With six months left on my Inactive Ready Reserve contract, I received a gem of an email from some recruiting sergeant.  Seems to me they’re getting desperate.  I really don’t appreciate subtly veiled threats to try and coerce me back in, at least it didn’t work on me but they’re trawling trying to scare people back in so someone can make their monthly quota.  Just part of the new fear culture I guess.  Here’s an interesting email:
“Good day ****t,

My records reflect that you are not currently serving in a United States Army Reserve unit right now. The reason why I am contacting you today is to find out why and can I assist you getting back into one. I show that you still have mandatory obligation left to the Inactive Ready Reserves. If you choose to do so I can easily assist you getting  into a unit of your choice. If a rotation comes around to be deployed then the Human Resources Command in St. Louis will put you into the unit they need you to go in and not unit you might want to go in. Please contact me at your earliest convenience and we can discuss options. Also if you have a valid reason why your not in a unit or my records read incorrectly then please contact me as well so I can update.

Thanks I am looking forward to hearing back from you!!”

P.S. There is an affiliation bonus for qualified soldiers. Contact me for further details!

SFC Ch*****s
US Army Recruiter

Notice how I must explain a “valid reason” to this SFC why I am not in a reserve unit and why not.  The answer is that I am in the IRR and I don’t need to give ANYONE a reason why I am not in an active unit.  Then there is the fear factor of HRC St. Louis deploying me.  Even this recent IRR call-up didn’t take people in their first or last year, his records surely reflect how much time I have left.  Lastly his records should indicate that my MOS was 18B, Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, which is only a National Guard or Active Duty job, not the US Army Reserves.  My IRR records reflect that I am living in Germany, obviously he missed that one too.  Lastly, if he wanted to sound scary with authority, the least he could do is run a grammar check as is “why you’re not in a…” as oppose to “why your not in a”.  Dear SFC Dinglenuts, ‘your’ is possessive, ‘you’re’ is as in ‘you are’.

Then there is the bribery attempt at the end with a “bonus” – whoo hoo!

On the surface perhaps it’s not so menacing, but read between the lines.  The military is getting desperate as never before have any recruiters gone to the IRR pool as they prefer getting fresh meat from high schools.

Parents, keep an eye out for things like this, teenagers don’t always catch these things or are sometimes timid when it comes to telling these people to f*k off.

Just thought I’d share, peace.