Crossposted from MY LEFT WING
One of the more perplexing and deceptive aspects of being bi-polar is the “manic” part of what used to be (and, in my not so fucking humble opinion, still should be) called “manic-depression.”
In other words, a manic-depressive is often unaware that she is experiencing a relapse in her “condition”…
… until the “manic” phase ends and she begins an often precipitous drop into the depressive phase.
What I’m trying to say, here, is that until this morning, I didn’t realise that the new medication to which my new doctor had me switch is not only not working, it is exacerbating my condition.
How, you may ask, did I “suddenly” become aware of the fact that I am in full-on depression mode, coming off a manic streak?
I looked in the mirror.
Not clear enough for you? I bet there are a few Medical Doctors and Manic Depressives out there who know exactly what I saw when I looked in the mirror this morning:
And wasn’t even aware of it, as noted, till this morning, when I chanced upon my reflection and reeled back in horror; I look like a cross between a leper and a meth addict.
Took me the better part of this late morning to call that doc and demand to be put back on Zoloft. Cymbalta may be a miracle cure for some, but for me, apparently, it is Black Fucking Death.
And, of course, once I realised what’s been happening, a LOT of other shit started to make sense. Like, why haven’t I been at ALL productive, writing-wise, since late fucking JULY? Why have a few admittedly horrible but NOT end-of-the-world personal crises sent me into spasm of sobfests? Why have I been spending money like.. well, like I HAVE it? Yes — plastic is evil evil evil.
(My darling husband, I hope to christ you don’t read this — I hope like hell I just return our financial state to normal before you realise what’s been happening, because I just cannot face you with this wretched fact: aparently, now, when I am manic, I… SHOP. I am sorry, but that is the grotesquely ugly truth. And I don’t even shop for good stuff. I just spend hundreds of dollars on drugstore bric-a-brac and department store handbags. And shoes. Shoes I cannot fucking WEAR, you understand? I am a virtual CRIPPLE — I cannot WEAR my lovely leopard-print platform pumps…)
The doc wants to see me tomorrow morning before he agrees to put me back on Zoloft, so I’ve decided to compose a list of my symptoms — symptoms, I might add, that are a crystal fucking clear today, but were absolutely beyond my perception for the past 6-8 weeks…
Sleepwalking, during which episodes I may do any or all of the following:
— Binge-eating while asleep… wandering around the house, out to the garage… standing in one place for as long as it takes for Adam to find me and bring me back to bed…
Sugar binging:
– Very common symptom for me when relapsing. I buy tons of candy under the pretense of doing it for “Halloween” or Terry or even for Adam. Of course, I then proceed to HIDE IT UNDER THE BED and eat it in handsful at various periods. This happens during the manic and depressive periods
Symptoms of periodic manic episodes include:
- Excessive exercise
- Compulsive spending
- LOTS of “productivity,” or what I perceive as productivity:
— laundry is always done, down to a tiny load with 6 or seven items… dishes, same thing… food shopping… dinner and lunch dishes prepared days in advance… bills paid weeks in advance…
Symptoms of depressive episodes (which, by the way, NEVER swing back to manic — once I fall into a depression, that’s it, until I get help):
– Suicidal ideation
— for the layperson, this means WISHING I could commit suicide, THINKING about it a lot, wishing I were dead — but NOT planning it, NOT considering it as an option.
– Constant crying
— regardless of the severity or triviality of the trigger, I cry at the drop of a hat when in a depression, and almost always out of proportion to the trigger, though it’s virtually impossible for me to perceive that.
– Withdrawal from life
— I get sick more easily, which provides me with a “convenient” excuse to beg off social engagements and other appointments
— Like yesterday: the illness was real, but it JUST so happened that I had two appointments and a late lunch, all of which, of course, I had to cancel, because I was throwing up and sweating and the like. Oddly, so was my son, and HIS illness preceded mine. Don’t ask me to figure out the causality, I simply can’t.
-Unwillingness to make new appointments or social engagements
— refusal of any but the most urgent obligations, like picking up son from school…
Refusal of telephone calls
— Which is why you should always leave a message — if it’s truly urgent, I will call back. If it’s a CHATTY call, forget about it.
So, there it is: if any of you have been wondering where the FUCK I have BEEN for the past couple of months, that’s it. Bet no one at my dinner party last week could have guessed it, eh? (was it last week? Two weeks? I can’t keep track of time without a fucking calendar)
That’s one of the things about the MANIC phases, you know. Very few people can tell the difference between a bipolar person when she’s HAPPY and that same person when she’s MANIC. Only my husband has an INKLING when I’m in that state — and I’m AWFULLY damned good at convincing even HIM that I’m just being, you know, highly productive.
