You probably already know what a very courageous Keith Olbermann said last night on his MsNBC show Countdown, in an unusual and very poignant response to the speech given by Donald Rumsfeld at the American Legion Convention. If you haven’t watched Keith’s commentary yet or read the transcript, here’s a link to Crooks and Liars which has the video. A transcript of the most brilliant on air broadcast political essay since the days of Edward R. Murrow can be found at Keith’s blog HERE.

After reading or listening I’m sure most of this community will agree with me that this was a seminal event in broadcast journalism history. However I was curious about how the rightwing side of the blogosphere was reacting to Keith remarks. At this hour the only major right wing site that had a story up about Olbermann’s commentary was at Free Republic (Sorry, no link provided. You can find it on your own if you wish). Here’s a few representative comments from the posters there, unedited and unabridged:

To: governsleastgovernsbest

Come the next Islamofascist attack on America can we start a real war against the real enemy?

8 posted on 08/30/2006 7:35:24 PM PDT by muawiyah

To: governsleastgovernsbest

The variations of it have faced our forfathers when men like Nixon and McCarthy and Curtis Lemay have darkened our skies and obscured our flag.

Curtis LeMay? He was a great hero and did a lot to win the war against the Japanese. Olbermann probably lost half his viewers tonight- i.e. two! None of the four even got the LeMay reference either.

Olbermann is a truly contemptible little man.

GLGB, you have a lot more patience than I!
24 posted on 08/30/2006 7:45:20 PM PDT by Rummyfan


To: dirtboy

Olbermann is a crapless feckweasel….no lessfeck weaselcrap…….no feckless crapweasel…that’s it. He is stoned or something and is nothing but a useful idiot of the enemies of our nation.

14 posted on 08/30/2006 7:41:08 PM PDT by shankbear

To: governsleastgovernsbest

Keith Olbermann is morally and intellectually bankrupt, he was scolding and blaming America. Basically he said, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” = The jihadists against Bush and America are his friends.

42 posted on 08/30/2006 7:58:48 PM PDT by FreeRep

To: governsleastgovernsbest

The closer a critic gets to the truth of these people; the more vitriolic. . .inauthentic; pathetic and extreme, their response.

Rumsfeld has hit a ‘truth nerve’. . .and they are bloody screaming. . .

. .
47 posted on 08/30/2006 8:02:45 PM PDT by cricket (Live Liberal free. . .or suffer their consequences. . .)

To: governsleastgovernsbest

The “peace and love” crowd seem to get hostile when the truth is hinted at. I’d love to see their reaction to my view that THEY caused the war in Iraq by giving Saddam a false sense of security. That they encouraged 9-11 by being vocal wimps when we were in Somalia. That they encourage the terrorists to fight on by dividing us, and making it look like we are 50/50 on this war when we are not.

48 posted on 08/30/2006 8:07:53 PM PDT by (Support OUR troops, NOT their’s!)

To: governsleastgovernsbest

I wonder if oberman has children;or nephews/nieces etc. All of these idiots that refuse to allow the front loading of a looming confrontation will be directly responsible for the fact that in all likelihood OUR children will absolutely be involved in a life or death struggle to preserve OUR nation.

The very same elitist , do nothing but babble , morons that decry every use of force , every vengeful indiscretion, every PERCIEVED slight, of a murdering Islamofacists rights, will be the very same people that squall like stuck pigs , when all of our children are fighting and dying because of the aformentioned idiocy.

I just hope the marksmanship I taught my children can keep them alive when it becomes the difference between those that make out alive and those that don’t .

The really terrifying aspect of all this is the open borders issue and how it darn near grandee’s that 5th columnist are or will be in place to harm us in a much more personal way than Hitler ever did.
56 posted on 08/30/2006 8:16:31 PM PDT by ping jockey (radical islam; the great evil of all times.)

To: okie01

Well, at least if it comes to civil war, it will be the first civil war in recorded history where one of the parties is fighting for gun control. Which should make the battle mercifully swift and decisive.

67 posted on 08/30/2006 8:25:32 PM PDT by dirtboy (This tagline has been photoshopped)

No editorial comments from me. I think what they post speaks for itself, don’t you?