photo courtesy olivia
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
More lovely flowers at Olivia’s Blog
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Morning to the gorgeous blue flower and the equally gorgeous skink with the blue tail. Somehow they go well with the ink-dark sky here, just beginning to lighten in the east. The crickets are out in force, still.
I wonder what that flower is, must check out Olivia’s flowers. Nothing that blue grows around here.
Morning and not morning, AndiF, I’ve done my class prep for the day, and I’m back to bed for a short nap before I have to get up for real.
It’s not getting lighter here to your south — it’s been pouring here since about 3 and it looks like it will for a good while more.
Have a nice nap.
Good morning Andi and Kidspeak.
Enjoy the nap Kidspeak, and Andi are the dogs wanting to go play in the mud?
The dogs will refuse to go outside unless I put on my rain gear, in which case they will then be happy to get drenched. But unless it lets up some, we’ll be skipping the morning walk.
Probably a very wise decision.
I’m just wondering if they will feel they missed something this morning and keep after you all day?
Yup, they will — which is why I’ll go if it let’s up or try to go at lunch time. Otherwise, Sniff and Giddy will be like caged beasts — oh wait …
One of the advantages of George being small. When the grass is wet he won’t go outside and I can just pick him up and set him down in the middle of the yard.
Of course sometimes he’s lazier than I am and I have to go back out and pick him up and bring him back in.
Well they will go outside eventually and we do live in the woods so they’re free to run around as much as they want but for whatever reason, if we don’t all go together, it doesn’t count.
My dog isn’t small, but she thinks she is. I’ll be lying on the couch and she’ll take an exuberant and unexpected leap onto my solar plexus…all 42 lbs of her.
Morning SN. That’s another advantage of George being small. 🙂
How’re you and HJ doing today?
Too early to tell just yet. Has Cat forgiven you for leaving her at the vet?
Not yet. I called her to come in last night and she stared at me for a second and then turn her head to ignore me. I figured fine if you want to stay outside.
I figure today sometime she’ll finally find it in her heart to forgive me. 🙂
She may forgive you but she’ll never forget.
I’m wondering if that’s a female thing or a cat thing. 🙂
It’s both. Silly, silly, FM. 😛
I figured as much. 🙂
Actually I was just looking for Cat, but she’s not in her usual place on the patio this morning. Might be because it’s sprinkling here.
How’s the bad dog this morning?
Good morning, Andi. The bad dog is totally refreshed and energized from a night of blissful sleep on my bed, which means she can bark and run around allllll day.
I was going to say that my dogs don’t do that when they’re inside but of course if they start barking I just send them outside.
Have you been looking into obedience schools or are you still in the thinking about it stage?
I’m in the thinking stage. I wish I could just send her to bad girl school and have her come back a changed dog. I don’t welcome the participation factor.
Spoken like a true slacker. I’m proud of you! 🙂
Mornin’ folks. Hope all is going well. I am dead tired.
Good morning Psi.
What are you tired from, all the college partying? 😛
I’ve got a 21 year old daughter who’s a senior in college – I can’t believe the hours she keeps. She’s up until 4 or 5 AM and then sleeps for a few hours, goes to class, takes a nap, goes to work, takes another nap, goes to concert or something. When does she do homework? Of course that’s a rhetorical question.
WHen she comes home for the weekend she’ll go to bed at 8PM and sleep for 14 hours.
so in order to not become self-loathing, I’m answering you here.
I dunno, a lot of people I know who have taken the classes have enjoyed them because they found the stuff they learned about animal behavior to be fascinating and the lessons both they and the dogs learned to be worthwhile.
You know I always prefer to accomplish things without actually coming into contact with other people.
Well, I’m pretty much that way but classes with explicit goals are different — people attending are very goal-oriented and focused and because you are all there for the same reason, there’s a shared need that makes connecting easier.
I’ve done a few continuing ed kind of short (2-5 sessions) courses and always enjoyed them (especially loved the one on the geology of Brown County).
I guess it would be futile to hope that you’re tired because you’ve been out partying like the crazy college kid you
Heh, I wish.
