Mornin’ Andi. The Dog Blog has just gone up, and Imogen and I are just gettin ready to make dessert – a chocolate fondue for dipping spring strawberries.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the fact that north is warm and south is cold. When we were looking for a house, we wanted one which faces north, for the best sun exposure. I think I resolve it by thinking equatorial (warm) and polar (cold), more than north and south, which are arbitrary anyway.
They were out in force in the open parts of the woods because of the late summer wildflowers but those flowers are pretty much gone now and so are the bees. Fall is really starting to come on.
Woke up this morning to this view. The dark tall ship in the background is a restaurant! We’re at Penn’s Landing on the Delaware river in downtown Philidelphia, where William Penn landed. Yesterday we were tourists, saw the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and a few museums. Independence Hall gave me chills. I REALLY wanted to touch the bell but there was a stern looking guard (maybe he was just bored) and I decided not to get arrested. Downtown Philly is really different than I thought. The architecture is eclectic and absolutely beautiful. I’ve had relatives living around Philly all my life and this is the FIRST TIME I’ve been to downtown.
Today Hubby has his seminar, and I’ve got broadband. 🙂
I saw people with their pooches yesterday walking in the city and I thought about your morning walks.
broadband is fun. I’ve uploaded some full versions of recent pics. I’m having a blast. I need to get dressed and out for a few river shots before the light changes.
Hopeful Jr. will have to wait until this afternoon to run around with her pack of friends as I have the exquisite pleasure of my yearly mammogram this morning. I’m trying to decide whether to just not wear deodorant or wash it off with one of the baby wipes when I get there. Either thought is unpleasant.
Ah the boob masher — a machine that could only have been designed by men. You know, several years ago, a study showed that testing could be done better and more accurately by using one’s hair but there’s never been anything more. Sometimes I think everyone’s so locked into the pink ribbon/pink whatever frenzy that they’ve forget about improving diagnosis and prevention.
I was just telling Mr. Nature this morning as he feigned sympathy for me that they’ve come out with a much more sensitive screening test for testicular cancer which operates much the same way as a mammogram. Then I described in great detail how, when they get done compressing my boob between two plates of lucite, it looks very much like a ham steak.
No, no plans. My life has been a bit of turmoil the last week or so. Plus I was unsure about plans because I don’t have a car here. I’m a country girl, I forget that in the city, you can take a bus or a cab.
Tomorrow morning. We’re not driving, so we have no flexibility. I’m afraid that we’ll have no time this trip. But my brother is settling into his new home in Broomall (right off the blue route) and we have all kinds of plans for future visits. Next time we come down I’ll be sure to let you know!
Woo Hoo! Will do! We will be coming down for a weekend between now and Christmas. That would be great fun. No one ever goes to Wilkes-Barre or Scranton, but if you (or any other froggies) are ever in that area, please let me know.
Philly has really blown me away. It has a character completely different than say New York. I cannot wait to come and see the King Tut exhibit next year at the Franklin Institute. I wondered about why that exhibit will be at the Franklin instead of the Art Museum… until we got off the trolley at Logan square and I got a gander at the Franklin building. Incredible.
They’re doing a Darwin thing at the FI starting in October (we have a membership there). And the movies at the Omniverse Theater there are pretty cool; you should do that sometime.
When is the King Tut thing supposed to happen? In the spring?
Early Feb to early Sept ’07. I missed Tut’s last US tour in ’77. It was at the Met in New York that time. I saw the huge Darwin sign on the front of the FI. I guess we missed that by a few weeks.
No I am not just getting up. I had to take this morning off to run errands and was out of the house by 5:45 am and had already done a new podcast this morning.
I am going into work later today but still have things I have to get done. I am taking a break while drinking the first cup of coffee from the second pot of the day. LOL
Good morning. I’ll begin with an apology: I know many of you by your names and your writings, all of which I admire greatly for your honesty, cogentness and outright passion. I’ve been basically a ‘lurker’ in many of your diaries and postings, content to read and only comment occasionally (always as bkrog, so you can look up the few pathetic attempts).
