photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning Andi. It’s Tuesday already?
and just dreaming it’s Tuesday.
Unfortunately, I’m still asleep and having nightmares about problems with my dial-up connection.
I can honestly say I’ve never had a nightmare about my internet connection. But I remember having dial-up, and I can see how that would cause a nightmare. 🙂
Planning on just another ho-hum work day, or anything exciting happening today?
too bad my nightmares are such perfect lucid dreaming that I really have crappy connection problems.
ho-hum workday
Well I think you call the phone company and demand new lines be run. We can get a frog pond petition going and you can show them you have world wide support. 🙂
Hi Andi and FamilyMan!!!! and all my other ponders!!!
Morning Refinish.
How are you this am?
LOL Feeling like an old man. My stomach problems are all okay but now my back is out again and I still have to go to work. I guess I will try and take tomorrow off for a day in bed.
Welcome to geezerhood. 🙂
Refinish I’m not the smartest person in the world, but why would you take tomorrow off, if your back is hurt today. Just seems it would make it worse going in today.
Because I have a training and a meeting today I cannot miss. LOL
Well I hope you get through today without making it worse.
I will try!!!! It is going to be a really uncomfortable day to say the least. LOL I see lots of pacing in my future for today.
Like I’ve said, when I feel bad I broadcast it to the entire world. I think I would be posting flyers all over the office today saying my back hurts and treat me good today.
Actually I’d have someone else post them. :~)
LOL Trust me they will know without any signs being posted.
Good for you. Also a perfect time to discretely show your boss how you suffer to get the job done. 🙂
just sneaking in here to say hi before you two do another slew of comments.
LOL!! HI Andi!!! I keep forgetting you are on dail up and can not keep up with FamilyMan and I.
Should we type slower ?
ROTFLMAO!!!! I type slow enough as it is. I think Miss Andi needs highspeed in the boondocks. LOL
I don’t know Refinish. It’s hard enough for me to keep up with Andi as it is. Just imagine if she had hi-speed.
sorry that zipped right past me.
Must have had a surge on the dial-up line. 🙂
sounds like you’ve been having some rough luck w/ the ole bod the last couple of days. I hope you feel better soon!!!
Hi Andi, FM and Refinish. Now, in defense of Andi, I also have dialup. It’s the price we pay for living in paradise. And I’ll tell you what: I swear I can make that damn connection go faster just by staring at it.
Sorry about your back, Refinish. Too bad you didn’t have some good drugs. They don’t always take the pain away, but who cares?
Morning Nag. Just giving Andi a hard time as usual. 🙂
I do though find it ironic that she has all that computer knowledge and she’s stuck on dial-up. Oh the price that’s paid to live in paradise.
By the way, that’s one beautiful flower. Olivia is just so talented. I have to get my dupa out to the garden and take a shot of my sunflowers. I’m really lazy today… could be the aches and pains, could be the meanness oozing right out of me.
I think it’s best to let meanness ooze out, rather than keep it all bottled up inside. 😉
Morning SN. Is it better to let it ooze out or just explode out and get it over with? 🙂
I’m in the explode camp. Hopefully no one is around when it happens. I’ve punched walls.
I guess I’m a slow boiler. It really takes a lot to get me going. I have done the wall thing once before. Broke my darned hand too. 🙁
I’m slow to anger, too, but when and if I finally get there, I’m very scary. (Not in a violent way.)
Like in a Jack Nicholson sort of way, then?
I don’t get the reference. 🙁
That seething anger covered up by a creepy smile and soft voice. I guess like The Shining.
Heh, no. More like Judge Milian on The People’s Court. I have the patience of a Kindergarten teacher, but once I’m pissed off, it’s like this weird ability to tell someone off in a way that reduces them to tears.
It hasn’t arrived yet … still waiting anxiously. 🙂
Damn postal service. Well, I probably shouldn’t blame them, no doubt Homeland Security is abusing the law to closely scrutinize my personal correspondence since I’m a queer person who opposes the war.
together we’re setting off all the alarms … 😉
Not to mention that we both post on a blog with “progressive” in its banner. We’re probably half a step away from being under constant surveillance.
When I finally get to the point of telling someone, “That’s not very nice,” I guess I’ve expelled my anger. 🙂
I generally use a line like that as a warning shot across the bow. 🙂
I’m one of those that think of the things I should have said later. The times that I have gotten angry the words come out more as gibberish. Later on I’ll be kicking myself for not saying what comes to mind after I’ve calmed down.
Heh, you could pull a Costanza, like that one time he thought of the perfect comeback line too late for some jerk at work so he needled the context until he got another chance to say it.