EXCEPT… my “productivity” just so happens to NOT include any ACTUAL production — you know, WRITING and suchlike…
Still, maybe a really clean living space isn’t exactly enough of a reason to stay massively fucked up, eh? So. Maybe after tomorrow, when I REFUSE to take the Cymbalta any longer and DEMAND to be put back on Zoloft, and the requisite three weeks of getting back onto my Zoloft Normality Track…
By the way… anyone wondering why the FUCK I allowed myself to be taken of a drug that has so CONSISTENTLY worked well for me?
Anyone wondering, further, why the FUCK this doctor took me OFF the fucking PROVEN drug, and ON an unproven one (unproven, insofar as it was unproven on ME — might do wonders for other bipolar people; as usual, I ONLY speak for myself as concerns drugs and depression and so on…)?
I don’t want to ascribe to this guy any nefarious motive, but the fact is, Zoloft JUST went into generic status, and Cymbalta won’t be for, what, two more years?
Coincidence? I hope the fuck NOT, but still… I hope to fucking hell this man has no connection to the makers of Cymbalta or Zoloft.
(In case you wondered, as I did, they are not made by the same companies. So it’s definitely not, thank god, a case of Pfizer looking to cash in on a new drug (Cymbalta, in this circumstance, which is made by Lilly) as soon as their stranglehold on the former ran out and it became available in generic form.)
Anyway, the doctor’s declared reason for putting me on Cymbalta was that it is showing good results with fibromyalgia patients, as far as pain goes. Hard to argue with that, especially when your pain has relapsed, as mine had when I first went to see this dude.
But as far as I’m concerned, I am no longer interested in being prescribed drugs for off-label reasons. Period. Talk to me when it’s a DECLARED treatment for fibromyalgia. I don’t want to be a goddamned guinea pig anymore.
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah — so, back on Zoloft as of tomorrow<S>, hopefully</S>. Fuck that “hopefully” noise — if he refuses, I’ll find another doctor.
Whereupon, given the usual three weeks adjustment, I hope I can report back to you all in the form of consistent posts having to do with POLITICS and not my goddamned psychological and physical states.
Maryscott thank goodness you realized what was going on. I hope things work out and you’re back to you old self in a couple of weeks. My thoughts go with you.
It mortifies me to tell anyone this stuff, let alone however many hundreds or thousands who read MLW or Daily Kos and Booman Tribune and European Tribune and Political Cortex combined…
But it seems I’ve made it my full time job to tell everyone everything– so it would be patently dishonest to waltz in and out of the blogosphere pretending everything’s just peachy when it ain’t. And it ain’t. Besides, as fucking corny as it sounds to my self-loathing ears, posting stuff like this might actually help someone. And if you can reach just one person…
: )
So, mortification notwithstanding, that (and, of course, my overweening vanity and self-obsession, which ought to go without saying) is why I am posting this across the blogosphere:
MLW version and whatever discussion ensues
DKos version and whatever discussion ensues
I’m having trouble posting it at EuroTrib and Political Cortex. Links later.
Hey. That’s merely the face of a courageous woman staring back at you.
Good luck and god bless.
I second, third and fourth Steven’s sentiment.
that’s important … I’m glad you did and I’m glad you posted, it will make a difference.
I agree with StevenD’s post that when I see your face, I see tears… but I also see courage and stregnth. Something that others say I have, but it’s hard to see it when I feel so scared and cowardly. Sometimes it angers me when someone says I’m strong and courageous for protesting… it even at times makes me angry to hear it. Because I KNOW how much of a chicken shit I am. How the sweat starts to trickle down my back and my skin turns red from the pure shivers, the adrenaline. Most don’t know how that feels today out on the street so how can they say I’m anything but what I know I feel…
But it’s something we must soon realize. Courage and strength is not what they portray in the films… Real life is what we deal with 24/7. Real pain, real worries, real fear. Your courage and strength is real. It’s just really hard to see in ourselves sometimes.
And I can only say that I was mortified at the thought of sharing a diary I wrote a while back about rape. I couldn’t even respond to the incredible posts in it. To lay it all out there for people to scrutinize. But… these are not wounds, they aren’t even really battle scars… they are us. And one thing you have always done MaryScott is you have given everyone … YOURSELF. The honest, naked truth.
Reality, Strength and Courage.
