Progress Pond

Keitel: "Don’t throw the Baby out with the Bathwater"

Harvey Keitel speaks.  His stance is contradictory, from what I can tell.

Keitel:  It’s a tough issue — because we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  There are also quality issues raised in the film that our citizens should see — and should be discussing amongst themselves.

You can compile certain things, as long as the truth remains the truth.  You can’t put things together, compress them and then distort the reality.

Would you like some syrup with your waffling, Mr. Keitel?  

At what point does the “truth” become “truthiness”, Mr. Keitel?  How many distortions of reality does it take before these “quality issues” you talk about becomes a debate between fantasy and reality?

Indeed, how can there be a fair debate when copies of the film have been given to only one side of the debate?

It’s not a tough issue at all, Mr. Keitel.  The important facts in this particular timeline have been well documented.  This drama does not represent these facts.  It represents politically-biased fantasy.  And what’s more — the facts that it choses to play loose with have important ramifications about how one views the overall big-picture of the events leading up to 9/11 (and beyond).

Allow me to present to you a picture which probably does not accurately represent the facts surrounding this interview that you participated in.

(click pic to watch interview)

Now, you DID talk about this docudrama (albeit, in a curiously careful way), but I heard that you are a liberal.  And yet, this Photoshop commentary presents you as being a Republican supporter.

Let’s not “throw the baby out with the bathwater”, though.  Let’s discuss this interview you gave with CNN and try to determine what goal you are trying to accomplish.

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