With heaps of praise being vented on the left, and heaps of scorn on the right towards John Mc.Cain, Lindsey Graham, and John Warner for their stand on the Geneva convention, and the torture issue, what we all fail to understand is that sooner or later, Mc.Cain. Graham, and Warner will cave in to George Bush, like they’ve done in the past, and Bush will have his right to torture people even more than he’s doing now. You can see it happening already, with the talk of compromise.

Steven Hadley, the president’s man on torture, was on ABC’s “this week”, and planted the seeds of compromise.  He said the president is willing to work with them to try to get something done, and he thought it would be in the best interest of the country to do so.
For their parts, the three Senators stood firm on the issue, and said for them, it was an issue of both morality, and fairness. They also said if Bush doesn’t change his mind on this issue, they will have the votes to block any legislation that comes along.

Now we all know what this is called, don’t we?? It’s called political grandstanding. Mc.Cain and friends have already back down on several issues, allowing Bush, in essence to break the law, and get away with it. This will be no different. After a few days of tough talk, Mc.Cain and his allies will once again do what they have done in the past, and let Bush have his way. All Bush has to say is these people are not allowing me to protect you from the evil, nasty terrorists, and Mc.Cain and friends will fold like a deck of cards.

I promise this is what’s going to happen. when all is said and done, a “compromise” will be offered, and in the end, Bush will once again get his way, and the hell that man has put us through since he took office, will continue.