More like I have too much work and am too stressed over it. Kinda feel like I’m going a little insane.
Breathe, PF. And take a break from blogging if you need to. You’ve got the rest of your life to change the world.
Still a little gloomy here, but the sun’s starting to peek out. I’m hoping to get out to the porch soon.
Today’s tea: A Hawaiian passion fruit black blend. Very delicate and fruity. I’m not sure what the black is since it doesn’t say on the label, but I think it’s grown on Kauai.
Bad girl school for dogs sounds like a great idea. Do you think they’d do cats as well?
Gotta run and write, but I’ll try to check in once in a while since I’ve got to do some research for the new book as I’m going along. Hope it clears off for you walk Andy. FM, would you slack extra for me today? I’ve got to get writing done now, and I’ve got faculty spouse duty this evening, so no time to slack. Psi, get some rest. Olivia, should you show up, fabulous flower.
Wow, what a pokey cafe’! Has summer taken its toll on y’all as much as it has me?
‘Course, it’s always wonderful to hop into the ever-refreshing pond. Will check in later, I s’pose. The stone-age computer I’m sitting at nowadays makes me chew my teeth.
you’re here!!!! It’s so good to see ya!!!!
Hello hello, darling Miss O. Wonderful to see you, too. Glad I checked back before succumbing to pure gravity. How are you?
Seeing you has made me day that much better … 🙂
Sorry to read (down below) that you’ve had some problems w/ your abode.
So glad I helped brighten your day, o purveyor of fabulous new images. Your work continues to amaze!
Yep, it’s been a hell of a summer. Long story short: I was basically homeless for a bit over a month. Am now in south Florida — a family thing. My o my, but it’s warm down here! Egad 🙂
Pay no attention to my last comment about the Catskills. South Florida?! Way too hot and buggy for me. On the bright spot, there’s no shortage of large insects to skewer and grill for dinner.
There’s an idea. Unfortunately (I guess), I’ve been here for only a few days & I’m still afraid to step away from the indoor fan. I might evaporate.
Appreciate the tip, though.
Speaking of, while living outdoors this summer I managed to include a few crawling/winged things in my daily fare. Unintentional, of course — but an interesting experiment in values adjustment.
Sleeping with your mouth open again?
If you’ll be traveling up north again let me know and I’ll give you my address so you can overnight here on the way back. 🙂
Heavens! Thank you, Lusciousness. Be forewarned, however, that I might be tempted by impure thoughts in your presence — & then what?
I do thank you for the offer, though. I s’pect to be here in Jebville for a little while, but who the heck knows.
As for sleeping with my mouth open, I no longer entertain in that manner. Too sober.
Ooh, I am so flattered! But you’d have to fight your way past Mr. Nature and a basset hound to get to me. 😉
Fortunately for me, I only lust in my heart.
See you later, o tasty one.
Wow that’s a ways … 🙂 I’m glad that you’ve got yourself settled somewhere … even Florida 😉
I’m truly hoping it’s temporary, Miss O — ergo I’m not really ‘settling’ psychically. The trees here are so shy it makes me nervous.
I hope you get back to your trees soon!
Thanks, Miss O. It’s already gotten so bad that I saw the northern woods on something called a ‘television’ & got real weepy.
Forgot the hug. Forgive me!
(((((( Miss O )))))
Hey, your royal lusciousness – how’s the new abode? We’ve missed you all summer.
Howdy there, Scrumptious! So glad to see you. I’ve missed you, too – & how!
As for the abode, there ain’t one. A story too sad & screwed to tell ..
Oh no! Are you blogging from a teepee in the middle of the Catskills?
Hellooooooooooooo WW.
How’re ya doing? I’m so happy to see ya. 🙂
FM! So happy to see you, too! I’m doing all right. However, I’d appreciate it if you could possibly perform a little brilliant weather magic for me & reverse south Florida’s weather with, say, the weather in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Hope you’re doing ok as well.
It’s been kind of rough for me too lately, but otherwise I’m OK.