Even though we’ve never been introduced, I feel I know some of you, and truly wish I knew more…
In any case, I likely will not be reading or commenting or be around this wonderful community for at least a while.
My wife of 21 years (and 10 years of companionship before that) died this past Saturday, and I’m just not able to hold it together enough to read and contribute anymore. I wish all the best to all of you, and I’m going to be around here in VA long enough to vote against that ignorant, racist sonofabitch George Allen.
Keep up the good fight, love each other and work for a better world.
I am so sorry for your loss. Peace be with you. Take your time to grieve and walk through this very dark time. We are here if you need some support dear friend.
Bkrog, I’m so sorry for your loss. May your love for your wife will keep her memory fresh in your heart forever. Please know that I will keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers. When you’re ready, we’ll be here.
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and I am sending you and all your loved ones warm thoughts of Love & Healing. I personally know how devastating the loss can be. I will share the one thing that helped me the most when my lover died. Keep talking and saying all you want and need to say to your loved one. She is still listening and answering.. only it is now on a different level. Please come back when you need a shoulder to lean on or when you are ready to join in. I know I speak for all the ponders when I say you will be in our hearts, prayers and thoughts.
Orientation went fantastic. I LOVE IT THERE. Fun, happy people. I start today. The benefits are unbelievable!!! Too many to list.
Profit sharing, 401K, medical, dental, vision. Hell, they even give you $30 on your birthday. They pay you on your own time to do work for Meals on Wheels. If you do the AIDS walk… the beneficiaries of this place is a LONG list.
I’ve found another “home”. And it’s where I work. Never thought I’d be so proud of a place.
Went to the vigil last night. Cold, dark and rainy… not sure how this will fit in the job schedule for a few months till I get promoted or what not… but maybe Wayne can snap a few shots – he’ll go every other Wednesday.
But I think it’s own vigil is to help people eat healthy food. To help local farmers who are using sustainable practices and a support a company that cares about people. Because that’s part of the Peace Movement. Caring for People.
A west coast good morning froggies! Hope all is well on the east coast and the midsection as well.
Another interesting 24 hours-one of the school farm’s new piggies escaped and led everyone on a merry chase. They found it this morning-it came back to the barn and was hiding out near its siblings behind some hay bales. Our beloved foreman was rear-ended in his car while going to the store last night, totalling his car but he’s relatively OK. Last night I went with my yoga teacher to a Tibetan empowerment ceremony-gimme that old-time religion! And unfortunately the insomnia continues, another night of just a few hours sleep. I decided around 3am that I was going to live a happy life despite insomnia, weird bosses (not the foreman), creepy coworkers and charming but unstable housemates. Hmm…maybe this empowerment stuff really works!
I’m afraid you should plan on Danni passing on to yet another generation. There will always be people who make war but there will always be people who try to make peace. It would be lovely if some day the those who make war found themselves vastly outnumbered by those who make peace.
I’m doubting whether or not there will be a next generation.
George Bush is a tyrant and terrorist of the entire world. He’s destroying decency as well as the planet. I don’t think many realize that extreme danger he is to us all.
I’ve lived my life… I don’t care if Bush wants me dead. But my children and their children are being murdered by him as well as the apathy of the crimes against nature, and people the US is causing.
As some who grew up in height of the cold war, I can understand feeling that way. I am in still amazed that we didn’t incinerate the earth. I see the fact that we didn’t as cause for hope.
I’m not so worried about Bush as I am the powermongers that feed his childish ego. If we want to control them, we have to take a virtual 2×4 to the mass of americans who just don’t pay attention — which is why what you do is so important.
But I won’t be able to do the vigils for a few weeks due to new schedule and I have to work there a bit before I can try to arrange things so I can do both…
I was REALLY hard on myself last night. Can see the sadness in my face – yeah that’s me in the next to last photo. I cried on the way home.
