Progress Pond

Fuck You Very Much, George and Dick

I don’t think I have ever used a word stronger than “dumbass” in my titles, so pardon the exception I am making here and today.

I just was ushered out of Penn Station around an hour ago, along with hundreds of other commuters because “Penn Station is closed”.  Dozens of cops on the inside, yet there was no explanation other than “please leave NOW”.  And it must have been real important and a real emergency – based on the fact that there was a line of 50 at the taxi stand right outside Penn Station, people handing out the free daily “Metro” newspapers, and a few hundred more people just milling about on Seventh Avenue.

I have to take a flight to Chicago next Monday, returning to NY the next day, and I have already spent more time figuring out if I want to check my bag, how much toothpaste I would bring so as to not waste or throw out a new tube and how much earlier I need to get to the airport, just because there was a terror threat in the London airports a month or so back.

This is just a snippet of where we are, and how far we, as a country have fallen, over the past five years.  And I reserve great outrage for two of the men who are the most responsible for the downfall of civilization over this time – Bush and Cheney.

First of all, the fucking nerve that Bush has to show his smirking bitch ass in NYC today – spending time with police, firefighters and first responders when it was his (and Christie Whitman’s) lies about the air around Ground Zero being safe enough for people to get back to work and on with their lives, even though they damn well knew that the air was toxic.  Let me ask you this, Georgie boy – how many thousands of death warrants did you sign that day when you sent people back into that area?  How many people have developed cancer, respiratory diseases and a lifetime of disabilities because of your arrogance?  Just who the fuck do you think you are to come here and disgrace this city – after you and your Department of Homeland Security have stiffed NYC time and time again when it comes to the funds necessary to truly keep this city safe?

So I have to check my toothpaste, people get kicked off of planes because of the t-shirt they are wearing, and US citizens are denied re-entry into the US because their family member was found guilty of supporting terrorism.  Yet, the ENTIRE Bin Laden family was rounded up and flown out of the US, even while US airspace was still closed.  And how dare anyone get pissed about the bullshit “security” measures that are being taken to “keep `Murka safer”?  Please……

And Dick, as for your lying criminal self, you deserve a very special place in the bowels of hell.  On the eve of the anniversary of one of the darkest days in American history (which you have ultimately profited from and have orchestrated every US action and crime since), you have the absolute gall to go on national television and once again insult a tremendous portion of this country.  Where the hell do you get off making statements like the following:

“Suggestions, for example, that we should withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq simply feed into that whole notion, validates the strategy of the terrorists,”

You know what validates the strategy of the terrorists, Dick?  Torture.  Rendition.  Lying.  Using illegal chemical weapons on innocent civilians.  Suppressing our rights here in the US.  And you know what else “validates the strategy of the terrorists”?  Statements like this:

Cheney unapologetically defended the 2003 invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, saying the administration would have done “exactly the same thing” even if it knew before the war that Iraq did not have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.

You know, that whole lying thing again.  We knew that Iraq didn’t have those “stockpiles”.  Yet you lied and invaded a sovereign nation that was no “imminent threat” to the US.  And then, you go on national TV and reiterate that you would have done exactly the same thing had you not been able to cover up known that Iraq was no imminent threat.

Oh, and while we are at it, you know that whole “cut and run” thing?  Well, why not talk about how the Taliban is now resurgent and suppressing women’s rights in Afghanistan.  Or how about the assertion by the CIA field commander at Tora Bora who said last year how the US let Bin Laden slip away?  You know Bin Laden, right?  The one who masterminded the attacks which occurred five years ago today?  The one who Bush “doesn’t think too much about”?

So stop disgracing this solemn day.  Stop your goddamn lies.  Stop insulting most of this country and a larger portion of the world in general by saying how those who disagree with your warmongering war crimes and lies “hate America” or “want the terrorists to win”.

Because you two are “doing a heckuva job” yourselves in emboldening the terrorists with your words and actions.  And for that, I say, fuck you.  Fuck you very VERY much.

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