Can’t stand the heat and humidity huh. WW it appears the magic only works for the Catskills. If it worked down here, I would have done it long ago. 🙂
I guess you would have, indeed.
Sorry to hear life’s been rough. Seems this has been a rough summer for lots of folks. Is your mom all right?
Yeah she’s feeling better. She is so damn stubborn though. She was supposed to go to the doctor today, but decided she didn’t feel up to it. I got another appointment for Thursday and now I’m having to put my foot down.
So South Florida isn’t where you would want to live the rest of your life? 🙂
Saw a little bit about what’s goin’ on with you in another post. Do hope things start to settle a bit & you see some real healing, for both your mom & yourself.
No, I truly don’t see settling permanently here. I still intend to subject Hillary to a Catskills tractor pull. Down here I’d have to use a Ski-Doo.
Thanks for the thoughts.
I couldn’t see you down there for long. Your love of the Catskills come through very clear.
But where else could you get Gator Burgers? 🙂
Gator burgers or no, this state is cursed!
In any case, I can’t digest anything that smiles
My melt-meter’s now on Code Orange — gotta go soak. See y’all soon.
Good thoughts comin’ atcha, FM.
Good thoughts to you too WW.
Take care.
I’ve gotta go too. See ya’ll later.
So glad to see you checking in! Sorry to hear about your summer misfortunes (an understatement, I’m sure), but sooo glad to know you’re alright. Isis would drop in every once in awhile to give an update, it was much appreciated.
Hola, ManE! So glad to see you. Hope you’re doing all right under those brilliant Western skies.
Glad Isis was able to dip into the pond for me — but s/he didn’t know much about where I was at either.
Western skies are getting ready to open up here, apparently a nasty storm approacheth. woohoo!
Stay safe & comfy, Man E. Will look forward to some stunning photos.
Great to see you!
wow…Florida…hang in there…it’s supposed to be nice in the winter…maybe the spirits are really looking after you and just being coy about it…:{)
Dada! Great seeing you!
Yes, I am blessed by benevolent spirits who also like to kick my ass a bit.
goes to their heads sometimes…hope you’re well and things work, wherever you are….
Thank you.
Right now I think I’ll go dunk my head.
I just got here.
Well even if I missed you, it is absolutely fantastic to have you stop in.
Andi!! So pleased I caught you! Hope all’s well in your woods today.
Truly must run (no ‘melting’ pun intended) but I’ll be back shortly, I’m sure. Looking forward …
Sorry to hear you are in Florida but being self-centered, I’m glad it gave you a chance to get online.
Woods are fine, though sopping wet from an all-night and all-day rain.
See ya later.
diff day…still trying to get a new roof on before winter…grrrrrr.
Hope you and FMom are mending…shoulda stayed home, eh….:{)
I need a go-back machine so I can go back about a month. Then I would get in bed and not get out for a month. I figure everything would be all right by then.
Winter isn’t to far from getting to your area. I hope you get the roof soon.
Need to kick the spouse off the big computer — down to 11% battery power on the laptop.
Been getting some research done for a couple of projects, as well as getting involved in some religious discussions on another blog (won’t bore you here).
Not much else going on around here — need to get some work done eventually…
Getting excited about hockey season starting up? 🙂
Hi Olivia. Who could get excited about hockey? 🙂
How ya feeling?
Hows FMom?
And how ’bout George? (You might need to get him a sweater!)
Oh yeah, I forgot I love hockey. 🙂
The back is the same, but I saw the doctor yesterday and she put me on different medicine. Just got back from getting them and I’ll have to see how it works.
FMom is feeling better, but still hurting.
George is OK. He likes it cold. :~)
How’re you doing today?
Did your MD have anything else to say about healing — like taking those long walks NDD recommended? 😉
I’m doing really good — I’ve got the week off work so I’m enjoying doing a lot of nothing.
No she didn’t mention walking at all. She did make me an appointment with a specialist, but it’s not for another three weeks.
I’m glad to hear you’re getting some deserved slack time.
All you froggybottoms, get your froggy bottoms over to Happy Hour. This cafe is now closed!