At 1:45 PM eastern time the Shrubmander in Chief is going to announce that we have no more prisoners in Guantanamo (if MSNBC can be believed) and then proceed to explain why we should trade our essential liberties for some temporary security.
Bring a barf bag.
Update [2006-9-6 13:53:42 by BooMan]: Either I heard wrong or MSNBC got it wrong, but Bush is not closing Guantanamo, but praising it.
What did they do with them?
They’ve been extraordinarily renditioned.
The MSNBC website says there are 14 new detainees at Guantanamo, transferred from secret CIA custody.
Is this some weird part of trying to get Congress to push through his military tribunal shadow court?
another chance for Shrub to say something that’ll get Keith Olbermann all riled up…
“Have you no sense of decency?”
Dubya: we had to find the terrorists…
how is that going?
something is going on here. An elephant of propaganda
From Laura Rozen who notes
Remember the al Qaeda “number two” in Iraq arrested the other day?
Well, he was actually arrested in June
wanna bet he’s of a lower rank than a number 2? Just asking.
Bush: we are thankful the terrists haven’t succeeded in attacking us again on our soil but they are still trying.
They haven’t succeeded because of our hard working members of the intelligence community, and because the government has changed its policies.
re update. Can’t put my finger on the link but I read there was a nice new facility being built at Gitmo to replace the existing over stretched unit.
All part of the new “winning strategy for the same old war on terra” You see America “is safer but not yet safe”
From Ehsan Ahrari
Running scared. Let’s see how high the fear can be ratcheted.
What. perfect. timing Gotta observe the choregraph
Bush ‘to transfer terror figures ahead of planned future trials…’
[Mr Bush will be making his speech alongside families of those killed in the 11 September 2001 attacks.
The “October Surprise” is beginning a little early this time around. I’m afraid this is just the opening gambit.
Every single trigger word. Almost a word-for-word repeat of the speech he gave when they set up the damn place. They’ve chosen to dig in their heels. Can’t thank them enough for that one.
He’s admitting to torture and calling it an alternate set of procedures that are lawful…I guess that’s according to Gonzales’ organ damage or death rule?
But he can’t give out these secrets because it would help the enemy.
Thanks, ya’ll, for the live blogging. I can’t watch. It’d literally make me puke all over my shoes. And even though my shoes are not Condi-style expensive, I’d still like to keep them puke-free.
Did he really just accuse the SCOTUS of “hampering our ability to prosecute the terrorists?”
His handpicked crew of conservative assholes?
Congress needs to pass laws to make it clear that the Geneva Conventions don’t apply to terrist suspects.
Now the commentator is saying that it’s clear the message is intended for Congress. And he’s using the transfer of the high-profile detainees to bully them into giving him what ever he wants.
Okay, that was paraphrased. You get the idea, though.
Please tell me you’re kidding.
They didn’t use the word bully, but they did note that it would be difficult for anyone to go against Bush’s demands because they would be accused of wanting to give the terrist suspects the same rights as American serviceman under court martial, and the fact that these were now higher-level suspects than the nobodies they have been holding in Guantanamo would ratchet that threat up even higher. And it’s election season.
Somebody needs to call bullshit on this orchestrated pre-election manipulation NOW.
I didn’t see or hear any of the speech, but according to the Globe and Mail, Bush admitted that the secret CIA prisons do in fact exist?
I would LOVE to see a diary detailing the administration lies on this subject!