NBC released a poll tonight showing that the majority of Americans object to recent White House attacks comparing Iraq war critics to Hitler appeasers. Asked about the recent “appeaser” language, NBC’s Tim Russert said the poll showed this rhetoric “did not resonate with the American people.”
And from that same discussion:
WILLIAMS: With us tonight with the very latest in our NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, our Washington Bureau Chief and the moderator of Meet the Press, Tim Russert. Tim, we’re releasing these numbers at this hour. Let’s begin with that all-important presidential approval number.
RUSSERT: Brian, you will see President Bush’s approval is up to 42 percent. That’s two points up since July. When you look inside the poll, Brian, the number of people who are concerned about gasoline prices has declined dramatically and that seems to be giving the President a boost.
from the precipitous gas price drop. God – Amuricans are so gullible. If the oil companies can drop the prices this much on a whim to see Bush kept in the WH, why can’t they see that the same oil companies will push the price to the moon after November? Baa Baa.
US President George Bush is to host White House talks on British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.
Cohen, 35, creator of Ali G, has infuriated the Kazakhstan government with his portrayal of Borat, a bumbling Kazakh TV presenter.
And now a movie of Borat’s adventures in the US has caused a diplomatic incident.
Gee, a fictional comedy is causing a ‘diplomatic incident’ so serious that the pResident of the US has to get involved?
Of course, this isn’t the first time ‘Borat’ has gotten into trouble with Kazakhstan government officials. He ticked them off at an MTV Europe awards show too. Here’s how he handled that then:
In the video, Borat said, “In response to Mr. Ashykbayev’s (the Kazakh spokesman) comments, I’d like to state I have no connection with Mr. Cohen and fully support my Government’s decision to sue this Jew.
“Since the 2003 Tuleyakiv reforms, Kazakhstan is as civilized as any other country in the world.
“Women can now travel on inside of bus, homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hats, and age of consent has been raised to eight years old.”
His blatant outpouring then prompted the Kazakh government to hire two public relations firms to counter the claims, and ran a four-page advertisement in The New York Times.
This should make for interesting pre-release publicity. Do you think the Kazakhstan government will be pushing for extraordinary rendition and waterboarding for Borat?
we have fictitional character who is currently presnit and who hates diplomacy getting involved in international waters with another country about another fictional character who is played by a comedian. If somebody can’t find the humor in this it will be people like the czars trying to fumble diplomacy when all they want to do is play dictators.
as the result of a new law passed this summer: BBC
Spanish men who refuse to lift a finger around the house are facing new legal sanctions.
MPs in Spain have drawn up a marriage contract for use in civil ceremonies which obliges men to share household chores and the care of children and elderly family members.
The new law, which will be introduced this summer in Spain, promises a revolution in a country where nearly half of all men admit to doing no housework at all.
Puffing and panting and swearing under his breath, 36-year-old Santi Risco tries to put up an ironing board. He doesn’t have much success and it’s a pretty painful sight watching a previously undomesticated Spanish male trying hard to change with the times….
…Santi’s trying to make up for lost time. He gives up on the ironing board and heads for the bathroom, ready to clean the mirrors. He is a man with a mission. The contract he will sign at his civil wedding ceremony this September will oblige him – by law – to share domestic responsibilities with his partner.
Failure to do so will affect the terms of a divorce settlement, should he ever find himself in that position. But even as Santi cleans up his act, Aintzane, his wife-to-be, says she remains sceptical about the new law.
Blair’s craven support for the extremism of US neoconservative foreign policy has exacerbated the danger of terrorism and the instability and suffering of the Middle East. He has dishonoured the UK, undermined the UN and international law and helped to make the world a more dangerous place. The erosion of the rule of law and civil liberties has weakened our democracy and increased Muslim alienation.
For some reason there’s scads of news today [“scads” – is that a technical term?]… …Enough that I’m posting the “climate change roundup” as a separate item.
The EPA is preparing for even more draconian budget cuts for the 2008 Fiscal Year, according to an internal memo released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). These new cuts are being readied even as Congress is still reviewing administration proposals to reduce EPA spending by a record $100 million in FY 2007. Among the proposed cuts are closures of laboratories, more extensive staff slashing, and less oversight of states’ and tribes’ environmental operations. [Some days, this rogue regime really makes me wish I believed in hell… – K.P.]