It would be my luck that needling the context would start something else that would get me mad and then I would be in the same situation.
I cry – which pisses me off even more. Because then whatever I say is immediately dismissed as coming from an unstable person.
Well if you’re going to leak, try spitting at the people. 🙂
LOL – I’ll try that. I’m not a good spitter, though, I’d probably spit all over myself.
That’s a cool idea…now who can I get to make me made enough to spit, so I can try it out?
I have a few ideas. 🙂
always happy to help a friend in need. 🙂
I either get really quiet (which is why the boys were the only people who realized I was half an inch away from killing the loser electrician a few months ago – he was blissfully unaware until I calmly told him to pack his things and go), or I cry. The crying is definitely worse…how can you be effectively pissed off with tears?
Wield them like a weapon. If you’re fighting with a stranger, suggest that that’s how mean and inappropriate they are, that they made a total stranger cry, and wouldn’t their mothers be proud of that. If you’re fighting with an intimate other, and they’re not crying, you imply that you’re the only one who really cares.
Um, I recognize that these are not really fair ways to fight, but I have totally done both things. 🙂
Oooh, Indy – that’s psychological warfare. You’re very good.
I learned from the best. My mother was a pro.
The cafe is good for learning so many things…thanks, Indy.
I still hate crying when I’m mad, though.
Thanks Nag!
Meanness oozing or exploding … I’m in the explode camp too LOL
Morning, Flower Girl. 🙂
What’s on the FM agenda today?
I guess the lawn. I’m still trying to talk myself out of it though.
… don’t eat anything! 😛
LOL that’s the first thing I thought of this morning.
HJ (Hopeful Jr.) has taken over my reading chair. The mess in the background is for Andi who seems to think I have a neat house.
Oh she is so cute!
My girl is getting her face back. Now about those teeth…
She’s looking better SN, and she has the prettiest eyes.
She does have beautiful eyes. When she was tiny she looked just like Cindy Lou Who.
So now we know what Cind Lou Who would look like grown up. 🙂
Aawww, poor thing… I’m glad she’s feeling a bit better. How’s the search for a dentist going? Will they be able to move the teeth all at once or will she need to go back into braces?
She already got six brackets back on her top teeth to try to keep them from falling out. 🙁 Now we wait a couple weeks to see if the roots are going to die – then root canal and then onto dental reconstruction of the broken teeth.
That’s awful.
I’ll send you a closeup of her face in the ER if you need to convince the boys to wear a helmet. 🙂
The story was convincing enough, and I think CBtY saw the ER pic you posted.
Okay. But how does the car look?
I don’t know if the look is saying, don’t even thing about taking this chair, or please, please, plase sit by me and rub my ears. 🙂
What mess?
I see you are fluent in dog. She is saying both of those things as well as “I am so lonely and abused, you have only petted me for a total of 16 hours out of the last 24.”
What, you haven’t gotten to the point of she’s in every chair you’re in, she follows you everywhere and you’d better have a place beside you in the bed for her?
She is abused. 🙂
I’ve heard rumors about your neatness from someone who’s been there…you can’t fool us, SN. 🙂
You can’t take her word for it – she’s demented. 🙂
So where’s the mess, behind the chair? OH YOU PIG!!!
What a sweet puppy.
LOL, Nag!
I love it!!! She is giving you the eyes
THe eyes – yes! She could get me to confess to a murder I didn’t commit but just looking at me.
still on the whine and jeez trip? Once starts following you around everywhere or sleeps at your feet wherever you happen to find yourself, you’ll know things are okay.
She absolutely will not let me out of her sight. It’s hilarious trying to fold laundry or, god forbid, go to the bathroom.
I see she’s training you well.
Someone needs to tell her that she’s pushing 40lbs and sitting on my stomach while I’m in bed is perhaps not as fun for me as she thinks it is.
She’s getting spayed on Thursday, and since I’ve had her for 10 days I think I’ve noticed that her tummy is getting bigger. I think those stupid owners let her out when she was in heat. Damn.
I hope it’s not what you think…
As for the cuddling bit – only you can prevent unwanted spooning 🙂
OK I’ve got to run. The lawn is calling and if I don’t do it now, I won’t. I just hope I can make it past the couch.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
and you miss the classes in anger non-management and SN’s pseudo-messes.
I never get to have any fun.
Aww, there there. ::head pat::
I know you’re just going for psychological warfare. (But I compliment you on knowing who to emulate.) 😉
I’m gonna put up a Welcome Wagon today, perhaps more lurkers and newbies will come out of hiding.