Mr. Bush, you’ve had a lot to say about the evil terrorists lately, and the equally evil regimes that harbor them, but are you ready to back up your words with deeds? After all, we don’t want to be seen as appeasers, do we?
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 5 — The government of Pakistan signed a peace accord Tuesday with pro-Taliban forces in the volatile tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, agreeing to withdraw its troops from the region in return for the fighters’ pledge to stop attacks inside Pakistan and across the border.
This is very bad, Mr. Bush. Apparently, even as you were giving your speech about the evil Isalmofascistcommunists that seek to take over the whole world and make us all bow down to the East 5 times a day in solemn prayer to Allah, our so-called friend and ally, President Musharraf of Pakistan has been sneaking around behind your back, cutting deals with these same evil doers you have sworn to bring back “dead or alive:”
Under the pact, foreign fighters would have to leave North Waziristan or live peaceable lives if they remained. The militias would not set up a “parallel” government administration.
Reached as Pakistan’s president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, prepared to visit the Afghan capital Wednesday, the accord aroused alarm among some analysts in Afghanistan. They expressed concern that, whatever the militias promise, a Pakistani army withdrawal might backfire, emboldening the groups to operate more freely in Pakistan and to infiltrate more aggressively into Afghanistan to fight U.S. and allied forces there.
“This could be a very dangerous development,” said one official at an international agency, speaking anonymously because the issue is sensitive in both countries. “Until recently there has been relative stability in eastern Afghanistan, but now that could start to deteriorate.”
Mr. Musharraf, how could you. All that American aid, and now you stab Uncle Sam in the back by cutting and running, or to be more precise, sleeping with our enemies? Oh, and that Osama guy? What about him?
As the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks approaches, Osama bin Laden remains at large, probably in the vicinity of a 25,289-foot Hindu Kush peak named Tirich Mir in the Chitral district of North-West Pakistan.
Chitral offers everything bin Laden could ask for: fearsomely rugged terrain, caves (Mohammed liked caves; therefore, bin Laden likes caves), an absence of roads, sympathetic tribesmen and a prohibition against U.S. troops. And it’s close enough to large cities to allow couriers access to communications outlets.
Hmmmm. Now what was it our President recently said about those countries that harbor terrorists? Oh, now I remember:
After September the 11th, I laid out a clear doctrine: America makes no distinction between those who commit acts of terror, and those that harbor and support them, because they’re equally guilty of murder. […]
And we’re working with friends and allies to deny the terrorists the enclaves they seek to establish in ungoverned areas across the world. By helping governments reclaim full sovereign control over their territory, we make ourselves more secure.
Yes, indeed Mr. Bush. Harboring terrorists equals murder, as you say. And Pakistan is harboring terrorists and striking deals with — what do you call them? Oh yes, this:
The terrorists who attacked us on September the 11th, 2001, are men without conscience — but they’re not madmen. They kill in the name of a clear and focused ideology, a set of beliefs that are evil, but not insane. These al Qaeda terrorists and those who share their ideology are violent Sunni extremists. They’re driven by a radical and perverted vision of Islam that rejects tolerance, crushes all dissent, and justifies the murder of innocent men, women and children in the pursuit of political power.
By your own words then, it’s time to bomb Karachi. After all, they are striking deals with terrorists, and by calling off the Pakistani Army, Musharraf’s regime is, in effect, giving them sanctuary, is it not? We cannot tolerate a rogue state that harbors terrorists, Mr. Bush. You said so yourself.
[W]e’re determined to deny terrorists the support of outlaw regimes. […]
[W]e’re determined to deny terrorist networks control of any nation, or territory within a nation.
So, now that it’s clear Musharraf’s dictatorial regime is harboring and abetting the “evil men” who attacked and murdered our fellow citizens on 9/11, when might we expect the announcement of our impending attack on Pakistan? They have clearly failed to remove the Taliban and Al Qaeda criminals in their midst, and have stopped cooperating with the Coalition of the Willing in the great War on Terror. It’s time to force their hand, is it not. After all, you’re either with us or against us, and it sure looks like they’ve picked the wrong side of that equation to me.
The world, and a suitably terrified nation, await your decision. And like every other patriotic American, I and my duct tape are standing ready to support you.
Time to walk the walk, Mr. Decider. I’d sure hate to think you’re going all Neville Chamberlain on me.
Egads! Another fine mess he’s gotten us into.
Maybe Bush should devote all his time to clearing brush, as far as I can tell he’s competent at that.
I don’t know. Clearing brush is sorta hard work.
NO he really does not do the brush thing. He uses it for a photo op. is all.
bush has never gotten his hands dirty in his entire life. Why should he when he has had a silver spoon in his mouth since day one. He will just hire an illegal to do it…–pun intended….;o) and he will try to milk the horse like laura said. He does not have a brain to know the difference to do anything on his own.
Knowing now what we do know about all that has been going on since day one, I am not surprised to this development. Are you? These countries and their leaders are gonna look out for themselves and their countries. They are really not interested in our plan for ME democracy….
Well as you know, Republicans are good at appeasing dictators. Rummy and Saddam. Reagan and Bush 41, Pakistan and the Saudis. It’s old hat to them.
I did post this at DKos, but I can no longer access that site right now so I can’t give you a link to the diary. But if anyone wants to go there (and can actually get there) a recommend would be much appreciated.
Link to Steven’s story in orange
Excellent piece, Steven. I read about Pakistan’s deal last night and just shook my head in disbelief.
By the way, Dkos is slow as molasses today… slower, actually.
All joking aside, this seems pretty dangerous to me. For a man who doesn’t admit mistakes and has an odd sense of a temper tantrum about him, he seems to be painted into a rhetorical corner with this; the rhetoric has been turned up full blast lately and is in the public’s attention span; and we’ve got a tense 63 days to go.
Could get interesting.