I’d best be going, the young kid who will be training me today for a few hours, I met yesterday. He is a HUGE Jimi Hendrix fan. We got along GREAT. He says he wears Jimi pj pants every night and never wears the same ones for a week period. We got to talking about US vs Lennon and Jimi… and this gives me hope, too.
That not all is lost while people still are able to talk about music, peace and Jimi PJs.
When two strangers can hug because they both see fellow Jimi fans in each others hearts. 🙂
Good luck DJ-sorry we haven’t met up yet. If you are at one of the “friendliest stores in town” I may see you yet informally. Stuff’s so crazy in my life right now I’m not sleeping enough and it’s all I can do to get to work. Do you know deva the indymedia guy? He’s always at the recruiting office demos on Tuesdays.
Mornin’ Andi. The Dog Blog has just gone up, and Imogen and I are just gettin ready to make dessert – a chocolate fondue for dipping spring strawberries.
Too sweet for me but there are a bunch of chocoholics around here who are probably wondering why they suddenly started drooling.
Are the strawberries home grown? Somehow your descriptions of Tasmanian weather doesn’t make it seem like a prime strawberry-growing locale.
We just planted our strawberries last weekend.
The ones we bought for dessert come from warmer and more tropical northern parts of the country.
The fondue is belgin chocolate with cointreau.
The fondue sounds great. How much chocolate and cointreau do you use?
The sauce is from the Chocolate Box in Australia, and comes pre-mixed. It’s belgin chocolate, cocoa, cream, sugar, and cointreau.
Hmmm…do they do mail order? 🙂
You can order it here. It’s listed as . . . ummmm . . . errrr . . . chocolate body paint. 😉
That made my day.
It comes with a very nice brush.
warmer and more tropical northern parts
might be my favorite sentence on our hemispherical differences.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the fact that north is warm and south is cold. When we were looking for a house, we wanted one which faces north, for the best sun exposure. I think I resolve it by thinking equatorial (warm) and polar (cold), more than north and south, which are arbitrary anyway.
I doubt I could ever adjust — I’d have to carry a compass around with me in order to get myself correctly oriented.
Giddy says I need to orient myself toward the southern door.
Enjoy your dessert.
Enjoy your walk, and if you get lost, just follow the dogs home.
Is this an arachnid-free day?
So far (do you mind bees?). I won’t be putting any spiders in this week.
Your bee pic is great. I have no trouble with bees, they are all over our yard & are so pretty tiny beasts.
They were out in force in the open parts of the woods because of the late summer wildflowers but those flowers are pretty much gone now and so are the bees. Fall is really starting to come on.
The gang of four is making it difficult to type.
You could invite them up on the keyboard and see what bon mots they might create.
Oh, they love the piano, but the piano does not love them, or at least not their hair balls.
Woke up this morning to this view. The dark tall ship in the background is a restaurant! We’re at Penn’s Landing on the Delaware river in downtown Philidelphia, where William Penn landed. Yesterday we were tourists, saw the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and a few museums. Independence Hall gave me chills. I REALLY wanted to touch the bell but there was a stern looking guard (maybe he was just bored) and I decided not to get arrested. Downtown Philly is really different than I thought. The architecture is eclectic and absolutely beautiful. I’ve had relatives living around Philly all my life and this is the FIRST TIME I’ve been to downtown.
Today Hubby has his seminar, and I’ve got broadband. 🙂
Are you going to get together with any Philly froggies?
I’m just back from taking my pack to the dog park. Does HJ get to go today?
(loved the picture of her in thursday dog blogging)
Hi Andi. Dog park? Was that a snark? I’m a city girl today, so you can’t pull anything over on me. 😉
SN took Hopeful, Jr to a dog park the other day so my pack decided that’s exactly what our woods were.