With my love, Janet – who needs to go look in a mirror.
So, it’s me, aka getmeoutofdixie and Laura.
It’s funny how the depression sneaks back up on you without you sensing it – that’s happened to me several times and even knowing all the signs I never realize it until I’ve sunk pretty far and it’s only by looking back, as you have done, and seeing how I have accomplished exactly NOTHING, how I’ve not spoken to anyone, how I’ve turned down invitatations and engagements, how I’ve gained 20 lbs, how I’ve been crying over every little goddamned thing, that I recognize it.
I have this dream that those around me recognize the signs for me and say ‘hey, you’ve been crying alot, etc., and I want you to consider the possibility that your depression is coming back’ instead of thinking I have just become a crying, sniveling bitch.
FWIW I started on Effexor back in January and the change has been miraculous. Of course, lately I have had this little backslide whereupon I realize that even though my depression is in remission all of my problems have not magically disappeared and I must find a way of breaking old patterns and dealing with them. It’s amazing the power of the human mind/spirit and how it creates little tricks to mask the simple fact that you’ve withdrawn from your own life. No one seems to notice when I am depressed, and that pisses me off.
Happy Zolofting, my friend.
getmeoutofdixie – Laura
I too am deeling with tried and true medications for me and now my company has switched insurance carriers and their prescription formulary is different so on to new meds.
I am also weaning off Lexapro and was so freakin angry for two weeks and crying before I put two and two together.
Yes, MaryScott, you have helped one other person today by baring your soul today. You are one of the bravest women I know and I truly appreciate you laying it all out.We both know how sharing can help to heal. Good luck with the Doc and don’t take any shit!
Remember when doctors were the ones who made the decisions about which meds were best for their patients? Same thing happened to me. I got used to Effexor XR and then my insurance company said it would only cover the generic form of antidepressants and XR doesn’t come in generic – so now instead of taking one a day I have to remember to take it 3x a day.
I am so sick of insurance companies making medical decisions for me. Please SN, don’t even get me started.
Maryscott, I hope you will be feeling better soon. This is an ungodly awful time, I’m sure. I had wondered why you were quiet, and I had thought you might be depressed.
Writing about your feelings helps you take control of them, I think. Coming down from needing little sleep, getting an inordinate amount of things done in such a short time, etc. is painful, terribly painful. I hope you will not flack yourself for this when you do feel better. It is very hard to know that you are doing worse while it feels you are getting so much done – only with the fall “over the abyss” does it become so obvious in retrospect. At least that’s how it is for most of us who struggle with moods that we cannot control with sheer will power.
The meds – no one can predict which meds will work with which person. Cymbalta does ordinarily need to be tapered down or coming off of it abruptly could make you feel especially overmuch horrible.
I hope you will keep reminding yourself that BPAD is found so much more often among highly creative people, e.g. writers, artists, than in the general public. That’s you, MSO. The pain does not make you talented, of course. But it makes you especially worth fighting for. And I do hope you will keep on fighting this.
My mom has suffered with severe fibro for years, so I can understand at least a part of your pain. That was hard enough to see, I can’t even imagine the pain of all of those conditions together. You are a fighter in every sense of the word just to get up in the morning, let alone to be the dynamo that you have been and will continue to be I’m sure. Best wishes to you and your family as you continue to battle your illnesses.
I just ate breakfast. Not a particularly exciting statement, or an unusual event, but when I’m feeling particularly blue, and when I’m not sleeping well due to aches and pains, it’s a struggle to do the “sensible” things. Like eat a proper breakfast. Today it was yoghurt with flax oil (for the Omeaga-3) and protein powder, and a whole slew of vitamins and supliments, and allergy meds.
Except for the cipramil (celexa in the States), I don’t know for sure if any of the many pills and suppliments help. I suspect they may keep the worst of the pain and the shaky hands and the knotted muscles from happening as frequently or as badly, but I can’t say for sure. The twice a day hot baths do seem to help, but it’s hard to not to feel a bit self-indulgent since we are on rain water, and if we run out and have to get water delivered we pay $90 for 3000 gallons of water. It eases my guilt to reuse the bath water for laundry and the garden (a chore that in and of itself I’m sometimes not up to doing – which creates yet another circular double-bind in that easing one anxiety creates another).
Imogen wants me to keep a diary, so that maybe we could get a sense of what helps and what doesn’t. But I tell her that I can’t. I would have to be too present, too in touch with the pain to be able to assess it, and I can’t go there.
