Some Anti-Jewish rants were recently plastered up on the liberal website, according to the NY Post.
Slurs such as the following were on the site before being taken down by Moveon. “Media owning Jewish pigs”, “Zionazis”, “Jew Lieberman”, and “Why are Jews so Jew-y”.
Abraham Foxman, head of the anti-defamation league called this type of hate, totally irresponsible, and has no place in today’s society. head Eli Pariser said that while the free flowing comments on his website are allowed, this type of hate will not be tolerated, and a spokesperson for the website said it may have been a conservative attempt to paint liberals as hating Lieberman for being Jewish. Copies of the offending statements were given to the Lieberman camp, they had no immediate comment.
What then is the purpose of this diary?
To condemn the remarks themselves?
To condemn for allowing free flowing conversation to the point where comments like these slip through?
Or to perpetuate the right wing smear machine’s claims that MoveOn hates Jews?
This diariest works for Lieberman…imho. Remember the last lovefest diary he wrote about Joeschmoe?
Yes, this diarist is now smearing and sliming everyone and everything and everyblog that has ever been against Sleezeberman. I notice the absence of links to support his claims, as usual. This diarist is not worth reading or paying any attention to.
OOPS I noticed the link to the drudge report, but that doesn’t count. Drudge is notoriously inaccurate, and I wouldn’t dignify that link with a clickthru.
Yeah, I remember. That’s why I was being a sarcastic ass.
Now I’m sure there are people who hate Lieberman because he’s Jewish. And others hate him for sucker punching democrats for too long. But I think most people just hate that he has so much contempt for the democratic voters of his own state, and this diarist’s positions on Lieberman are what I call anti-American.
This diariest works for Lieberman…imho
I had concluded that this diarist was a republican troll and not a very good one (albeit entertaining).
OTOH you could well be right, he could work for Lieberman. The sad thing is that it’s difficult to impossible to tell the difference.
I don’t know if he works for Lieberman. He supports Lieberman, which is his right according to the rules of the site.
This diary is pretty pathetic. But he actually contacted me prior to signing up, told me he supported Lieberman and been banned for it at other sites, and asked if he was welcome.
I said he was.
But, this diary helps explain why he was banned elsewhere.
No analysis. Just spewing crap.
This diary, previous diaries, and no substantive replies to any comments in his diaries, either. ECM’s comments are crap, too.
ECM attempted to post three diaries the first day he was here, and I asked him to take down the third one, which he (or someone else) did. That diary was a blatant attempt to stir up crap over the recent Israel-Hezbollah/Lebanon conflict. I see a pattern of abuse and trollish behavior.
This is from a NY Post article that the Bullshit Moose and the DLC are pushing.
I must have huffed too much glue this morning because I’m having a tough time writing comments today. Anyway, the diarist would do well to link to the original source. This is a non-story. Some unknown trolls with unknown intentions wrote some very nasty crap on Move-On which was pulled down by Move-On. Big fucking deal.
Breaking: Trolls visit MoveOn. Wow.
dKos traditions that I fondly recall are the “troll recipe” threads…this appears to be a great time to indulge in that pursuit…as there is little else here of substance.
Submitted for your consideration…
very tasty, ideed!
Would that be our own Manny? 😉
I may need to do some revisions if this thing gets too much traction on the internets.
guess I shoulda asked….but it’s damn good salsa mi amigo! :{)
So, do you really put in 1/4 cup of garlic powder? I think I’ll stick with the cloves. I have to confess that I haven’t actually made any of this yet; I’m waiting for fresh tomatoes to get to a reasonable price so I can use them instead. I mean, if you’re going to use canned tomatoes you might as well be eating Pace.
(Omir grabs his banjo as he grins, ducks and runs.)
I said it was the “quick and dirty” recipe. I’ll post the ‘this will take you most of the day to make’ one someday so you don’t have to contaminate your body with Pace ever again. 😀
used fresh cherry and grape tomatoes and garlic…added a bit of fresh basil, and fresh lime juice…maybe throw in a bit of cumin next time….tasty!…:{)
Now I’m hungry… 🙂
Just found this at Rawstory:
Book: Bush told reporter Jews are ‘all going to hell’
What?!! I wonder what Joementum thinks about that?
Bush et. al love the Jews as long as they help fulfill their interpretation of the book of Revelation. I can’t remember who said it but the fundamentalist Christian view of the end times is like a 5 act play, and the Jews disappear in act 4.
From the FAQ
This diarist is a troll, and should be banned for posting right wing talking points. This diarist is unable to engage in constructive discourse, as is evidenced by previous diaries.
