
They control the funding mechanisms of the state party, they’re throwing a “unity” party with Bill Clinton after our September primary. Wanna go? $150 for the dinner in the Xcel Energy Center. Want something a little more intimate? Try $4200 for a reception with Bill and our US Senate candidate. Almost all the money raised will go to this Senate candidate despite the fact that she’s already beating her opponent handily in the polls and in the fundraising count.
Both she and our gubernatorial candidate are sitting on gobs cash waiting for the media barrage to start while grassroots candidates in tough districts to the south and west of the city aren’t even acknowledged by sitting congresspeople from safe seats in the cities.
It’s frustrating and leads you to want to quit, but change takes time and building sustainable reform that opens up the process will take a long-time. But we have to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
The progressive, liberal or socialist impulses of grassroots activists have never and will never be welcome in this country.
The founders of this country were a bunch of land-holding aristocratic Freemasons who wanted to set up a situation like England without a king, closely modelled on Rome. These are not egalitarian models. The idea that anyone who was not born into priveledge or who distinguished themselves through conspicuous merit would ever have a say was anathema to these men.
Their radicalism (and it was that, mind you) was to posit that a man (yes, a MAN) could distinguish themselves sufficiently to deserve a place and a say. And not all of them believed that.
Every other gain made in the service of democracy has been hard fought. The big mistake was to ever believe that the interests of aristocracy had been convinced that this was a better way.
You’ve hit it on the head, Steven. We will have to keep working, and the more success we have, the more negatively we will be portrayed by the corporate media.
What a situation. Let’s remember to have fun while we work, because the narrow-minded and the greedy will never stop hating the freedoms we want everyone to enjoy.
Fight both battles at once, join us this coming Saturday for the Gore Canvass.
As you can imagine, I share a lot of your skepticism. If the great Democratic victory of 2006 does indeed transpire, it sure ain’t going to be utopia. Much of my own skepticism boils down to the willingness of the Dems to do right by those of us who are low to middle income, who are minorities, etc. I have yet to sense that the party establishment “gets” us.
When I hear promises of better things, I’ll go Missourian on their asses and say “show me.”
I hope my clever use (well, I thought it clever) of your blog’s name (w/ link) was not offensive to you.
I dug what you did.
If anything I’m pleased that you’ve dropped by and checked it out.
Paz. 🙂
Thanks for this Steven. Its actually encouraging for me to hear it.
Ever since the Dems participated in the “take-down” of Dean, I’ve had a hard time getting involved in electoral politics. Sure, I watched and celebrated when Lamont won. But I can’t get mobilized to do anything. We have huge races here for Senate, Governor, and Sec. of State and I know its critically important for Dems to win. Still… the inertia.
Whenever my heart and head are in such opposition, I have learned that my heart has a reason for its path that I just haven’t figured out yet. I’d be happy if anyone has any words of wisdom for my heart. This is a very real struggle for me.
It will be a long war, but hopefully, in time, the net root insurgency will take down the fat cat Dem establishment.
Two names for ya NL: Mark Ritchie and Wendy Wilde.
Mark’s running for SecState and ran the November 2nd Project in 2004 which registered over 2M voters in 2004. Mark also founded the Institute for Trade and Agriculture and has been a key player in pushing Fair Trade. IATA is also one of the principals behind peace coffee. Mark is a GREAT guy and still needs a ton of help.
Wendy Wilde is taking on 16 year incumbent Jim Ramstad in the 3rd District which covers most of the western suburbs. She used to have a show on Air America and is just a regular mom pissed off at the way the country’s heading. So she jumped into the race and is facing a huge uphill climb. Another great person who needs some help on the ground.
Neither have ever run for office before.
Thanks northcountry. I just visited Wendy Wilde’s web site for a bit. Gotta run, but I’ll check it out some more.
so lets see- victory in nov is a “not so fast!” Well, try this on for size– If the dems regain control of, Oh let us say, the house. Screw anything else- just think of the removal of the comittee chairs!!!!!!!!
If that isn’t a victory then I don’t have the slightest idea of what you are ranting about. Just picture a democratic proposal like maybe aproposal like getting the Part D bull to be modified so that the government can now negotiate with the Drug thieves for better drug prices! What about that.
Should I go on?
You are a fool Steven D- get you head out of wherever you have put it. ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a fool Steven D- get you head out of wherever you have put it.
I don’t think there is any reason to speak to Steven this way just because you disagree with him.
And please look to see that he did talk about a Dem win being the first baby step forward. Maybe it will be a bigger step for you – but we’re all entitled to our opinions.
Aw come on now. A dem victory will be Nirvana. Everything will be roses and puppy dogs, and all our problems will be solved.
Well, I doubt that if the Democrats do take over one or both houses of Congress everything will be rainbows, flying pink unicorns, cherry vanilla cupcakes and all-night Kumbaya singalongs.
But I do know that a Republican victory is going to mean at least two more years of doom, darkness, fire-breathing dragons, dogturd sandwiches and an FM band full of nothing but Montovani (and not even good Montovani)..
After all of the bullshit the repubs have pulled, if the dems don’t regain control in both houses, they deserve to lose!
Yeah, I suppose, but what I want to know is, what did I do to deserve being ruled over by Sauron’s evil twins? I’m a nice guy, I don’t deserve this.
What did I do to deserve a traumatic brain injury? It happenned at work, and 3 post hole diggers fell on my head. I used to manage a lawn and garden center. Got screwed over by worker’s comp. What did I do? If I had gone home earlier, or screwed off…but no, I actually worked. I didn’t mind getting my hands dirty. And, as a result, everyone treats me like I’m stupid. And I’m a nice lady….Go figure….
is just the first step up the Mt. Everest of returning sanity to this nation. We can take a day off to celebrate the milestone…but then it’ll be time to hitch up our backpacks and start the climb anew.
There are those on the right side of the spectrum who think that the liberal blogosphere will dry up and go away once we “win”. But our work will have just begun; we’ll have to be even more alert, watching our elected representatives, and holding them accountable for their actions. That process has begun with CT — those Dems who travel too close to the right-wing frontiers had best be cautious.
It will be a “victory”, but only of a single skirmish; the war will still continue…
I’m glad to see this post. Returning control of Congress to the Dems will be a big step towards righting our country, but it’s always more difficult to fix what was broken, then breaking it. A return to Pax America 2000 status quo ante is impossible. Our government is broke, our military is ailing, and our economy is flawed.
Also we cannot discount a “cornered” President Bush pushing America into another war after the elections and prior to January 2007 when our new Congress assumes office. Bush’s recent behavior is increasingly erratic and detached from any reality. If recent and prior history has taught us anything, it’s that countries will go to war on false pretenses, and Repubs view any additional fear and chaos as favorable.
Any Dem running for Congress now should confront these concerns head on. Bush has not only been the leader of the war monger team, but its an incompetent, losing, war monger team which by any definition is the worst kind of war monger. We can no longer entrust the protection of our country into the hands of losers. Every Rubberstamp Repub is on the losing team and must get tossed out of office. Period.
Is the threat of terrorism real? Yes
Is the threat of further war real? Yes
Is the threat of nuclear proliferation real? Yes
Can we afford any more mistakes? No
It’s time for a real change of direction. It’s time for a real 9/11 accountability moment.
Vote the LOSERS out.