The dwarf planet known informally until now as Xena, and its moon, known until now as Gabrielle, have been given official names. The larger body will be called Eris, after the goddess of discord whose activities provoked the arguments among the goddesses leading to the Trojan War. The smaller body will be called Dysnomia, the daughter of Eris known as the spirit of lawlessness. [It was decided that Dysnomia was easier to spell and pronounce than “BushCheneyRumsfeld.” – K.P.] The names were felt to be appropriate, given that the discovery of these worlds (Eris is larger than Pluto) led to the discord that led to the official “demotion” of Pluto from planetary status.
Scientists say the Rock of Gibraltar may have been the last stronghold for Europe’s Neanderthals, as recently as 24,000 years ago – long after they had been thought to have disappeared. [Other say a small group of Neanderthals may still survive, and be hiding out at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. – K.P.]
Ivory Coast’s toxic waste scandal worsened sharply on Wednesday, with French experts saying it was “urgent” to remove the hundreds of tonnes of poisonous sludge dumped in the economic capital Abidjan and local doctors receiving nearly 16,000 calls for medical help. The toxic sludge has contaminated streams and lakes in the city of four million people. On Tuesday the United Nations voiced fears that toxins from the waste — much of which it said was tipped into the sea, into a lagoon and onto dumps near community gardens — may already have spread to the food chain. The toxic waste at the heart of the crisis is 500 metric tons of a mixture of oil residue and sodium hydroxide solution used to rinse that residue out of the tanks of a Greek-owned cargo ship.
Calling Joan of Arc: British psychologists have launched a study to determine why some people who hear voices consider it a good experience, while others find it distressing. The University of Manchester investigation follows a Dutch study that found many healthy members (possibly as high as 4%) of the population in that nation regularly hear voices in their heads. [Wait `til David Letterman and Jay Leno hear about this one! – K.P.]
Hey, just because I teaching at the crack of dawn is no reason to start stealing my thunder with your commentary on the science news! That’s my turf!
At least you forgot a few things:
About the Nino thing:
1) The Bush administration has announced that there is no longer any problem with the Nino thing. Now that Nino Scalia has at least three friends to play with, he is much less likely to be chosen last among the Supremes. That should keep his storm generation to a bare minimum.
2) if that doesn’t work, well, then do as the kind wingers in Arizona have proposed: Make English the official language of the weather. Result? No more El Nino! Oh, if everything were just that simple!
And once again, we have a Not New and Not News:
Of course people hear voices in their head. where else would they hear them, in their elbows??
And of course, some people can’t stand hearing certain voices, while others just love those same voices. For example, hearing the Prez’z voices causes widespread shudders among so many, and the numbers increase daily.
Why?? Now that’s a phenomenon worth studying! What?? Did those ditzy folks really think that we all just loved to hear Rush Limbaugh’s voice every day? And was that because we heard him in our big toe? What’s wrong with those Dutch folks? Do they have ears on their feeties??
A new study shows that in the last two years sea ice is shrinking on the surface of Arctic waters to record low levels. Using satellite data, scientists have observed unusually warm wintertime temperatures in the region and a resulting decline in the length of the Arctic ice season. The maximum amount of sea ice in the Arctic winter has fallen by six percent over each of the last two winters, as compared to a loss of merely 1.5 percent per decade on average annually since the earliest satellite monitoring in 1979. Since ocean water is darker than ice, absorbing more light and heat, the effect is self-reinforcing and may have reached a climate-change tipping point.
Three-quarters of the world’s coral reefs may lack the ability to cope with climate change, despite previous optimistic predictions, according to a new review of coral research. Earlier studies had demonstrated that some corals are able adapt to warmer water temperatures by forming new, additional symbiotic relationships with algae. But a new analysis of more than 400 coral species suggests that only one-quarter of them would be able to adapt in this way.
Global warming film unites preachers and politics
10 Sep 2006 16:04:26 GMT
Source: Reuters
By Carey Gillam
OVERLAND PARK, Kan., Sept 10 (Reuters) – Coming soon to a movie screen near you: prayers, politics and a feature-length film, united in an effort to mobilize religious groups around global warming concerns in time for the U.S. midterm election.
