Promoted by Steven D.
Young Mister Bush gave his fourth speech on terror yesterday morning in Atlanta Georgia. It was both terrifying and terrible. I’m starting to think the guy actually believes his own plop.
He opened his speech with “Okay, here we go,” presumably the only unscripted moment in his appearance before southern GOP supporters. The rest of his address was an unmemorable rehash of standard neo-mantras, but one statement caught my attention– Bush’s repetition of the latest talking point on Iraq that’s been credited to John Abizaid, the four-star Army general in charge of Central Command: “If we leave, they will follow us.” This bit of Orwellian twitticism begs two basic questions: who are “they” and how will they follow us?
“They,” for the most part, are tribal and religious extremists who exert more effort fighting and terrorizing each other than they spend opposing U.S. occupation forces. Now, a key assumption in the “they will follow us” philosophy is that if we leave, they will stop fighting each other. They’d have to, wouldn’t they, if they wanted to follow us back to America?
But wait a second. Hasn’t most of the recent justification for staying in Iraq been that we need to stick around until they stop fighting each other? If we stick around until they stop fighting each other, though, won’t they, like, start fighting us again? Wouldn’t it be better if, when they stop fighting each other, we weren’t around?
Let’s let that issue go for now and focus on the more important question–how are “they” going to follow us? Will they hide themselves in our troops’ luggage? Will they all pile into those cargo planes in bin Laden’s gigantic air force, or onto the ships of his mighty naval armada? Oh, wait. Bin Laden doesn’t have an air force or a navy, does he? Neither does Iraq. Iran has an air force and a navy, but they aren’t big enough to bring all those fighting Iraqis across the ocean to attack America. Come to think of it, nobody–including China and Russia–has an air force or navy big enough to do something like that.
Like virtually all of the Bush administration’s pro-Iraq War rhetoric, “If we leave, they will follow us” is fear and hatred inspiring nonsense. “They” won’t follow us because they can’t follow us.
Playing to His Strength
Remarking on the Bush administration’s last ditch mid-term GOP election strategy, former Democratic Congressman Lee Hamilton told the New York Times “Look, they have won two elections on the basis of terrorism, and that’s the president’s strongest position. And he’s playing to his strength.”
If terrorism is Bush’s strength, red-hot chili peppers are a cure for hemorrhoids. Iraq is a disaster, Afghanistan is a disaster, the U.S. backed Israeli invasion of Lebanon is a disaster, and Hurricane Katrina proved that Homeland Security can’t handle a disaster.
The administration makes repeated faulty comparisons of the war on terror and World War II. If Bush and his pals had been in charge when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, America would have invaded Mexico and Donald Rumsfeld would have referred to Hitler as a “dead ender.” Dick Cheney would have said the Nazis were in their “last throes” while the Luftwaffe bombed Saint Louis, Missouri. “I think the Lutherano-fascists are losing,” young Mister Bush would have said. “That’s why they’re still kicking our ass. The important thing to remember is that if we withdraw from Mexico, we’ll show the axis of evil doers that we’ve lost our resolve.”
Good God. Porky Pig and the rest of the Loony Tunes crowd could do a better job on the war against terror than Bush and his neo-conmen. And between the pig and the chimp, the pig’s a better public speaker.
Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Read his commentaries at ePluribus Media and Pen and Sword.
Stop it Jeff, you’re just making too much sense-thank god someone is though. And I believe I will now and forever see Porky Pig’s face superimposed on young mr. bush’s face when I see him doubt a real improvement.
One less reason… for going to war.. debunked by US Senate: BBC
Bush. Cheney. Are you listening?
and of course the neobots aren’t listening.
has not yet registered, in the land of fear that they created, Americans are less afraid. After all, we see our ally Pakistan has given up. ‘Hello Al-Qaeda, Good-bye America
We are no longer fraidy cats. So, as John Dean points out election of consequence is near and the enemy has to be recast – new war speak
“Why Are We Suddenly At War With “Islamic Fascists”? A Neologism that Signals a Change in Strategy As Elections Near.”
Sniffing Impeachment on the horizon, the gig is up.
But we’ll see what Uncle Karl pulls out of his hat come October.
“Pull out of his hat?”
No bunnies left under Karl’s hat and with shrub we long knew it was all hat no cattle.
And of course I should have mentioned I am doing a great disservice to Porky Pig. I actually picture him when he speaks as doing a Daffy Duck imitation-sort of sputtering and spitting yet again that is really doing a disservice to Daffy Duck-who does make some kind of sense.
I’m certainly hoping in the next two years when he continues to give the exact same speeches(with maybe one new catch phrase that means nothing) that his supporters and the media will finally see that the Emperor has no damn clothes, no brains, nothing new to say, no plan except the continuing and relentless fear mongering. Be afwraid, be werry werry afwraid as his cartoon countrer parts might say.
in front of my computer this morning. Please submit this as an oped piece to all the leading newspapers around the country. This is truly the best piece I have read in a long time and my what an eloquent smackdown.
MSM types print this? I doubt it. They’re too busy helping Cheney and Bolton push for a war on Iran.
And send it anyway. Send it to smaller papers then. I get published in the North County Times here in the San Diego area. You can even send it in as a LTE if you pare it down. I just love your writing!
My guess is that more people read Booman than read my local paper. 😉
Jeff, as others said, your criticism of Bush’s remarks is quite sensible and of course, I giggled a few times.
We have to remember that it is “hard work to connect Iraq to the war on terrorism.” And with all the hours Bush has to devote to riding his bike and working out, how can we expect him to have time to learn any new phrases or catchy words.
Then, Cheney has been so busy (dealing with an uncooperative congress) that he doesn’t have time to brief Bush on Cheney and Rumsfeld’s latest plans to take over the Middle East by promoting torture and pushing the Middle East democracies back to their tribal governments of the 18th and 19th centuries.
If they’d put the effort into governing that they put into spin…
But then, to these guys, spinning realist IS governance.
Hi Jeff, good diary, I have thought the same things myself, many times….with regard to the ‘follow us here’. By what means, exactly. This maybe is why this is not cast as a civil war, then the government would have to come up with new reasons.
By the way there is a new senate report out today here which debunks a lot of the Reps. and Cheney’s talking points, which Bush and Co are still using….such as the Atta meeting in Prague, didn’t happen, says Chec officials.
I was listening to Levin discuss this on Cspan earlier today and Jay Rockefeller last night.
I like your writing Jeff, keep it up.
I can’t wait to see that report. Phew!