I’m a perminant resident in Australia, and my partner and I have lied about my health in order to get me into the country, so that she and I can be together. In a little over a year from now, I was going to be eligible for citizenship. I was waiting to become a citizen (at which point they can’t kick me out of the country) before I actively pursued more medical tests and treatments.
But John Howard, in a clearly partisan attempt to court the bigot vote, has just proposed adding another two years to the citizenship eligibilty requirement. As Howard controls both houses, and the opposition Labor party is as ineffective as the US Democrats, it’s sure to pass.
Today I’ll walk the dog and feed the critters. And get a few small things done.
Hey keres – doing the small things is really important, but I’ve got to say that it sounds to me like you get more done in a day than some people (okay, ME) get done in a month.
And just being aware of yourself to the point that you can indulge in things like a hot bath and a cup of tea is a really good sign.
I know just what you mean about being present and in touch. One of the most painful things about my depression is that it robbed me of years with my kids. I was there physically, but I have no idea where my head was. I just can’t remember.
I’m unbelievably fortunate in that Imogen earns enough money to support us (and she also supports, in part, our housemate Martine, who has Krone’s disease and cluster headaches and who otherwise has a hard time working full-time). This is an unfair burden on Imogen, of course. And she feels the weight of it.
If any of my many projects get done, eventually, it’s only because I have the luxury of unlimited time to do them. Of course, having the skills helps, but skills mean nothing without the opportunity to use them.
Maryscott, just HUGS. Great big shirlstar Hugs.
To all the others here who experience depression, endless pain, and all other mannor of difficulties in health. . .
Big big hugs as well.
It is my fervent hope and intent that one day soon all such physical difficulties, indeed all illness, will disappear and be ourside our realm of experience. ( Not as much of a “pipe dream” as it may seem to you.)
Love to you all,
Hey, Cymbalta has been helping me alot with my depression and fibro myalga. I’ve been taking it for about four months now and aside from dulling the pain it gives me a boost of energy which makes me productive which helps me not hate my life so much. Zoloft, on the other hand, made me feel like a zombie moron. And, fibro was added to the Cymbalta treatment list recently.
I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. Remember whatever doesn’t kill you… hurts like hell. 😉 Feel better.
If you were taking the zoloft DAW (dispense as written), when you go back on it, make sure you get a DAW prescription. The filler/inert ingredients are what is different and for some people (like me), their body recognizes the generic as a different medication entirely. (Had that happen w/anti-convulsants.)
there sure are a lot of us here. The Human Condition. I had been wondering about you MSCOT- I had fantasies of you making it big on the radio or something. Part of the problem now a days is all the fucking labels. I think we were better off not having so many ‘disorders and labels’ attached to us because of our highs and lows.
Any hoo this helps me:
Hope is the doorway to belief, belief is the doorway to knowing, knowing is the doorway to creation, and creation is the doorway to experience.
Experience is the doorway to expression, expression is the doorway to becoming, becoming is the activity of all Life and the only function of God.
What you hope, you will eventually believe, what you believe you will eventually know, what you know, you will eventually create, what you create, you will eventually experience, what you experience you will eventually express, what you express you will eventually become.
This is the formula for all of life.
It is as simple as that.”
Neale Doanald Walsch
That inspired me to do this
I also have found that the side affects of many drugs are worse than the ‘disease’ that one may be dealing with.
If anyone out there is having suicidal thoughts you are depressed. I use to think suicidal thoughts was normal thinking. When my depression went away I no longer had a suicidal thought… well until Bush came into office (have to get the politics in here somehow) but actually it’s not my suicide I think about now 😉
MSOC, I’m glad that you were able to realize what was happening. Unfortunately our health care system is a bit lacking in followup, something with which I’m all too familiar. Take good care of yourself.
Mrs. Dem and I have been living this nightmare for the entire 25 years we have been together. We’ve learned the hard way that we need to be activists in every aspect of her care as we are politically. We do our own research, talk to pharmacists we know we can trust and do not hesitate to change docs when we get that “I have a bad feeling about this” indication in either one of our bellies.
She has been through literally hundreds of drug cocktail combinations, doctors and therapies including eleven ECT treatments three years ago. Thankfully, she seems to have settled in to a good combination of meds now, is relatively happy and functioning well. She has a tough time getting enough sleep, though and has to rely on meds to get more than a couple of hours a night.
We are grateful for every “good” day and, as I look back, there have really been many of those.
We hope this crappy time for you will soon pass and also hope it helps a little bit to know that you’re not alone in this.