Saw the BMT Politics Project post on Kos, and followed it home.  I was going to post this as a comment, but decided it needed to be a full diary.

A long time ago, I posted something about a Washington State Elections Encyclopedia, hoping that it would get some attention and that I could get some help putting it together.  I didn’t.  And it wasn’t the best software anyway.

But the concept of using a Wiki system to track politics and candidates is what I spend most of my time on. was a good place to start, and I’ve been trying to put categories on the pages since most of them came from an older version of the MediaWiki software that didn’t accept categories.  Then I saw an open letter to the political blogosphere from Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia.

The exciting thing about the new project, Campaigns Wikia, is that it’s not limited to Washington State, or even the United States.  The site was put together in the same fashion as Wikipedia, broken up by languages, not region.  So we have a place for articles about the uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico alongside the upcoming Zambian general election.  And the software is the same as used by Wikipedia, hosted by a company founded by the same people.

Did I say languages?  Yes.  Right now we have English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and we have someone working on Hong Kong Chinese.  Which means this diary needs to be copied over to European Tribune, which I’ll do in a sec.

The age old call is still there.  This is a grassroots project, and while it’s not limited to progressives, I’m going around the progblogs to boost the contributions from people who actually care about the future and are willing to work for it.

Hope to see you there! Or as I say in chats about this, “See you on the ‘ki”.

Chad Lupkes
Volunteer Admin, Campaigns Wikia