I don’t know that this merits expulsion, but it’s certainly a non-story. So someone trolled Moveon and put up some anti-Semitic posts. Been there, seen that. We have a local blog,, run by a guy named David Goldstein, and he has a core group of about half a dozen trolls on the site. Some of them occasionally post the most obnoxious anti-Jewish stuff you can imagine. He doesn’t expunge it — the only posts he kicks off are when someone spams the site trying to sell pharmaceuticals from Latvakia. In fact he has a pretty good attitude about the whole thing, and has even instituted an ersatz advice column, “Ask a Secular Jew Who Married a Shickseh and Lives Near Two Orthodox Synagogues.” I guess if you have a question you think such a person can answer (one such question recently asked why you can’t buy decent bagels around Puget Sound), he’s the guy to ask.
But I digress. At most Moveon should pull the posts, and possibly save them and any identifying information (IP address posted from, etc).
I guess all you idiots find it acceptable to slime someone else with hatred and bigotry!!! Was it the fact that this occurred on, a liberal website,or are you mad simply because I pointed it out?? I wonder how all of you would have felt if this had happened to someone you supported?? You would have been just as outraged as I was.
I tried to get links to liberal websites, but none of them had the guts to print the story. What’s the problem people?? Do you condone what these animals have said?? Do you like the fact that some of your good liberal friends might be racist slime?? Or is it the fact that some of the vile, hatred comments were directed against Joe Lieberman, a man most of you can’t stand in the first place?? Isn’t racism bad no matter who does it, or says it?? I also noticed that didn’t dispute the story.
I should think the next time you want to jump down my throat, you should really stop and think about what you’re defending. I say defending simply because no one has bothered to condemn these racist remarks. They simply attack the messenger.
I also told you Boo-man that I will definitely rock the boat. And if rocking the boat makes some liberals feel uncomfortable, so be it!!! What was said was vile, racist behavior, and I will go to any source, liberal or conservative to unmask these hateful people.
I just went to your link on the Drudge Report, however, I didn’t see anything on MoveOn and I didn’t know where to look to see if there was any link from there to the MoveOn site.
Your diary states:
So I went to the MoveOn site to see where comments could be made. There is an Action Forum which currently was showing 1-5 comments out of 24262.
The link for how the Action Forum works gave these directions:
Perhaps you would like to experiment with some folks you know online. You could write something nasty at MoveOn and have your compatriots rate it up. You could see how long it lasted before being downrated.
There is a place on the web that has some people who coordinate responses to polls – it is called “FreeRepublic.” They call it “freeping.” The site is quite sickening, imo. If you check it out over a few days, you might find it much more believable that there are people whose only relationship with “liberal” is hate.
Perhaps checking out “FreeRepublic” will also help you to better understand why many of the comments to your diary indicated no surprise at what happened at MoveOn. Perhaps those who responded to your diary also accepted what you wrote in your diary: head Eli Pariser said that while the free flowing comments on his website are allowed, this type of hate will not be tolerated…
Noticing your sig line: Will Rogers said he never met a man he didn’t like, I did, they’re called Republicans and your support of Mr. Lieberman, I can only ask what do you make of the following from The Raw Story?
GOP secretly channeled millions to Lieberman
(Issue Date: – Sept. 5-11, 2006, Posted On: 9/5/2006)
(My bold)
Perhaps you agree with Mr. Bush’s approach to national security issues. If you read some of the diaries here, you will find that many do not agree with you and why. Actually, if you read the range of diaries, you will find there are a great many things to find appalling and terrifying about this administration.
You have now been warned.
It’s not that we don’t care that anti-Semitic comments were made on public forum. It’s that we are aware that the administrators erased them as soon as they became aware of them.
After all, anyone can sign up an make a bigoted comment. Even Republicans and supporters of Joe Lieberman.
You can’t hold me responsible if someone does that here if I erase the comment and ban the account. That is what moveon did. Therefore, your ranting about it is nothing more than right-wing talking points. And doing that is a potentially bannable offense.
Talk up your man Lieberman if you want. But don’t spew NY Post talking points at us. We were not born yesterday.
I am not spewing NY Post talking points at you, what I am saying is that some people have a racist view of Jews, and Joe Lieberman, and it maybe liberals that are behind it. The Democrats say they are the big tent party, well, what I have witnessed from these, and other stories, they may not be. Remember Jane Hamsher and what she did to Lieberman?? And she has not even apologized for it!!!
maybe liberals are behind it? Maybe.
maybe Republicans are behind it.
maybe Lieberman supporters are behind it.
Who knows. erased them immediately and condemned the comments. End of story.
Perhaps you could explain this, then?
Good one CG!
Can you hear those crickets chirping too? 🙂
Huh, liberals?! Blind paranoia is truly scary. Realize that any 12 year old prankster could have done this. But anyone that misuses a board is a troll. And trolls post all over, all day every day. No great revelation there.