Progress Pond

They’re doing a heck of a job

On the 11th of September, 2001, the destruction of the World Trade Center’s twin towers resulted in 2,819 deaths (or 2,973, depending on the source you use). Following the cleanup, nearly 70 percent of the rescue workers are reporting lung problems, and up to 20 people have died from illnesses attributed to the 9/11 collapse of the twin towers.

The combined total US casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq in the GWOT now exceed the total number lost in the attack on the towers.  Both the total deaths from 9/11 and the total deaths from the “GWOT” continue to rise.  

Heck of a job, Georgie.
On Monday, August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast, wreaking havoc.  The President, Vice President, and Secretary of State remained on vacation while the DHS, now in charge of FEMA, fumbled around and failed miserably to serve the nation as the people of the Gulf Coast fought to survive over the next few days.

Heck of a job, folks.

Finally, it was on September 20, 2006 that the House Judiciary Committee pulled a typical GOP Majority trick and immediately reversed gears on a torture amendment to send out for full Senate approval — by waiting until the two Democrats had left the room for short recess.  This moved the United States closer to attempting to approve “torture” in full denial of the applicability of the Geneva Conventions and common human decency.

Heck of a job, GOP.

Add your own tales, with links to source, of the numerous examples where the GOP, the Republican majority, the neoconservative-controlled three branches of government or the Executive Branch have demonstrated a complete disregard for the founding principles of our nation. If you need help, check out “” for more reminders.

Let’s get the word out that it is far past time to throw the bums out.  Their idea of “a heckuva job” is literally killing us.

Crosspostetd on DailyKos and ePluribus Media.

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