I think you’re making fun of my suburban existence. At least we have 2 good Thai restaurants within walking distance. Hah!
Could you box up some pad woon sen and send it to me. Thanks!
I will do that. I hear you have a birthday fast approaching.
Was that a typo or do you know something someone should be telling me?
I knew I typed that wrong. Not a birthday fast. Fast approaching. As in, you are fast approaching old age.
I’m looking it square in the eye. Don’t scare me none (at least until I start telling people exactly what I’ve eaten for every meal).
And how your bowel movements are. Don’t forget that.
I am relieved (pun intended) to say that neither my mom or m-i-l do that.
I saw people with their pooches yesterday walking in the city and I thought about your morning walks.
broadband is fun. I’ve uploaded some full versions of recent pics. I’m having a blast. I need to get dressed and out for a few river shots before the light changes.
Have a great day. And please stop by laster and post your river pics.
Hopeful Jr. will have to wait until this afternoon to run around with her pack of friends as I have the exquisite pleasure of my yearly mammogram this morning. I’m trying to decide whether to just not wear deodorant or wash it off with one of the baby wipes when I get there. Either thought is unpleasant.
Ah the boob masher — a machine that could only have been designed by men. You know, several years ago, a study showed that testing could be done better and more accurately by using one’s hair but there’s never been anything more. Sometimes I think everyone’s so locked into the pink ribbon/pink whatever frenzy that they’ve forget about improving diagnosis and prevention.
I was just telling Mr. Nature this morning as he feigned sympathy for me that they’ve come out with a much more sensitive screening test for testicular cancer which operates much the same way as a mammogram. Then I described in great detail how, when they get done compressing my boob between two plates of lucite, it looks very much like a ham steak.
in my case it’s more like a deli slice.
Great, now I’m hungry.
I’ve decided not to make any of the comment that occurred to me in response to that — showing that every once in awhile my mother did raise me right.
Good luck (hah) at the exam.
Gotta go work.
Mine would be tissue paper.
No, no plans. My life has been a bit of turmoil the last week or so. Plus I was unsure about plans because I don’t have a car here. I’m a country girl, I forget that in the city, you can take a bus or a cab.
Hey, what are you doing later? 🙂
We have plans with my nephew. CG, are you near here?
I’m about 40 minutes west of the city. When are you heading home?
Tomorrow morning. We’re not driving, so we have no flexibility. I’m afraid that we’ll have no time this trip. But my brother is settling into his new home in Broomall (right off the blue route) and we have all kinds of plans for future visits. Next time we come down I’ll be sure to let you know!
Definitely do that. I’m closer to Broomall than Philly, BTW.
Woo Hoo! Will do! We will be coming down for a weekend between now and Christmas. That would be great fun. No one ever goes to Wilkes-Barre or Scranton, but if you (or any other froggies) are ever in that area, please let me know.
Philly has really blown me away. It has a character completely different than say New York. I cannot wait to come and see the King Tut exhibit next year at the Franklin Institute. I wondered about why that exhibit will be at the Franklin instead of the Art Museum… until we got off the trolley at Logan square and I got a gander at the Franklin building. Incredible.
They’re doing a Darwin thing at the FI starting in October (we have a membership there). And the movies at the Omniverse Theater there are pretty cool; you should do that sometime.
When is the King Tut thing supposed to happen? In the spring?
Early Feb to early Sept ’07. I missed Tut’s last US tour in ’77. It was at the Met in New York that time. I saw the huge Darwin sign on the front of the FI. I guess we missed that by a few weeks.
No I am not just getting up. I had to take this morning off to run errands and was out of the house by 5:45 am and had already done a new podcast this morning.
War…There has got to be a better way
I am going into work later today but still have things I have to get done. I am taking a break while drinking the first cup of coffee from the second pot of the day. LOL
Morning refinish. And see ya — time for me to go be a working schlub.
Have fun working!!!! LOL
Good morning everyone. How’s it going today?
Morning FamilyMan!!!!!
