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Are Neocons too stupid for conspiracy on 9/11?

On Real Time with Bill Maher last night, they covered the topic of whether 9/11 could have been a conspiracy. Bill mentioned that 36% of Americans now believe that 9/11 either was or could have included a conspiracy. However, the topic wasn’t really covered seriously. Someone mentioned that the Neocons/Bush/Cheney aren’t smart enough to pull off 9/11. The audience cheered very loudy. And then they changed the subject.

And this depressed the shit out of me. I yelled at the TV, “That’s what they want you to think!” But, let me propose something. Was it incompetence that allowed the Neocons to sell the entire country an aggressive war with Iraq, while we knew al Qaeda and Bin Laden were in Afghanistan? The Neocons may be evil, but they are damn successful when they want to be. So, if anyone believes that Neocons are incompetent idiots, they do so at their own peril.
The neocons didn’t succeed in Iraq, but that is because they had other goals. They have not succeeded in running the government because they don’t want to. They have not controlled the growing federal deficit because they would rather make rich people richer. In other words, they don’t care about what is perceived as their failures.

However, when the goal is something they want to accomplish, they are very successful. And with their number one goal, creating a need to go to war in the Middle East, they have been wildly successful. Lo and behold, the world’s worst terrorist attack dropped into their lap to provide motivation.

Besides, the only things that truly needed to be organized for 9/11 were to preplant explosives in the WTC (Bush cousin was in charge of security at the WTC) and to make sure that the government response on 9/11 was a little inept so that no military jets stopped the planes. Obviously the inept part happened. And all the independent analysis of the three buildings of the WTC have determined that the best theory is preplanned demolition.

Ironically, the government’s official report (the NIST) doesn’t even look at the collapses. Instead, the NIST’s analysis purposely ends at the point where collapse “commences”. How the fuck do you analyze a collapse if you don’t analyze the collapse? The NIST stops at “commencement” because their official theory of progressive pancaking of the buildings is pure horseshit.

No one can force others to accept the theory that the WTC buildings came down due to preplanted explosives, or even to investigate it (911research.wtc7.met). But the Neocons sure appreciate the fact that you don’t look further and stay fixated on the idea that Neocons are too stupid to have pulled this off. The only thing that works better than keeping people ignorant is for people to keep themselves ignorant. And before you get upset about this, riddle me this. What is difference between Thermite and Thermate? If you do not know, then you are not yet adequately educated on the WTC collapses.

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