With a new documentary titled “The Great Warming” as their chief campaign tool, a coalition of religious leaders, environmentalists and businesses are spreading copies of the film into churches around the country. Voter guides and themed sermons are also part of the plan.
The aim of the screenings, like one held in Kansas last week, is to turn the large and powerful conservative Christian constituency into a voting block united behind making the reduction of greenhouse gases a top priority among politicians.
Evangelical Christian leaders have embraced the cause and are now helping spur momentum before both midterm elections in November and the 2008 presidential election.
Democrats ask for investigation of former EPA director on 9/11 health issues
WASHINGTON – Democrats from New York and New Jersey asked on Wednesday for an investigation that could lead to criminal charges against former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christie Whitman for breathing problems suffered by thousands after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Whitman told The Associated Press that she and the EPA “agreed then and I reiterate now that the air on the WTC site was not clean – the consequence of millions of tons of burned debris from the most horrific attack in our nation’s history.
“We were emphatic that workers needed to wear respirators, a message I repeated frequently.”[snip]
Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, declared in the days after Sept. 11 that the air in lower Manhattan was safe for workers and residents. But she has said she and the EPA always differentiated between the air quality in lower Manhattan and at ground zero.
They want Gonzales to appoint a special prosecutor. Good luck on that. Whitman has had 5 years to get her lies and spin straight. I hope against hope that she’s nailed for incidiously threatening the health and lives of thousands of workers and residents with her lies.
ya know, if memory serves, I recall during a recent surf on shortwave hearing a tape of Chrissy telling workers in the aftermath of the horrible clean-up that the air was safe.
Nah. I must have been dreaming. Not on worldwide Christian radio. The little secret in church radio land – wingnuts are abondoning Rove and shrub in droves. Nothing can be as stinging as church scorn.
AP via MSNBC reporting that Bush went over to Congress to lobby for more power to spy, interrogate and imprison terror suspects…
Powell instead endorsed efforts by three Republican senators to block the president’s plan to authorize harsh interrogations of terror suspects.
The latest sign of GOP division over White House security policy came in a letter that Powell sent to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., one of the rebellious lawmakers.
and he had to wait all this time. Never will I forget his collusion.
I love using chalk but a lot of people are suprised to learn that it’s illegal in some places and “a gray area” in others. I was in a demonstration where people were arrested for writing anti-war slogans on downtown buildings with chalk. Railroad chalk works great BTW — makes thick yellow, very visible lines.
watch cspan right now, Reid and Levin introduced an amendment to declassify the redacted portion of the Senate Intelligence Report and it was immediately rejected by Reps. Now Pat Roberts is going at it. A must see.
Nato faces crisis as call for troops goes unanswered
ยท Britain and US press allies for help to fight Taliban
ยท 1,000-strong reserve battalion may be offered
Nato was last night trying to head off a full-blown crisis of credibility as allied defence chiefs failed to offer any extra troops to help hard-pressed soldiers fighting Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.
With commanders on the ground urgently demanding reinforcements, Britain and the US raised the stakes in the struggle to get their Nato partners to provide more forces to defeat the Taliban in what they described as the biggest test facing the alliance in its 57-year history.
“No formal offers were made at the table,” Nato spokesman James Appathurai said after a meeting of national defence chiefs at allied military headquarters in Mons, Belgium. But he said there were “positive indications” from some allies that they might consider providing extra forces to help British, Dutch and Canadian troops fighting Taliban fighters and their supporters in fierce, daily clashes.
So, European leaders hesitate to send troops to clean up Dubya and Tony’s mess in Afghanistan… is that such a surprise?
not sitting well with most Americans: Think Progress
And from that same discussion:
That last bit goes right along with Gadfly’s front page post, dont you think?
from the precipitous gas price drop. God – Amuricans are so gullible. If the oil companies can drop the prices this much on a whim to see Bush kept in the WH, why can’t they see that the same oil companies will push the price to the moon after November? Baa Baa.
about the new Borat movie: Daily Mail
Gee, a fictional comedy is causing a ‘diplomatic incident’ so serious that the pResident of the US has to get involved?