I found this link and love the survey.
You like partying and politics – and are likely to be young and affluent.
You’re less religious, traditional, and uptight than most Democrats.
Smoking pot, homosexuality, and gambling are all okay in your book.
You prefer that the government help people take care of themselves.
What’s Your Political Persuasion?
Hi Refinish. That survey looks interesting. I’ll have to go over and take a look.
I thought so except it thinks I am young and affluent. LOL Me thinks they need a category for poor old liberals. LOL
You’re probably looking for the pre-geezerhood category. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!! Today I feel like I am in geezerdom already.
The old saying, you’re only as old as you feel. Today I feel about 75.
I overslept this morning and George is letting me know it’s time to go out.
Check back in a little while.
Good morning. I’ll begin with an apology: I know many of you by your names and your writings, all of which I admire greatly for your honesty, cogentness and outright passion. I’ve been basically a ‘lurker’ in many of your diaries and postings, content to read and only comment occasionally (always as bkrog, so you can look up the few pathetic attempts).
Even though we’ve never been introduced, I feel I know some of you, and truly wish I knew more…
In any case, I likely will not be reading or commenting or be around this wonderful community for at least a while.
My wife of 21 years (and 10 years of companionship before that) died this past Saturday, and I’m just not able to hold it together enough to read and contribute anymore. I wish all the best to all of you, and I’m going to be around here in VA long enough to vote against that ignorant, racist sonofabitch George Allen.
Keep up the good fight, love each other and work for a better world.
I’m so sorry. Please take care of yourself.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. Peace be with you. Take your time to grieve and walk through this very dark time. We are here if you need some support dear friend.
Bkrog, I’m so sorry for your loss. May your love for your wife will keep her memory fresh in your heart forever. Please know that I will keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers. When you’re ready, we’ll be here.
All my sympathies go out to you. I hope that soon you will be able to fill that dark hole with many wonderful memories.
I’m so sorry. Take care of yourself, bkrog.
I can only repeat what others have shared here… we’re sorry for your loss and peace and strength be with you.
I do, however, hope you are around long enough to see an end to all this misery and war. So that we can share words and thoughts of relief.
We may never meet… but I’ve found on this rollercoaster ride called LIFE – that we can still reach out to others.
Again, I am so sorry. And knock that SOB out of the state.
So sorry to hear this-please take care of yourself and let us know if there’s anything we can do.
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and I am sending you and all your loved ones warm thoughts of Love & Healing. I personally know how devastating the loss can be. I will share the one thing that helped me the most when my lover died. Keep talking and saying all you want and need to say to your loved one. She is still listening and answering.. only it is now on a different level. Please come back when you need a shoulder to lean on or when you are ready to join in. I know I speak for all the ponders when I say you will be in our hearts, prayers and thoughts.
Bkrog my sentiments are expressed with everyone else here. I am very sorry for you loss. You are in my thoughts also.
Here’s a shot of the Ben Franklin bridge. I had gotten to the riverfront and found that I left my memory stick in the computer. What a freakin’ twit.
You may be a freakin’ twit but you’re our freakin’ twit and we are delighted that you are willing to twit freakingly with us.
Thanks, Andi. (I think) I’m happy to twit freakinly with y’all. (I can legally say y’all because I went to Atlanta once)
Orientation went fantastic. I LOVE IT THERE. Fun, happy people. I start today. The benefits are unbelievable!!! Too many to list.
Profit sharing, 401K, medical, dental, vision. Hell, they even give you $30 on your birthday. They pay you on your own time to do work for Meals on Wheels. If you do the AIDS walk… the beneficiaries of this place is a LONG list.
I’ve found another “home”. And it’s where I work. Never thought I’d be so proud of a place.
Went to the vigil last night. Cold, dark and rainy… not sure how this will fit in the job schedule for a few months till I get promoted or what not… but maybe Wayne can snap a few shots – he’ll go every other Wednesday.
