The angry left. Isn’t it about time the mainstream pundits and wrong wingers ratchet up that old chestnut again?

But tell me this: when is the last time you have encountered anyone in the mainstream media blathering on about the angry right?

Better yet, has there been a first time?
Heck, advocate to threaten or do harm, to kill and maim as a rightwinger and you’ll need an agent to handle and manage all your television appearances. From their palaces, the shriveled and wizened mega-cretins will offer financial carte blanche for a series of books and speeches fully exposing the greatest imaginative effort you can conceive against a perceived threat.

Ann Bloater (such a clever alias don’t you think, since she is a (red) herring of sorts, a small, oily fish, or possibly a bottom-dwelling flounder–yeah that was a reach but look ‘bloater’ up) has enjoyed infamy and ill fortune with her literary and verbal b***s servicing the fantasies of the Scaifes, Mellons and Bradleys.

Never seen without an unscholarly mattress on her back, there’s nothing she won’t offer IF the price is right. Here’s some of Bloater’s patter:

    ** about terrorists: “we should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”

    * telling a disabled Vietnam veteran, “people like you caused us to lose that war.”

    * “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.”

    * “I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo.”

    * “We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee,” Coulter said at Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Ark.

    * “We have a national debate about whether Clinton `did it,’ even though all sentient people know he did otherwise there would only be debates about whether to impeach or assassinate.”

Ah, such pearls get you on quickdial for FAUX and MSNBC, even NBC, unless someone has confessed to sniffing the underwear of JonBenet Ramsey and then all bets are off for that week.

Okay, here’s your challenge. Find one instance of any mainstream media member or pundit labeling Bloater as ANGRY. No, psychotic doesn’t count. Neither does whorish–it has to be ANGRY.

I’ll even relax the boundaries and ask you to find any instance of a rightwing bloviator being labeled as ANGRY by a member of the mainstream media or pundit. No, Keith Olbermann’s segment on the “Worst Person In The World” doesn’t count.

In case a tiebreaker is needed to award the prize, (which is 850 blank–yes, I realize that is redundant–copies of  “The Wit and Wisdom of George W. Bush”), tell me how long it will take until some FAUX cockroach labels this post ‘a war on Ann Bloater.’