Of course, this isn’t the first time ‘Borat’ has gotten into trouble with Kazakhstan government officials. He ticked them off at an MTV Europe awards show too. Here’s how he handled that then:
This should make for interesting pre-release publicity. Do you think the Kazakhstan government will be pushing for extraordinary rendition and waterboarding for Borat?
we have fictitional character who is currently presnit and who hates diplomacy getting involved in international waters with another country about another fictional character who is played by a comedian. If somebody can’t find the humor in this it will be people like the czars trying to fumble diplomacy when all they want to do is play dictators.
as the result of a new law passed this summer: BBC
Too funny.
(h/t to Samhita at [Feministing http://www.feministing.com)
I’m crossing off Spain from my list of places to move.
you can’t iron either?
Claire Short is stepping down: “I am profoundly ashamed of the Government. I’m standing down so I can speak the truth.”
From Wired News the Specter NSA Bill was voted on Wednesday 10-8 out of Committee. In terms of Americans’ privacy, “It may be light years beyond the Patriot Act.
Brad”s blog finds Elections are near and cites a Princeton University study. ‘Hack the Vote and without a trace? No problem man.’ Virus implanted, Spread on Diebold Touch Screen Voting Machine!
For some reason there’s scads of news today [“scads” – is that a technical term?]… …Enough that I’m posting the “climate change roundup” as a separate item.
The EPA is preparing for even more draconian budget cuts for the 2008 Fiscal Year, according to an internal memo released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). These new cuts are being readied even as Congress is still reviewing administration proposals to reduce EPA spending by a record $100 million in FY 2007. Among the proposed cuts are closures of laboratories, more extensive staff slashing, and less oversight of states’ and tribes’ environmental operations. [Some days, this rogue regime really makes me wish I believed in hell… – K.P.]
The dwarf planet known informally until now as Xena, and its moon, known until now as Gabrielle, have been given official names. The larger body will be called Eris, after the goddess of discord whose activities provoked the arguments among the goddesses leading to the Trojan War. The smaller body will be called Dysnomia, the daughter of Eris known as the spirit of lawlessness. [It was decided that Dysnomia was easier to spell and pronounce than “BushCheneyRumsfeld.” – K.P.] The names were felt to be appropriate, given that the discovery of these worlds (Eris is larger than Pluto) led to the discord that led to the official “demotion” of Pluto from planetary status.
Scientists say the Rock of Gibraltar may have been the last stronghold for Europe’s Neanderthals, as recently as 24,000 years ago – long after they had been thought to have disappeared. [Other say a small group of Neanderthals may still survive, and be hiding out at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. – K.P.]
The planet-wide dust storms that periodically cloak Mars in a mantle of red may be generating a snow of corrosive chemicals – including hydrogen peroxide – that would be toxic to life in surface soils, U.S. researchers say. Life, if present, might be limited to underground springs or the like.
After a massive seven-year investigation, scientists determined that about 4,000 chemicals used in Canada pose enough of a risk to human health or wildlife that they need in-depth safety assessments. A similar review is underway in Europe.
El Nino weather conditions have developed in the tropical Pacific Ocean and are likely to continue into early 2007, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Wednesday. NOAA said North America was likely to see typical El Nino effects this winter, including warmer-than-average temperatures in western and central Canada and the western and northern United States. The US Gulf Coast and Florida could see wetter conditions than usual. The development of the El Nino also helps explain why the Atlantic hurricane season has been less active than predicted, NOAA said.
Calling Joan of Arc: British psychologists have launched a study to determine why some people who hear voices consider it a good experience, while others find it distressing. The University of Manchester investigation follows a Dutch study that found many healthy members (possibly as high as 4%) of the population in that nation regularly hear voices in their heads. [Wait `til David Letterman and Jay Leno hear about this one! – K.P.]
Hey, just because I teaching at the crack of dawn is no reason to start stealing my thunder with your commentary on the science news! That’s my turf!
At least you forgot a few things:
About the Nino thing:
1) The Bush administration has announced that there is no longer any problem with the Nino thing. Now that Nino Scalia has at least three friends to play with, he is much less likely to be chosen last among the Supremes. That should keep his storm generation to a bare minimum.
2) if that doesn’t work, well, then do as the kind wingers in Arizona have proposed: Make English the official language of the weather. Result? No more El Nino! Oh, if everything were just that simple!
And once again, we have a Not New and Not News:
Of course people hear voices in their head. where else would they hear them, in their elbows??
And of course, some people can’t stand hearing certain voices, while others just love those same voices. For example, hearing the Prez’z voices causes widespread shudders among so many, and the numbers increase daily.