But I think it’s own vigil is to help people eat healthy food. To help local farmers who are using sustainable practices and a support a company that cares about people. Because that’s part of the Peace Movement. Caring for People.
A west coast good morning froggies! Hope all is well on the east coast and the midsection as well.
Another interesting 24 hours-one of the school farm’s new piggies escaped and led everyone on a merry chase. They found it this morning-it came back to the barn and was hiding out near its siblings behind some hay bales. Our beloved foreman was rear-ended in his car while going to the store last night, totalling his car but he’s relatively OK. Last night I went with my yoga teacher to a Tibetan empowerment ceremony-gimme that old-time religion! And unfortunately the insomnia continues, another night of just a few hours sleep. I decided around 3am that I was going to live a happy life despite insomnia, weird bosses (not the foreman), creepy coworkers and charming but unstable housemates. Hmm…maybe this empowerment stuff really works!
but please know that today is International Peace Day
This sign came out the year I was born.
I swear that I never thought my own child would be holding this sign aloft on a rainy evening, trying to stop another war.
The sickening, unneeded, bloody irony of it all…
I’m afraid you should plan on Danni passing on to yet another generation. There will always be people who make war but there will always be people who try to make peace. It would be lovely if some day the those who make war found themselves vastly outnumbered by those who make peace.
I’m doubting whether or not there will be a next generation.
George Bush is a tyrant and terrorist of the entire world. He’s destroying decency as well as the planet. I don’t think many realize that extreme danger he is to us all.
I’ve lived my life… I don’t care if Bush wants me dead. But my children and their children are being murdered by him as well as the apathy of the crimes against nature, and people the US is causing.
As some who grew up in height of the cold war, I can understand feeling that way. I am in still amazed that we didn’t incinerate the earth. I see the fact that we didn’t as cause for hope.
I’m not so worried about Bush as I am the powermongers that feed his childish ego. If we want to control them, we have to take a virtual 2×4 to the mass of americans who just don’t pay attention — which is why what you do is so important.
But I won’t be able to do the vigils for a few weeks due to new schedule and I have to work there a bit before I can try to arrange things so I can do both…
I was REALLY hard on myself last night. Can see the sadness in my face – yeah that’s me in the next to last photo. I cried on the way home.
Cause… I’m a wuss. LOL
sorry.. that was the doom and gloom side of my morning maple bar…
I try to keep hope up, I really do.. .but there’s so much insanity you know.
(((((((((andi)))))))))) I go into work today 🙂
a little of that enthusiasm and pass it on to me?
You’ll do great. I have no doubts.
With work or peace?? LOL
I’d best be going, the young kid who will be training me today for a few hours, I met yesterday. He is a HUGE Jimi Hendrix fan. We got along GREAT. He says he wears Jimi pj pants every night and never wears the same ones for a week period. We got to talking about US vs Lennon and Jimi… and this gives me hope, too.
That not all is lost while people still are able to talk about music, peace and Jimi PJs.
When two strangers can hug because they both see fellow Jimi fans in each others hearts. 🙂
and how jealous is hubby going to be? 🙂
Good luck and come back and tell us all about it.
I think he’s early twenties…
I had an 18 yr old play my love interest when I was… 30ish “Crimes of the Heart” when I played Babe in a Community Theatre Rep. 🙂
That was FUN! 🙂
the kid will train me for a few hours… but I’m working 8 hours. I’m full time.
Good luck DJ-sorry we haven’t met up yet. If you are at one of the “friendliest stores in town” I may see you yet informally. Stuff’s so crazy in my life right now I’m not sleeping enough and it’s all I can do to get to work. Do you know deva the indymedia guy? He’s always at the recruiting office demos on Tuesdays.
Nope don’t know him I’ve met Pinkie and Topher when we did the IndyRadio gig for CodePink.
Yup, that’s the store 🙂 We’ll hook up – take care of yourself!
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour here