Hey folks, Remember That Other War Theater, Pitt does and so do many of us. Remember the reasons given for that Invasion, Remember the ‘Promises’ given to not only the U.S. citizens, World citizens, but Especially to the Afganistan citizens, by the World as to the last.

Go back even further and Remember the Rethoric, from those who call themselves Republican and their Representatives when the Previous Administration had gone after the admitted Criminals of the Criminal Terrorist {that’s exactly what it is}act, Long Before, Sept 11th 2001 or 9/11! Remember what all those ‘Republicans{?}’ were at that time enraged about!

William Rivers Pitt | The Other War

“Most people in the United States haven’t given a moment’s thought to the war in Afghanistan in a very long time. That war is over, we are told, and we won,” writes William Rivers Pitt. “The Taliban was routed, and al Qaeda lost a safe haven. The war in Afghanistan, as it turns out, is far from over.”

Taliban Resurgence: “Fighting Is Far Greater Than In Iraq”

An Afghan policeman secures the site of the bombing, which came as NATO appealed to member nations to send more help to combat resurgent Taliban militants.

A U.S. soldier walks away from the blast site about 100 yards from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on Friday.

A U.S. soldier checks the body of a soldier killed in the blast. It was the worst bombing in Kabul in recent years.

Afghan police carry a body from the site. “Today’s heinous act of terrorism is against the values of Islam and humanity,” said Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

U.S soldiers stand near the wreckage of a vehicle after the explosion.


Bomber Kills 16, Including Two GIs in Kabul
Attack in Afghanistan Is Worst Since Taliban’s Fall

KABUL, Afghanistan (Sept. 8) – A suicide car bomber struck a convoy of U.S. military vehicles Friday in downtown Kabul, killing at least 16 people, including two American soldiers, and wounding 29 others. It was the Afghan capital’s deadliest suicide attack since the Taliban’s 2001 ouster.

Pitts right on; “Most people in the United States haven’t given a moment’s thought to the war in Afghanistan in a very long time. That war is over, we are told, and we won,”

No we are more into a baby named ‘Suri’, or whatever, more news{?} wanted on a Non-Talented young lady{?} named Hilton and more of those Simple Minded, Non-Critical thoughts that are our very lifestye in this the 21st Century!!