Why?? Now that’s a phenomenon worth studying! What?? Did those ditzy folks really think that we all just loved to hear Rush Limbaugh’s voice every day? And was that because we heard him in our big toe? What’s wrong with those Dutch folks? Do they have ears on their feeties??
Gee, who will they vote for in this effort?
WASHINGTON – Democrats from New York and New Jersey asked on Wednesday for an investigation that could lead to criminal charges against former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christie Whitman for breathing problems suffered by thousands after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Whitman told The Associated Press that she and the EPA “agreed then and I reiterate now that the air on the WTC site was not clean – the consequence of millions of tons of burned debris from the most horrific attack in our nation’s history.
“We were emphatic that workers needed to wear respirators, a message I repeated frequently.”[snip]
Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, declared in the days after Sept. 11 that the air in lower Manhattan was safe for workers and residents. But she has said she and the EPA always differentiated between the air quality in lower Manhattan and at ground zero.
They want Gonzales to appoint a special prosecutor. Good luck on that. Whitman has had 5 years to get her lies and spin straight. I hope against hope that she’s nailed for incidiously threatening the health and lives of thousands of workers and residents with her lies.
well what took them so, sooo long?
ya know, if memory serves, I recall during a recent surf on shortwave hearing a tape of Chrissy telling workers in the aftermath of the horrible clean-up that the air was safe.
Nah. I must have been dreaming. Not on worldwide Christian radio. The little secret in church radio land – wingnuts are abondoning Rove and shrub in droves. Nothing can be as stinging as church scorn.
The little secret in church radio land – wingnuts are abondoning Rove and shrub in droves.
As the saying goes: “from your lips to God’s ear.”
Never thought I’d live to see the day
Colin Powell is out in the open and not through a surrogate.
“Powell is OPPOSED to Bush’s move”
AP via MSNBC reporting that Bush went over to Congress to lobby for more power to spy, interrogate and imprison terror suspects…
and he had to wait all this time. Never will I forget his collusion.
Nothing like a last-minute bout of pseudo-integrity. Where has his conscience been for the last 5 years?
I think more and more that Powell deserved to have his credibility shredded and tossed away by the administration like a used condom.
errmm CC
that’s descriptive, right on head.
Yes to Peace
That looks like a fun idea.
I love stuff like this ๐ AND… you can do it anytime and anywhere ๐
I love using chalk but a lot of people are suprised to learn that it’s illegal in some places and “a gray area” in others. I was in a demonstration where people were arrested for writing anti-war slogans on downtown buildings with chalk. Railroad chalk works great BTW — makes thick yellow, very visible lines.
I guess the main reason it was “illegal” was because of the “anti-war” aspect of it?? ๐
NOw we’ll need “Free Chalk Zones” LOL
Thanks (((Lil))))
Here’s a taste of the master of sidewalk chalk…pastels actually…Julian Beever
Great stuff!
((((Dada)))) I’ve seen some of that type of community artwork on the sidewalk… amazing stuff.
What also turns me on to this is just recently we went to the Hiroshima Memorial where we did chalkings on the street.
http://www.compfused.com/directlink/1272/ ๐
watch cspan right now, Reid and Levin introduced an amendment to declassify the redacted portion of the Senate Intelligence Report and it was immediately rejected by Reps. Now Pat Roberts is going at it. A must see.
ยท Britain and US press allies for help to fight Taliban
ยท 1,000-strong reserve battalion may be offered
Nato was last night trying to head off a full-blown crisis of credibility as allied defence chiefs failed to offer any extra troops to help hard-pressed soldiers fighting Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.
With commanders on the ground urgently demanding reinforcements, Britain and the US raised the stakes in the struggle to get their Nato partners to provide more forces to defeat the Taliban in what they described as the biggest test facing the alliance in its 57-year history.
“No formal offers were made at the table,” Nato spokesman James Appathurai said after a meeting of national defence chiefs at allied military headquarters in Mons, Belgium. But he said there were “positive indications” from some allies that they might consider providing extra forces to help British, Dutch and Canadian troops fighting Taliban fighters and their supporters in fierce, daily clashes.
So, European leaders hesitate to send troops to clean up Dubya and Tony’s mess in Afghanistan… is that such a surprise?